@sonship saidWe are animals with basic instincts, such as greed and envy.
But this thread is not about my testimonial. Ghost, FMF, and avalanchethecat are going to guide us as to how atheism explains this sinning nature.
They will use their own vocabulary most likely.
Don't you know this?
13 Apr 21
@sonship saidI'm pretty sure I already answered you on this, but that's ok, I'll go again and even pile on some more detail if it'll make you happy.
Ghost, FMF, and avalanchethecat are three atheists on the Forum.
I invite them here to explain why all men and women too often CANNOT carry out the good that they know to do or CANNOT stop the evil that they know they should not do.
Get ready for their wisdom.
Go fellas.
Why do human beings commit things against their conscience and fail to resist what their conscience does not approve of?
FMF, why don't you take the lead to guide the readers why?
Our conscious mind is a bit of a clever trick; there are certainly more drivers than we are aware of in our head, some very base, sometimes powerful, sometimes all but asleep. Occasionally - or frequently even - our 'conscious control' fails us - or rather I might say some driver of which we are not directly or presently aware steers us - but in order to preserve the illusion it performs some clevery trickery and produces motives to explain our otherwise inexplicable actions. Sometimes, in retrospect, those motives seem so weak that we may see right through them. Other times we soldier on under the illusion that some or other unconscious drive actually represents our consciously chosen path. Many of us never even examine the paths upon which we walk, and may reasonably be considered unwitting hostage to impulses which when challenged directly, might be nothing more than phantoms. Likewise, much of what we consider to be our conscious self is almost certainly foisted upon us by facets of our selves which upon examination prove to be sturdy and well-founded. Habitual acceptance lends weight to these things, whatever their source or power.
I'm not absolutely sure this is the way it is, but to my mind this comes closest of the models I've explored. I hope you may consider this for some moments before you dismiss it as too simple, too complicated or too different from the habit to which you've become accustomed. There are very many good reasons to suppose that something of this nature is going on inside the meat in your head, despite your strong desire to see otherwise.