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Richard Dawkins stumped!

Richard Dawkins stumped!


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Originally posted by vishvahetu
Karma is a real law that no one escapes, and its as real as gravity.
Then propose an scientific experiment that shows the existance of the 'karma' of yours.

You cannot do it, because 'karma' is a religious phenomenon. It cannot be shown as a scientific fact. Science and religion cannot be mixed.

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Originally posted by FabianFnas
Science and religion cannot be mixed.
Sure it can! Plenty of people make science their religion!
See it over these boards...

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Originally posted by ua41
Sure it can! Plenty of people make science their religion!
See it over these boards...
No, one fundamental difference is that science is constantly evolving to accommodate new discoveries. Religion stays mostly static. Major changes to religion is because of overwhelming scientific evidence. For example, the catholic church agreeing that the Earth is spherical, and many priests agreeing with evolution to a certain extent (although they would say it is started or "helped along" by a higher intelligence).

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Originally posted by Proper Knob
[b]And i do understand evolution

Give me a break, it was only a couple of weeks ago you said you had never even read a book on the subject. In all our 'discussions' on the subject you have yet to provide any evidence that you know what you're talking about, i see nothing has changed.[/b]
Recommended reading:

Unskilled and unaware of it: How difficulties in recognizing one's own incompetence lead to inflated self-assessments.
Kruger, Justin; Dunning, David
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol 77(6), Dec 1999, 1121-1134.
doi: 10.1037/0022-3514.77.6.1121


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Originally posted by ua41
Sure it can! Plenty of people make science their religion!
See it over these boards...
No, it cannnot. That's just a delusion.

If you still religion is a science - then prove scietifically that there exist a god. Can you furthemore prove that this god is the christian god, then I give you a gold star.

Science and religion cannot mix.

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Originally posted by FabianFnas
Then propose an scientific experiment that shows the existance of the 'karma' of yours.

You cannot do it, because 'karma' is a religious phenomenon. It cannot be shown as a scientific fact. Science and religion cannot be mixed.
I am not religious, if you have seen my posts you would know this.

Karma is not a religious phenomenum.

So where of to a flying start aren,t we Mr Fnas, you pose a question and have made 2 errors already, so please rephrase your attack.


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Originally posted by vishvahetu
I am not religious, if you have seen my posts you would know this.

Karma is not a religious phenomenum.

So where of to a flying start aren,t we Mr Fnas, you pose a question and have made 2 errors already, so please rephrase your attack.

Sorry, but I see you as religious.

You have written lots of religious things that you believ in. One is "Yes the laws of physics and chemistry are govered by intelligence". Intelligence? By whom? God?
If you deny you are a religious one, then you have to rethink of what is religious and what is not.

Of course you are religious! Why are you ashamed of this?

So now - propose a scientific experiment that can scientifically prove this 'karma'. Especially if you say you're not religious (fan tro't), you can propose such an experiment.

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Originally posted by vishvahetu
the word karma, has a broad array of interpretations.

Hinduism is a recent invention and so is buddhism, but the sanskrit language is the oldest in recorded history, and is the origional language for the origon of that word.

That may be so, but the Buddhist and Hindu concept of Karma predates your simplistic interpretation by some thousands of years.

edit- And in any case, you are wrong yet again, karma is not a Sanskrit word:

"karma–derived from the Sanskrit root kr meaning to do, to make. The word karma means action, work, and deed. Only secondarily does karma refer to the result of past deeds, which are more properly known as the phalam or fruit of action."

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Originally posted by vishvahetu
I am not religious, ...

Karma is not a religious phenomenum.

Get real

If you by karma mean that you do good deeds, thus you are a nice guy - you have good karma/a clean concience. Then write that in plain text :
"I do good deeds - I'm a good guy with a clean consience"

Don't mix it up with karma

But the ordinary understanding of the concept Karma is that the sum of your deeds define your score with the universe/a higher power and thereby influence your life and future.

That is a class room example of a religous concept : You bring sacrifice, you get rewarded.

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Originally posted by Zaubernuss
Recommended reading:

Unskilled and unaware of it: How difficulties in recognizing one's own incompetence lead to inflated self-assessments.
Kruger, Justin; Dunning, David
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol 77(6), Dec 1999, 1121-1134.
doi: 10.1037/0022-3514.77.6.1121

Interesting article. Thanks.

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Originally posted by FabianFnas
Sorry, but I see you as religious.

You have written lots of religious things that you believ in. One is "Yes the laws of physics and chemistry are govered by intelligence". Intelligence? By whom? God?
If you deny you are a religious one, then you have to rethink of what is religious and what is not.

Of course you are religious! Why are you ashame ...[text shortened]... specially if you say you're not religious (fan tro't), you can propose such an experiment.
Religion means belief, and i dont have beliefs......so i am not religious.

What i do have is a correct understanding of how things are, and that is called spirituality.

Karma means; material activities, for which one incurs subsequent reaction.

So if you do a impious action, then you will reap a negative result, so how can i demonstrate this!

Well hum...You will have to be the experiment, so if you would kindly go and out and purchase a gun, and then when the bank opens, i want you to run in and put the gun into the face of the teller, and then demand some money.

After you get away, and if the cops dont get you, i can tell you without any doubt, that in the future, someone is going to put a gun in your face as well.

You must have patience with this experiment, because the gun in your face, might not happen in this life time, but in another.

Also the laws of Karma are very complex, and the law is always on the job of balancing the energy system, so what happened in the bank is, that your caused the teller to experience shock and fright, so the law of Karma, will at some point also cause you to experience shock and fright in the future.

Enjoy the experiment, and let me know how it turns out.


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Originally posted by Scheel
Get real

If you by karma mean that you do good deeds, thus you are a nice guy - you have good karma/a clean concience. Then write that in plain text :
"I do good deeds - I'm a good guy with a clean consience"

Don't mix it up with karma

But the ordinary understanding of the concept Karma is that the sum of your deeds define your score with the univer ...[text shortened]...
That is a class room example of a religous concept : You bring sacrifice, you get rewarded.
Its got nothing to do with nice guy/bad guy syndrome.

Karma is no respector of persons, and it just operates to balance the energy system without reguards to the persons status.

Whats with (get real)


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Originally posted by vishvahetu
Religion means belief, and i dont have beliefs......so i am not religious.

What i do have is a correct understanding of how things are, and that is called spirituality.

Karma means; material activities, for which one incurs subsequent reaction.

So if you do a impious action, then you will reap a negative result, so how can i demonstrate this!

...[text shortened]... k and fright in the future.

Enjoy the experiment, and let me know how it turns out.

You show every sign of being religious. Why deny it?

You believe in spiritual things, you believe in karma, you believe in - a lot of things that is not recognized by science. So of course you're religious. What religion, I don't know, but that doesn't matter. You are religious, alright.

The bank and gun experiment isn't a scientific experiment. Perhaps this is your problem, you don't know what science is.

Your wrote: "Also the laws of Karma are very complex, and the law is always on the job of balancing the energy system" If E=mc^2, then what is karma? Is it E=f*t or what? Tell me in scientific terms, and not religious googli gook, and we are a step further.

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Originally posted by vishvahetu
Religion means belief, and i dont have beliefs......so i am not religious.

What i do have is a correct understanding of how things are, and that is called spirituality.

Karma means; material activities, for which one incurs subsequent reaction.

So if you do a impious action, then you will reap a negative result, so how can i demonstrate this!

...[text shortened]... k and fright in the future.

Enjoy the experiment, and let me know how it turns out.

Well hum...You will have to be the experiment, so if you would kindly go and out and purchase a gun, and then when the bank opens, i want you to run in and put the gun into the face of the teller, and then demand some money.

Don't forget the lemon juice! 😵

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Originally posted by FabianFnas
You show every sign of being religious. Why deny it?

You believe in spiritual things, you believe in karma, you believe in - a lot of things that is not recognized by science. So of course you're religious. What religion, I don't know, but that doesn't matter. You are religious, alright.

The bank and gun experiment isn't a scientific experiment. Per ...[text shortened]... t? Tell me in scientific terms, and not religious googli gook, and we are a step further.
The spiritual energy is non material, and therefore cannot be put under a microscope and dissected, .... do you not know this.

How do you prove love, you cannot see it under a microscope!

The spiritual energy may be discerned by

1. insight
2 feelings
3. intelligence (sufficient)
4. by opening your eyes
5. spiritual teachings.

You cannot devise a mathematical formula, for Karma, but what i have told you so far, can be understood by a child.

One may be disqualified of having sufficient insight, by their envious attitude towards everything spiritual.

Your understanding of what is a religious person, and what is not a religious person is blurred

I do not accept all the nonsense that the world religions teach, and i am, for want of a name a Spiritual truth seeker.

The religious people of the world, have no correct understanding of the spiritual nature of man, and they teach their superstitious nonsense as truth. (i am against this) and thats why i am not religious, so please dont associate them with me.


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