06 Nov 22
-Removed-I've answered this already, and you still don't see it. A Christian who is following the
Lord is not someone I can judge, s/he stands or falls by the Lord, not by my thoughts.
Can someone go to a church that accepts people where they are even if they
profess homosexuality, they can, but it doesn't change that they are living in
sin, as they would if they lived another out of wedlock even if they were a man
and a woman.
If you mean can anyone go to a church that accepts sin as normal behavior and is
fine with whatever people do regardless of what the Bible says, that isn't a Christian
church. If someone goes to that type of place it isn't to get close to God it is to
have their conscious smoothed over so they can sin as they please.
-Removed-dive, I've answered this in several ways my response was about the only thing
that mattered eternally, you didn't like that. I've told you as a follower of Christ if
someone belongs to the Lord I'm not their judge so I'd not judge them. I've
said to you that there is a difference between a church that accepts everyone as
all people are sinners which is what every church should be doing, and telling you
that a body of people who get together to celebrate sin instead of shunning it
is not a church that belongs to God. I've told you that everything we do has
meaning to God as well, not just the church we go to.
You fail to grasp the meaning of my answers in the context they are said to you.
-Removed-You may see it that way, from where I'm sitting I said, "Neither means anything
towards God, you are either walking with Him or not." That was purely about God's
saving grace and had nothing to do with the denomination you went to, and
you twisted it into something else. After I tried to accommodate you with your
shifting queries it was clear you wanted an issue, not an answer.