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The Wisdom of Witness Lee

The Wisdom of Witness Lee




04 Apr 04
29 May 19
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@sonship said

[quote] Your twisted nonsensical doctrine ignores the third group because you claim that Christians can sin all they like and still get eternal life. Well that is the doctrine of a fool.. The reason why I harp on it is that you ignore the truth. You are a deceitful liar whose end is also to be burned and destroyed because you are encouraging others to continue wit ...[text shortened]... ment with Rajk999.

About the SPECIFIC charge please, I mean.
Be back in about an hour.
You have stated that -
- following the commandments of Christ is not necessary for Christians.
- no amount of sin will lead to eternal damnation
- in the end the sinning Christian will be punished but still enter the Kingdom of God.

The bible says different:
- Jesus will welcome only those who follow commandments into the Kingdom of God.
- Sinners will be cast out the Kingdom of God
- The end of those who continue with sin in to be burned

Jesus is the judge of all people. Not you. Your judgment is false.



04 Apr 04
29 May 19
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@sonship said
I just used the search engine on the word "THISTLES" to see how many hits I got on messages from Hebrews

[quote] Hebrews 6 proves this. Verses 7 and 8 say, “For the earth which drinks the rain which often comes upon it and brings forth vegetation suitable to those for whose sake also it is tilled, partakes of blessing from God; but bringing forth thorns and thistles ...[text shortened]... with patience.
Others, stay with your prejudices. But you're vulnerable to people like Rajk999.
Witness Lee can fool you, but that kind of lame explanation can only satisfy those with a weak understanding of the bible or those who have a cult mentality where whatever the man says is the truth.

Again, the Bible states clearly that the end result of sinful Christians is destruction. You say they are punished and rewarded with eternal life.

The end is they are finished, destroyed, burned to annihilation.

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03 Jan 13
29 May 19
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Again, the Bible states clearly that the end result of sinful Christians is destruction. You say they are punished and rewarded with eternal life.

Eternal life is a gift not a reward.

For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this not of yourselves, it is the GIFT of God;

Not of works that no one should boast. (Eph, 2:8,9)

"For the wages of sin is death, but the GIFT of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Rom. 6:23)

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03 Jan 13
29 May 19


Whoever agrees with Rajk999 that for the past ten plus years I have been involved in using the Bible to encouraging others to continue with a life of sin and evil voice your agreement with Rajk999.

About the SPECIFIC charge please, I mean.
Be back in about an hour.


How come no one sides yst with you in THIS SPECIFIC accusation ?

You must know that they are not all in agreement with me on many other things.

I never encouraged Christians to continue in any life of sin.

Now in some sarcasm I think I have said to an atheist or two here - "Go ahead and believe that and see how it turns out."

But I don't think that is what you mean.
You mean that I teach what some in the 70s called "cheap grace."

I don't. I teach the kingdom reward and discipline in conjunction with the GIFT of eternal redemption and eternal life.



04 Apr 04
29 May 19
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@sonship said

Again, the Bible states clearly that the end result of sinful Christians is destruction. You say they are punished and rewarded with eternal life.

Eternal life is a gift not a reward.

For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this not of yourselves, it is the GIFT of God;

Not of works that no one should boas ...[text shortened]... eath, [b] but the GIFT of God is eternal life
in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Rom. 6:23)
Yes but you have to qualify for that gift.

Paul says NO INHERITANCE IN THE KINGDOM OF GOD, for Christian Saints who live a life of sin.

You got that? Some Christians will not qualify.,

No inheritance does not mean punished and still gets eternal life

Ghost of a Duke

14 Mar 15
29 May 19
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@ghost-of-a-duke said
For the third time of asking, is it slander when you speak critically of Darwin?

Or does slander only occur when it is directed at Lee?
Your refusal to answer sonship speaks volumes.



04 Apr 04
29 May 19
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@sonship said

Whoever agrees with Rajk999 that for the past ten plus years I have been involved in using the Bible to encouraging others to continue with a life of sin and evil voice your agreement with Rajk999.

About the SPECIFIC charge please, I mean.
Be back in about an hour.


How come no one sides yst with you in THIS SPECIF ...[text shortened]... e kingdom reward and discipline in conjunction with the GIFT of eternal redemption and eternal life.
You teach DEAD FAITH. You teach CHEAP GRACE.

Failure to do that leads to eternal damnation

Your doctrine is unadulterated rubbish.



04 Apr 04
29 May 19
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@ghost-of-a-duke said
Your refusal to answer sonship speaks volumes.
Darwin is not his guru.
He has Witness Lee up on a pedestal.
He worships the man
He values Lee's teachings more than he values the teachings of Christ

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03 Jan 13
29 May 19
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A cult is a religious group whose doctrine is based on a narrow interpretation of scripture usually from the teachings of one man. There are many characteristics but the one most basic identifying feature of cults is that they are convinced that they alone are right and have Gods truth. Your condemned of all other religions including the rest of Christianity demonstrates that you belong to such a group.

Answer again please:

1.) Is a "narrow interpretation" of necessity a WRONG one ?

2.) Can a true and faithful interpretation be considered in any case by some "a narrow interpretation" ?

3.) You are one man who rarely sites anyone else as sharing your viewpoint. Should we then consider that your religion is a cult because you are the only ONE MAN who ever teaches it here?

4.) What is the one teaching from one man which you deem defines the local churches?

5.) Is it wrong to be convinced that one is right and has God's truth ?

If so, are YOU a cult ?

6.) So if I speak negatively about the religion of Satan worship (ie,. Anton Levey's Church of Satan) then that proves I am in a cult ?

7.) Did Jesus Christ start a cult when He spoke of the Pharisees usurping the word of God because of traditions that they introduced and held higher then the Scripture ?

Thus you deprive the word of God of its authority by your tradition which you have handed down. And many things similar to these you do." (Mark 7:13)

Did this teaching and many like it from the lips of Jesus render the Christian church a cult ?

8.) If a teacher says something critical about an organization and then turn around and warns his own listeners that they too, including him, could fall into the same error, does that make the group a cult?

9.) Witness Lee's gospel preaching since about 1922 has lead thousands of people to Jesus Christ for salvation. Ie. the churching people on the island of Taiwan went from 200 migrating from the Mainland to 30,000 be;ievers in about ten years.

Don't respond by saying others produce numbers of followers.
Sure, AMWAY or makes a lot of believers in AMWAY products too.

I'm talking about disciples of Jesus - all of which, mind you, may not have continued to meet as local churches. But they did become Christians.

Respond by indicating if you have brought as many people to salvation as the man you criticize. And why not if you're so right and he's so wrong about the New Testament.

Have you led as many people to belief in Christ as Witness Lee has ?

Ghost of a Duke

14 Mar 15
29 May 19
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@rajk999 said
Darwin is not his guru.
He has Witness Lee up on a pedestal.
He worships the man
He values Lee's teachings more than he values the teachings of Christ
He has gone to great lengths to suggest that criticism of Lee is akin to criticizing Jesus, which in itself should ring alarm bells.

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03 Jan 13
29 May 19
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He has gone to great lengths to suggest that criticism of Lee is akin to criticizing Jesus, which in itself should ring alarm bells.

No, YOU have gone to great lengths to fail to realize that Witness Lee has just faithfully lived and taught what Jesus and the New Testament teaches.

YOU want to draw an invisible LINE between the two, artificially separating the two, claiming one perverts the message of the other.

Perhaps you haven't the guts to say that Jesus is a villain for teaching Lee all that Lee lived and repeated.



04 Apr 04
29 May 19
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@ghost-of-a-duke said
He has gone to great lengths to suggest that criticism of Lee is akin to criticizing Jesus, which in itself should ring alarm bells.
For sure. The man is a nutcase.



04 Apr 04
29 May 19
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@sonship said

[quote] A cult is a religious group whose doctrine is based on a narrow interpretation of scripture usually from the teachings of one man. There are many characteristics but the one most basic identifying feature of cults is that they are convinced that they alone are right and have Gods truth. Your condemned of all other religions including the rest of Christiani ...[text shortened]... bout the New Testament.

Have you led as many people to belief in Christ as Witness Lee has ?
I read the first few questions and ignored the rest. You are a small minded infantile low IQ jacka$$.

Again :
NO inheritance means they are kicked out of the Kingdom of God.
Their end is to be burned, means that that is their end.
Destroyed means destroyed.

Nothing there means that they are punished and then given eternal life.
There is a group of Christians who are punished, and eventually given eternal life as Paul described but that is not applicable to all born again Christian saints.

Your doctrine is rubbish
Witness Lee is a false teacher
You are a fool to follow and idolize him.



04 Apr 04
29 May 19
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@sonship said

He has gone to great lengths to suggest that criticism of Lee is akin to criticizing Jesus, which in itself should ring alarm bells.

No, YOU have gone to great lengths to fail to realize that Witness Lee has just faithfully lived and taught what Jesus and the New Testament teaches.

YOU want to draw an invisible LINE between the two, ...[text shortened]... t the guts to say that Jesus is a villain for teaching Lee all that Lee lived and repeated.
Jesus teaches that these people will be in the Kingdom of God

Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.
Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.
Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.
Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.
(Matthew 5:3-9 KJV)

I have never once seen you say any such thing.

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03 Jan 13
30 May 19
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Its noted that NO ONE backed you up in your reckless delusional accusation.

Whatever other questionable things I may be doing, one of them is not encouraging anyone to continue to live a life of sinning excused by the Bible.

You're alone in your delusional charge.
As for your latest post, I see no reason really to dignify with a reply.

If someone wants to ask me how I might respond, for their sake, I'll write something.

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