People worship many things. But the Bible tells us that there is only one TRUE God. He created everything in heaven and on earth. Because he gave us life, he is the only One we should worship.—1 Corinthians 8:5, 6; Revelation 4:11.
God has many titles but has only one name. That name is JEHOVAH. In most Bibles, God's name has been removed and has been replaced with the titles LORD or GOD. But when the Bible was written, the name Jehovah appeared in it some 7,000 times!—Exodus 3:15; Psalm 83:18.
Jehovah has a body, but it is not like ours. "God is a Spirit," says the Bible. (John 4:24) A spirit is a form of life that is much higher than ours. No human has ever seen God. Jehovah lives in heaven, but he can see all things. (Psalm 11:4, 5; John 1:18) What, though, is the holy spirit? It is not a person like God. Rather, it is God's active force.—Psalm 104:30.
The Bible reveals Jehovah's personality to us. It shows that his outstanding qualities are love, justice, wisdom, and power. (Deuteronomy 32:4; Job 12:13; Isaiah 40:26; 1 John 4:8) The Bible tells us that he is also merciful, kind, forgiving, generous, and patient. We, like obedient children, should try to imitate him.—Ephesians 5:1, 2.
Should we bow down or pray to images, pictures, or symbols in our worship? No! (Exodus 20:4, 5) Jehovah says that we must worship only him. He will not share his glory with anyone or anything else. Images have no power to help us.—Psalm 115:4-8; Isaiah 42:8.
How can we get to know God better? One way is by observing the things he has created and thinking deeply about what they tell us. God's creations show us that he has great power and wisdom. We see his love in all that he has made. (Psalm 19:1-6; Romans 1:20) Another way we can learn about God is by studying the Bible. In it he tells us much more about the kind of God he is. He also tells us about his purpose and what he wants us to do.—Amos 3:7; 2 Timothy 3:16, 17.
More anthropomorphising about God,eh? I dont see how you can come to these conclusions without having studied other religous texts. Even then you could pick any one because they all more or less say that theirs is The one true God.
I am still miffed as to how people such as yourself (G-man) can so confidently claim things such as "God has only one true name". This is only true for the God of the bible and even then there is not a complete agreement, as other threads have pointed out.
All the same I will congratulate you on the positive points in your posts, you deserve balanced responses (from me anyway)
Originally posted by galveston75But how do you know that the bible is telling the truth?
People worship many things. But the Bible tells us that there is only one TRUE God. He created everything in heaven and on earth. Because he gave us life, he is the only One we should worship.—1 Corinthians 8:5, 6; Revelation 4:11.
God has many titles but has only one name. That name is JEHOVAH. In most Bibles, God's name has been removed and has ...[text shortened]... also tells us about his purpose and what he wants us to do.—Amos 3:7; 2 Timothy 3:16, 17.
You quote bits of the bible that say stuff, but why should I, as an atheist, care what the bible says?
What makes the bible right and all the other religious texts that claim the same thing about their god/s wrong?
Jeremiah 46:25
46:25 The LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, saith; Behold, I will punish the multitude of No, and Pharaoh,
and Egypt, with their gods, and their kings; even Pharaoh, and all them that trust in him:
So the Jewish god punished the Egyptians AND their god's.... So how many gods are there?
Originally posted by menace71After pointing out to the Jewish high court in Jerusalem that Bible prophecy had been
answer this question thanks And Jesus is that name so this passage states
12 Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.”
fulfilled in Jesus, the apostle Peter forcefully concluded: “There is no salvation in
anyone else, for there is not another name under heaven that has been given among
men by which we must get saved.” (Acts 4:12) Since all of Adam’s offspring are
sinners, their death holds no merit that can be applied as a ransom for anyone. But
Jesus was perfect, and his life had sacrificial value. (Psalm 49:6-9; Hebrews 2:9) He
offered to God a ransom that exactly corresponded in value to the perfect life that
Adam had lost. (1 Timothy 2:5, 6) This opened the way for us to obtain everlasting life
in God’s new world, thus Peters words are apt, for no one else could offer a perfect
sacrifice, thus there is no other agency by means of which a person can see salvation.
Galvos right, you people need to study your Bibles.
-Removed-I didn't pretend anything, I am aware of many references to gods in the bible.
For example, Exodus 12:12
12 For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will smite all the first-born
in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute
judgement: I am the LORD.
I wonder why god is bothering to execute judgement on gods that don't exist....
It doesn't say punish the people for worshipping false idols, it says punishing the gods themselves.
This implies their existence.
God just doesn't want you to worship them over him.
The OP says read the bible.... Be careful what you wish for.
Originally posted by googlefudgeAnd then proceeds to give you his personal interpretation, instead of just leaving you to go read it for yourself. You can also be sure that the poster does not just read the Bible to know who God is, his views on God are almost certainly strongly related to which denomination he is a member of, in other words he gets his views from others, not from the Bible.
The OP says read the bible....
The Bible is just used for justification. Hand picked verses can justify any pre held views.
Originally posted by robbie carrobieExcelent comment Robbie. If they could only understand that his Father Jehovah has given him this honor of judge for what he did for us. This is so clearly described in the Bible as to their relationship but yet they are blinded to this by the trinity doctrine.
After pointing out to the Jewish high court in Jerusalem that Bible prophecy had been
fulfilled in Jesus, the apostle Peter forcefully concluded: “There is no salvation in
anyone else, for there is not another name under heaven that has been given among
men by which we must get saved.” (Acts 4:12) Since all of Adam’s offspring are
sinners, th ...[text shortened]... a person can see salvation.
Galvos right, you people need to study your Bibles.
Originally posted by googlefudgeThe Bible does not lie. It has never been proven wrong on any subject no matter how many that have tried. It has never lied about the past and every prophecy that was supposed to happen has come true and we now see the signs that the last few prophecies in the Bible are coming true as we speak just as Jesus fortold.
But how do you know that the bible is telling the truth?
You quote bits of the bible that say stuff, but why should I, as an atheist, care what the bible says?
What makes the bible right and all the other religious texts that claim the same thing about their god/s wrong?
Jeremiah 46:25
46:25 The LORD of hosts, the God of Israe ...[text shortened]... /i]
So the Jewish god punished the Egyptians AND their god's.... So how many gods are there?
And there is not ( 1 ) problem that we can encounter as a human that the Bible cannot help us with.