@sonship saidI know that human beings have a moral compass and a conscience but I am not aware that dogs do.
Broadly speaking, it is human nature; and the moral undulations and contradictions in everyday life are called the human condition.
It doesn't seem to bother all the other living things on earth as far as I can tell.
I knew of dog that stole a guy's lunch and eat it up on the job.
That dog wasn't bothered in the least by its conscience.
@sonship saidBecause that is what a moral compass is for: to help us navigate our way through the moral landscape of communal living and guide us in our choices and actions while also being able to evaluate and react to the choices and actions of those we interact with.
Why does the moral compass of human beings so often raise the alarm about our moral choices and actions?
@fmf saidThe timing of these posts may not reflect the sequence of my noticing an answer or the order in which I address something.
You posed the question to me. Specifically. And you have ignored my answer. Why?
Total chaos is to be avoided.
Total orderly sequencing on this medium as to timing may not be.
You're not ignored. You're examined.
Why are moral compass and moral behavior not in harmony?
What happened?
Why must it be that properly informing conscience has no power often?
Are you saying no immoral acts exists but only morally misguided acts from the conscience ill informing?
@sonship saidMostly, because they see some advantage for themselves in acting in a way that is perceived by those around them as morally unsound ~ and perhaps even they themselves think so, and yet they seek that advantage anyway.
What has happened that moral compass and moral behavior are out of sync in people?
@fmf saidThen why did you make the "silly" observation?
No. Of course not. How silly of you to suggest this.
Because their moral compass misguides them or is not strong enough to keep them true to what that compass determines is morally sound.
One of YOUR possibilities was that the moral compass (conscience) MISGUIDES THEM.
Thus my legitimate question given that possibility -
Are you saying no immoral acts exists but only morally misguided acts from the conscience ill informing?
@sonship saidYou need to talk to a zoologist or an animal psychologist about these things. He or she will probably give your facetiousness short shrift.
I knew of dog that stole a guy's lunch and eat it up on the job.That dog wasn't bothered in the least by its conscience. It may have looked scared in the face of an angry worker whose lunch it ate.But no moral compass told the dog it was wrong to steal the man's lunch.
@sonship saidYes, one of the possibilities is that one's moral compass provides erroneous guidance [or is basing its decision on incomplete or incorrect information] about the damage one is doing to others with one's choice and action.
One of YOUR possibilities was that the moral compass (conscience) MISGUIDES THEM.
@fmf saidYes I know - Like "Go talk to somebody else."
You need to talk to a zoologist or an animal psychologist about these things. He or she will probably give your facetiousness short shrift.
I thought you had the guidance here.
@sonship saidWell, not believing in a supernatural being called "Satan" is absolutely crucial to answering your OP head-on. Wave it away dismissively at your own discursive peril. If all you have to offer is SATAN DOES IT, then why are you directing your question about morality to people who do not believe "Satan" exists?
I have no credible reason to believe there is any supernatural aspect to this, and I do not believe there is a supernatural being called "Satan".
You told me what you don't believe.
Ghost the atheist - Do you approve of FMF's explanation?
Avalanchethecat - How is FMF doing ?
Is there consensus that the obvious atheist answer is given here that you three co-endorse?
I want to here the what the atheist philosophy GUIDANCE is on the problem of moral behavior / conscience disharmony.