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Questions for Deification Deniers

Questions for Deification Deniers


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@sonship said
IF I saw "blue" I expect you to say "no red" and so on ad infinitum.
This is a low-integrity mischaracterization of my responses to your questions on this thread.

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@sonship said
That's punishment enough to be so clueless. empty, susceptable to lies of all kinds.
Boy, avalanchethecat must have really hurt your feelings.

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Boy, avalanchethecat must have really hurt your feelings.

Oh, I'm simply howling with devastation. Sheer dispair here.

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Divegeester, show FMF how to say

"You seem upset."

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@sonship said
Boy, avalanchethecat must have really hurt your feelings.

Oh, I'm simply howling with devastation. Sheer dispair here.
You call avalanchethecat a "clueless. empty" person and yet he's more interesting and intelligent than you and is a more rounded and level-headed person.



Moving to another planet, the Dyson's sphere, uploading human consciousness. Isn't that the stuff of making humans immortal?

Hoping evolution will survival of the fittest finally produce a species involnerable to death completely being so totally adapted, - isn't that the stuff of hoping nature will eventually produce immortatlity?

I think so on both accounts.
And those are the kinds of things I see discussed.

Of course it is somewhat of a race that these positive effects take place before man kills off himself and everything else on the planet.

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@sonship said

As for punishment from God. It is suffering enough just to have no clue what a human being is or why we're here.
No post-human deification for him then, I take it?



It is not a matter of intelligence.
It is a matter of hearing God speak.

You think all you have is your intellgence to get your through.

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"Post human deification" what is that?

"Now we are the children of God, and it does not yet appear what we shall be"

You're still in "pie in the sky when we die" mode.

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@sonship said
It is not a matter of intelligence.
It is a matter of hearing God speak.

You think all you have is your intellgence to get your through.
It's true. It's not about just intelligence. But who is going to look at the way you behave, your joylessness, your dearth of interpersonal skills, your eye-wateringly dreary narcissism, and say, boy, I gotta get me some of that stuff that makes sonship tick?

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Folks, "He who is joined to the Lord is one spirit" (1 Cor. 6:17) is about now in this life walking on earth.

One part of the believer's being is intertwined, deified, mingled with God and one with God. One part of the Christian at rebirth is Christ the Lord.

FMF still wants to push it to "He who dies will be one spirit with the Lord".

This is just somewhat along the same error as Rajk999's "Born again? That is only at the resurrection."

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@sonship said
"Post human deification" what is that?
Your bonkers cultish Godmen ideology.


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@sonship removed their quoted post
Yes. Maybe it's your personal "Jesus" "...flowing through you" that shapes the way you come across.

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@sonship said

Is the god you worship the sort of deity that will punish you for doing this?

I'll trade you one.

Isn't the evolution or technological advancement you worship just a process to produce a more and more and more surivible species until it attains eternal life ?

As for punishment from God. It is suffering enough just to have no ...[text shortened]... e here.

That's punishment enough to be so clueless. empty, susceptable to lies of all kinds.
I don't worship evolution or technological advancement.

There's no evolutionary imperative to achieve eternal life.

So you are saying you are already being punished enough? Why then be afraid of using the word 'god'?

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