The phrase partakers of the divine nature strongly indicates God.
The word divine is totally related to God.
The primary meaning of divine would be pertaining to God
Full Definition of divine (Entry 1 of 3)
a: of, relating to, or proceeding directly from God (see GOD entry 1 sense 1) or a god (see GOD entry 1 sense 2)
divine inspiration
divine love
praying for divine intervention
b: being a deity
the divine Savior
a divine ruler
c: directed to a deity
divine worship
Secondarily some people may have a vanacular usage of the word "divine" that is unrelated to God. Ie. "Boy that dinner we had tonight was simply divine." Or the someone might say "Darling you look simply divine tonight."
Christians are not concerned with that non-God related slang usage of the word "divine." And the Apostle Peter would hardly be using a figure of speech in that kind of secular slang laden manner. By "divine nature" he was talking about God's nature.
Man created in the image of God reflects the ability to express attributes of God.
Peter would not be speaking of the natural man but that which man expresses through "the divine power" - the power from God the divine Person.
"Seeing that His divine power has granted to us . . . all things which related to [divine] life and godliness.
The divine power of the Divine Person is operating.
The divine nature is being partaken of enabling the escape of the curruption
in the world on THIS side of the eternal age.
It is all "through the full knowledge of Him who has called us by His own glory and virtue."
Sorry, we cannot leave God out of it and think Peter is just talking about being a good atheist.
There is a divine Person with divine power who can be known.
This Person has called some by His own glory and virtue.
So He is not an imaginary Person with imaginary glory and imaginary virtue.
And without partaking of His divine nature we cannot "escape the corruption." With Him and His nature we can.
But some atheists want a God-less version of the divine.
@sonship saidYes but nothing you are quoting needs to be interpreted as meaning humans become Godmen. Your need to peddle your deification ideology has you grasping for convoluted interpretations.
The phrase partakers of the divine nature strongly implies God.
The word divine is totally related to God.
@sonship saidIn my response to your post, I wasn't making use of a venacular usage of the word "divine", the one that is, as you say, unrelated to God. I listed a slew attributes that a human might have that could be described as stemming from divine influence or that could be described as having a divine nature. I see no reason to crowbar your deification ideology into quotes and verses that have interpretations that are not as contrived as yours.
Secondarily some people may have a vanacular usage of the word "divine" that is unrelated to God. Ie. "Boy that dinner we had tonight was simply divine." Or the someone might say "Darling you look simply divine tonight."
@sonship saidBeing "a good atheist"?
Sorry, we cannot leave God out of it and think Peter is just talking about being a good atheist.
What twisted argumentation this?
You're talking of the supposed deification of believers NOT non-believers.
No one is saying "leave God out of it".
Some alternatives to partaking of God's divine nature have been proposed.
You all decide if they are what you think the Bible is talking about.
I'm at peace with what I believe and teach and experience.
Peter in his opening says two things of interest to me:
1.) He calls Jesus Christ "our God and Savior" (v.1)
He and his audience recognize Jesus Christ as "our God"
He and his audience recognize Jesus Chrost as "our Savior"
2.) When Peter says, "grace and peace be multiplied" it reminds me of the multiplication of living cells in the body. This is God growing in the believers.
" Grace to you and peace be multiplied in the full knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord." (v. 2)
What a tremendous book. As this Person is growing something like the multiplication of living cells of grace and peace the entrance into the eternal kingdom is being richly supplied. The entrance into the New Jerusalem is being richly furnished and opened up wider and wider to the people of faith.
"For in this way the entrance into ther eternal kingdom of our Lotrd and Saviot Jesdusd FHtist will be richly abd biountifully supplied to you." (v.11).
I know I skipped some sentences. Jesus Christ - [b]"our God and Savior" (v.1) is Jesus Christ "our Lord and Savior"(v.11). His growing in men and women is His opening up the entrance for them into the [b]"eernal kingdom".
@sonship saidIt "reminds" you of something?
2.) When Peter says, "grace and peace be multiplied" it reminds me of the multiplication of living cells in the body. This is God growing in the believers.
Where is "the multiplication of living cells in the body" mentioned in the Bible?
This is God growing in the believers.
You have extrapolated this as meaning humans become God-men when they die from citing something that "reminded" you of something else?
Extra-Biblical much?
Latter in the chapter, Peter reminds his audience that he and the apostles did not follow cleverly devised myths. That is imaginary tales skillfully invented. Rather they were eyewitnesses of Jesus giving them a glimpse of the supernatural manifestation of the divine nature within Christ Himself.
"For we did not follow cleverly devised myths when we made known to you the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we became eyewitnesses fo that One's majesty." (1:16)
Fascinating to me that though he puts stock in his personal eyewitness to the transfiguration of Jesus, he puts more emphasis on the internal witness in the believers themselves who realize something of light is rising up in their own hearts because of the word of God.
"And we have the prophetic word made more firm, to which you do well to give heed as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts; Knowing this first, that no prophecy of SCripture is of one's own interpretation. For no propjecy was ever borne by the will of man, but men spoke from God while being borne by the Holy Spirit." (vs.19-21)
The word of prophetic Scriptures is a light within the believers growing. It is shining in the dark place and growing brighter until a full day. It is arising in the hearts of the believers. No one can put out the light. It did not come from the world and the world cannot take it away.
@sonship saidNo, not really. You have been evasive and have blanked out almost everything.
I spoke to some of it.
You asked for possible explanations and, when offered some, for all intents and purposes, you have simply declared: "I don't see a lot of answers to my many questions which flat out deny or denounce deification (when properly understood and appreciated)".
That is not addressing them.
All you've done, basically, in between your bogus 'questions', is to declare that you "properly" understand what the true interpretation is ~ which presumably, to your way of thinking, removes any onus on you to engage with any replies your 'questions' get.
in chapter one of this book, Peter has Jesus Christ as what He is:
"our God and Savior" (v.1)
"our Lord" (v.2)
"our Lord" again (v.8)
"our Lord and Savior" (v.11)
"our Lord" (v.14)
"our Lord" (v.16)
Along with the second Person of the Triune God Peter also mentions
"God the Father" That is the God and Father of our God and Savior Jesus Christ.
Peter mentions "My Son, My Beloved." speaking of the voice announcing about Jesus on the mount of transfiguration.
And the Third Person, "the Holy Spirit" is mentioned in v.21
All Three of the Triune God are involved in God working Himself into man that we could enter into the eternal kingdom.
@sonship saidWhere does the Bible say that "God [is] working Himself into man"?
All Three of the Triune God are involved in God working Himself into man that we could enter into the eternal kingdom.
This prepositional verb phrase in particular: "working Himself into"?
Is it extra-Biblical?
Are you inserting it into your own self-sanctified writing because it "reminds" you of something else?
And why isn't it about faith and belief and a desire to worship and pray and to be devout and pious and to love one's enemy and to turn the other cheek and to do good works?
Why does it have to be interpreted in such a contrived way in order to crowbar it into your group's convoluted ideology which, allegedly, needs you to "properly understand" it on behalf of your fellow Christians?
"I don't see a lot of answers to my many questions which flat out deny or denounce deification (when properly understood and appreciated)".
So how does this work?
The unconventional ideology-theology of your cult regarding the extra-Biblical concept of "deification" is "true" until someone finds a Bible verse that explicitly "denounces" it?
Is that really the intellectual parlour game you playing here?
And you wonder why some people see you as a charlatan?