If I could, I would reach through the internetz and give you a big hug.
If you are a hugger, that
I will be watching you to see if with supposed "wit" you have anything at all constructive to contribute to the spirituality Forum.
So far we know you can be lampoonish and supposed clever to twist a person's name as a mock to him.
I'll be watching to see what else you have to edify anyone with positive posts to pursuers of spiritual well being.
@sonship saidI have provided you with a least 5 quotes from Lee that evidence how far removed he is from Christianity. (A religion he refers to as satanic).
As more people join in this thread, notice carefully that inspite of vicious rumoring and supposed wit, how little there is of anyone's proof that Witness Lee taught something wrong from the Bible.
What we will see is a gradual increase of noise.
'Roman Catholicism and Protestantism, as well as Judaism, all [have] become an organization of Satan.'
See FAQ at
Including often asked and answered question below.
Do you believe that only those meeting with the local church are Christians?
Of course not. We neither believe nor teach that one must meet with us in order to be a genuine Christian. We receive in fellowship (Rom. 14:1–15:13) all proper believers in Christ regardless of where they choose to meet.
We recognize that in the Roman Catholic Church, the Protestant denominations, and the independent groups there are many genuine blood-washed, Spirit-regenerated believers in Christ and we receive them as our brothers and sisters in the Lord. In fact, many of those meeting with the local church came to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ prior to meeting with us. We rejoice in this! Being born again (regenerated) is not dependent upon what one believes concerning the church, that is, upon how, where, or even whether one chooses to meet with other Christians.
The following is a list of writings of other Christian teachers (besides Witness Lee) who have interpreted the parable of the mustard seed that changed to a tree negatively, as a parable about the corruption of Christianity. (Matt. 13:31,32)
Copied without permission from
Biblical Critiques of Christianity—Selected Bibliography and Biographical Notes
A Response to Norman Geisler and Ron Rhodes’ ...
Bibliography on the parable of the mustard seed
Chafer, Lewis Sperry, Systematic Theology, Volume V: Christology. (Dallas, TX: Dallas Seminary Press, 1948), 352.
Darby, John Nelson, “Lectures on the Second Coming of Christ,” The Collected Writings of J. N. Darby, Volume 11, Prophetic No. 4, ed. by William Kelly (Winschoten, Netherlands: H. L. Heijkoop, 1972), 283.
Darby, John Nelson, Synopsis of the Books of the Bible, Volume III: Matthew—John (Lancing, England: Kingston Bible Trust, 1965), 72.
Govett, Robert, “The Parable of the Mustard Seed Explained,” in Govett on the Parables (Miami Springs, FL: Schoettle Publishing, 1989).
Lang, G. H., Pictures and Parables: Studies in the Parabolic Teaching of Holy Scripture (Miami Springs, FL: Conley & Schoettle, 1985), 87-92.
Lockyer, Herbert, All the Parables of the Bible (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1963), 185-189.
Morgan, G. Campbell, The Parables and Metaphors of Our Lord (New York: Revell, 1943), 54-59.
Morgan, G. Campbell, The Parables of the Kingdom (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1907), 81-93.
Pink, A. W., “The Parable of the Mustard Seed,” from The Prophetic Parables of Matthew 13, http://www.pbministries.org/books/pink/Parables/parables_03.htm.
Pink, A.W., The Redeemer’s Return (Swengel, PA: Bible Truth Depot, 1918), 136-137.
Ross, J. J., The Kingdom in Mystery (New York: Revell, 1920), 99-132.
Stedman, Ray, “The Case of the Ambitious Seed,” http://www.raystedman.org/new-testament/matthew/the-case-of-the-ambitious-seed.
Vine, W. E., Expository Dictionary of the New Testament (McLean, VA: MacDonald Publishing, 1985), 777.
Walvoord, John F., Matthew: Thy Kingdom Come (Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel, 1974), 101-102.
@caissad4 saidAre you serious? You had the nerve to say the JW's don't believe in the bible or have some crazy version of it and yet you follow some satanic foolish belief that some of the bible is fiction, a myth or fairy tell? OMG you've got to be kidding? So do you sit at home and just tear pages out of the bible to fit your belief of the day? That is unbelievable....
I see you haven't checked out the growing number of Rabbis who believe the whole Moses story is fiction, a myth, a fairy tale.
Your deliberate ignorance in this matter is, well, ignorant.
Moses never existed, please adjust your belief system accordingly.
@galveston75 said1. I NEVER said JW's don't believe in your bible. In fact, I do not believe I have ever posted any reply to you concerning your religious beliefs. What is your problem ?
Are you serious? You had the nerve to say the JW's don't believe in the bible or have some crazy version of it and yet you follow some satanic foolish belief that some of the bible is fiction, a myth or fairy tell? OMG you've got to be kidding? So do you sit at home and just tear pages out of the bible to fit your belief of the day? That is unbelievable....
2. Historically, it is extremely unlikely that Moses is anything but a fable or fairy tale.
3. I can say that I hold your belief system to be as valid as the Mormons, lol.
4. With one post you have lowered my opinion of the intellectual level of JW's.
Is this 'teaching' from Lee in accordance with general Christian understanding of these biblical passages?
People, especially atheists, should learn not to twist the words of the Bible or go out of their way to mock the teaching from the Bible of faithful servants of Christ.
The Apostle Peter, though he had been rebuked publicly by Paul, recommended his wisdom. Paul was saying things which were not always easy to understand. But Peter said we should listen because Paul did have some "wisdom given to him" [by God].
Some unstable people twisted what Paul wrote on occasions. But this was nothing new. They twisted the Scriptures also. In fact Peter says they twist "the rest of the Scriptures" which strongly implies how highly Peter regarded the letters of the Apostle Paul - as Scripture.
Witness Lee has never claimed he writes Scripture. In fact he has said that no message of his can be more important THAN Scripture.
The point here is that Paul had wisdom which was at times more profound then the "general understanding" of passages. For that the leading Apostle Peter did not reject him but endorsed him.
And count the longsuffering of our Lord to be salvation, even as also our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given to him, wrote to you.
As also in all his letters, speaking in them concerning these things. in which somethings are hard to understand, which the unlearned and unstable twist, as also the rest of the Scriptures, to their own destruction. (2 Peter 3:15,16)
@sonship saidWould it be fair to say you yourself 'twisted' scripture when you used it to justify calling someone stupid? (Rather than simply doing the Christian thing and show humility by apologizing).
Is this 'teaching' from Lee in accordance with general Christian understanding of these biblical passages?
People, especially atheists, should learn not to twist the words of the Bible or go out of their way to mock the teaching from the Bible of faithful servants of Christ.
The Apostle Peter, though he had been rebuked publicly by ...[text shortened]... ble twist, as also the rest of the Scriptures, to their own destruction. (2 Peter 3:15,16) [/quote]
And yes, I' m aware you apologized 6 months after the fact.
Would it be fair to say you yourself 'twisted' scripture when you used it to justify calling someone stupid? (Rather than simply doing the Christian thing and show humility by apologizing).
And yes, I' m aware you apologized 6 months after the fact.
And as I expected you'll squeeze as much significance out this from now on as you can. Probably with you, the older the affair, the better.
Interesting though, I see no similar hounding of Rajk999 for such a remark of MANY to poster like this:
You must be related to sonship and second son. None of you people have a good grasp of the English language and you all have poor reading comprehension skills. Go get some lessons.
Better then "stupid" ?
Tell us all about it Ghost.
How about ...
The church is fill of donkeys and jack as$$es who sit there an believe anything the pastor says. You are one of these donkeys.
Where's Ghost reminding Rajk999 10 months from now on this gem ?
Its not. She used to be an actress in the Waltons. Sonship probably had a crush on the lady growing up and watching the show. So now he is elated that they are both in the same cult.
Such splendid Forum etiquette.
No need to nudge him here either like you hound me ?
Give the old man a break. He is probably losing his memory. He has been around long enough to know Galveston and his antics.
Thats different from saying someone sounds like an idiot or IS an idiot. Break it all down for us Ghost, how its different.
Sonship, you need some professional help in several areas of your life.
Ah! This is a polite caring sounding ... "You're stupid".
As usual you are demonstrating your poor English comprehension.
Not much difference in this and "You're stupid". But Ghost you're going to explain all about how I deserve reminders to apologize but not Rajk999. Break it all down for us.
Your doctrine that all you have to do is profess your faith and God does the rest is utter garbage.
I could probably go on for an hour quoting Rajk999.
Well, I need reminders to be nice every month.
Maybe you could put Rajk999 on your list of posters who need monthly reminders about rude junky things they wrote about others.
@sonship saidWhy do you always miss the point on this issue? It's irrelevant who you insulted. The 'point' is that you 'actively sought out' scripture to justify what you had said.
Would it be fair to say you yourself 'twisted' scripture when you used it to justify calling someone stupid? (Rather than simply doing the Christian thing and show humility by apologizing).
And yes, I' m aware you apologized 6 months after the fact.
And as I expected you'll squeeze as much significance out this from now on as you ...[text shortened]... on your list of posters who need monthly reminders about rude junky things they wrote about others.
Is that really the way scripture should be treated? Really?!
@sonship saidDoesn't Witness Lee claim direct revelations from God?
Witness Lee has never claimed he writes Scripture. In fact he has said that no message of his can be more important THAN Scripture.
If so (and bearing in mind God's infallibility) doesn't that make his claims 'equal' to scripture? - Note how he says 'no message of his can be more important than Scripture,' but doesn't say it is less important.
Funny that.
Why do you always miss the point on this issue? It's irrelevant who you insulted. The 'point' is that you 'actively sought out' scripture to justify what you had said.
Is that really the way scripture should be treated? Really?!
Do you have a mirror handy ? Look in it and ask Ghost of a Duke. You're fond of showing off your familiarity with proof texting.
I thought quite of few of them in the hands of an atheist were being hijacked, manipulated, and cleverly used to prove God is not and God did not speak.
As for me?
I am not always perfect in my use of the Bible.
Not then.
Probably not 100% in the future.
But I give you this heads up .... if it warms your heart up towards God, its is at least safe.
If it causes you to be bothered, bitter, cold, indifferent, independent from God, aloof from God, looking DOWN on Jesus Christ, PLEASE ... don't take it.
Don't just examine the use of the Bible. Examine also your own heart.
English Standard Version
Take care then how you hear, for to the one who has, more will be given, and from the one who has not, even what he thinks that he has will be taken away.” (Luke 8:18)
Doesn't Witness Lee claim direct revelations from God?
Not particularly more than any other NORMAL Christian who should have unveilings from the Holy Spirit.
Paul prayed that ALL the saints (believers) in the church would have spirit of [b]"wisdom and revelation{/b].
"That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you a spirit of wisdom and REVELATION in the full knowledge of Him,
The eyes of your heart having been enlightened, that you may know what is the hope of His calling. " (Ephesians 1:17,18) [
The apostle Paul's prayer was that all the Christians would have direct revelation from God. Why should not brother Witness Lee enjoy the same ?