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The Atheists will Guide

The Atheists will Guide



@suzianne said
Another fairy tale. No point too low, eh?
And your girlfriend dumped a nice girl like you.
What a loser she is.


@sonship said
Ghost, FMF, and avalanchethecat are three atheists on the Forum.

I invite them here to explain why all men and women too often CANNOT carry out the good that they know to do or CANNOT stop the evil that they know they should not do.

Get ready for their wisdom.
Go fellas.

Why do human beings commit things against their conscience and fail to resist what their conscience does not approve of?

FMF, why don't you take the lead to guide the readers why?
No such thing as good or evil. There is only action and reaction, the laws of physics, and the laws of nature.

Is a tornado evil? Is a cat evil for killing a bird? Is a human evil for killing a cow? Is a human evil for going mad after his children get burned alive by a drone strike?

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@bunnyknight said
No such thing as good or evil. There is only action and reaction, the laws of physics, and the laws of nature.

Is a tornado evil? Is a cat evil for killing a bird? Is a human evil for killing a cow? Is a human evil for going mad after his children get burned alive by a drone strike?
Devil's Advocating here, but what about, say, a cannibalistic serial killer?

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Weak reply.

Well, could he or not ?

It has nothing to do with excuses.

May Joseph Stalin employ a reasoning that "The conscience is a compass not a straight jacket" in response to it being condemned by the world for his millions of murders of suspicion, terror, fear mongering, and madness of paranoia ?

Our actions are simply not always dictated by our conscience.

But we learn in life that many times our conscience simply knows what it knows what it knows. It will not let us go.
Sometimes it knows something is not right and REFUSES any rationale to justify the offense against it.
Sometimes knows that something is RIGHT and REFUSES again any rationalization to say it is not right.
The conscience can be an intuitive stubbornness that simply knows what it knows what it knows. In that sense we ARE restricted to its voice at least.

Now I know there can also be an unhealthy and oversensitive conscience.
And that can lead to psychological problems.
This point I volunteer and completely accept as true.

But in healthily functioning people when the conscience is aware of something,
nearly nothing can bribe it, silence it, shew it away, suppress it completely.

It is like a built in emergency break on us.
It is too clear that in the case of some people it could not stop them.
Stalin being a handy example in the extreme.

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What has happened to mankind that all of us are not in better synch with our conscience, some to a monstrous degree others to a lesser degree? Yet all are able to go against the conscience many times in life.

Evolution let the tree living ape go to the ground and become strong enough to WALK. Why has not evolution made the conscience offending man strong enough to do exactly the right he knows and turn away from the evil he knows?

Does the trend of the world appear that this desynchronization is getting improved or getting MORE dysfunctional ?

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@sonship said
Ghost, FMF, and avalanchethecat are three atheists on the Forum.

I invite them here to explain why all men and women too often CANNOT carry out the good that they know to do or CANNOT stop the evil that they know they should not do.

Get ready for their wisdom.
Go fellas.

Why do human beings commit things against their conscience and fail to resist what their conscience does not approve of?

FMF, why don't you take the lead to guide the readers why?
in time
the atheists will be in the plurality
the great awakening is happening
bots and humans will merge
the singularity is inevitable

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in time
the atheists will be in the plurality
the great awakening is happening
bots and humans will merge
the singularity is inevitable

A utopia of bots and people ??
Well one can have that hope.

But we have a splendid invention here in computers and the internet.
Rising up WITH them are hackers, spammers how to enlarge your sex organs, fake news, propaganda, spreading of lies, stealing of identities, fishing for private information to exploit, child porn, radicalization for terrorism, quackery, swindling, etc. etc.

Now you tell of a brave new world of only atheists and super high tech.
What reason do you offer that there will not be those to EXPLOIT and hack genes, hack AI, and hack other advances in technology to get over on the other guy?

Did scoundrels decrease with the invention of the Internet?

Granted, some atheists are pretty fine people.
Others can be pretty bad actors.
Your utopia of singularity holds some doubts about it.

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with the booting of God will come peace and harmony
no need for competing Gods


@sonship said
What has happened to mankind that all of us are not in better synch with our conscience, some to a monstrous degree others to a lesser degree? Yet all are able to go against the conscience many times in life.

Evolution let the tree living ape go to the ground and become strong enough to WALK. Why has not evolution made the conscience offending man strong enough to do ...[text shortened]... of the world appear that this desynchronization is getting improved or getting MORE dysfunctional ?
Offending against one's conscience doesn't reduce one's fitness to procreate. There's no selection pressure to be 'good', in fact, one might easily argue the contrary.

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@sonship said

Granted, some atheists are pretty fine people.
Others can be pretty bad actors.
Your utopia of singularity holds some doubts about it.
Same with theists. Some of them are absolute b******s.


@avalanchethecat said
Devil's Advocating here, but what about, say, a cannibalistic serial killer?
Well, I wouldn't invite him to dinner.

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Same with theists. Some of them are absolute b******s.

Yea avalanch. But with the Christian revelation there is a last judgment.
There is a final accounting for both the saved and the unsaved.
There is that no one is getting away with anything.

But with your atheist system both bad atheists and bad theists will only melt peacefully into the dust of the earth. Like Adolf Eichmann said - he would jump into his grave laughing at what he got away with.

With the Christian world view "judgment BEGINS . . . at the house of God."

God starts correcting and judging with those who are suppose to have known better.


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Offending against one's conscience doesn't reduce one's fitness to procreate. There's no selection pressure to be 'good', in fact, one might easily argue the contrary.

That indeed sounds like survival of the fittest. Ethics be damned in the final analysis.

Social Darwinism went out of favor with the scandal of eugenics and genocides

You're saying evolution could not care less about truth. Only survival value means anything.

Then on what basis did the other nations have a right to put the Nazis on trial for crimes against humanity? Pressures upon them called for them murdering 6 million human beings.


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