Originally posted by FMFfor someone who hypocritically does not answer any questions put to them, its all you deserve.
When I say, "I will read the exchanges between you and [non-Jehovah's Witnesses Christians here] with interest" I am assuming and hoping that your side of those discussions will reach greater and more interesting heights than things like "skulky skulk". 🙂
Originally posted by robbie carrobieI did respond to your question about scriptural references. I said I would leave it to the Christians in this community to discuss whether they agree that they will not survive the End Times unless they become members of the Jehovah's Witnesses organisation.
for someone who hypocritically does not answer any questions put to them, its all you deserve.
Here's one of mine you neglected to respond to: do any speakers at your meetings ever say things like "Only Jehovah's Witnesses, those of the anointed remnant and the "great crowd," as a united organization under the protection of the Supreme Organizer, have any Scriptural hope of surviving the impending end of this doomed system dominated by Satan the Devil"?
Originally posted by FMFIf its Biblically based, and it is, then i suspect its has been mentioned although talks have different outlines and consist of a broad range of subjects, can you tell us, why such a statement might be in a talk on marriage for example, or the environment? For it seems to me that you are somehow pushing this single statement that has somehow caught your imagination, or is probably more given to your legendary trolling status as courting controversy. Sadly in doing so, you are betraying a lack of knowledge of what actually transpires among Jehovah's Witnesses, which is to be expected, as we meet in secret and entry is gained only through clandestine and elaborate initiation ceremonies, as you are no doubt aware.
I did respond to your question about scriptural references. I said I would leave it to the Christians in this community to discuss whether they agree that they will not survive the End Times unless they become members of the Jehovah's Witnesses organisation.
Here's one of mine you neglected to respond to: do any speakers at your meetings ever say things like hope of surviving the impending end of this doomed system dominated by Satan the Devil"?
Originally posted by robbie carrobieI didn't ask you if it was mentioned specifically in a talk on marriage. I asked you if any speakers at your meetings ever say things like the assertion made in the Watchtower quote I cited. If they don't, they don't. If they do, they do. I didn't mention anything about "a talk on marriage or the environment".
If its Biblically based, and it is, then i suspect its has been mentioned although talks have different outlines and consist of a broad range of subjects, can you tell us, why such a statement might be in a talk on marriage for example, or the environment?
Originally posted by FMFI did not say that you did i asked you why such a statement would be appropriate in such a setting, you did not answer the question, again.
I didn't ask you if it was mentioned specifically in a talk on marriage. I asked you if any speakers at your meetings ever say things like the assertion made in the Watchtower quote I cited. If they don't, they don't. If they do, they do. I didn't mention anything about "a talk on marriage or the environment".
Originally posted by robbie carrobieIt does catch my imagination, robbie. It is breathtaking to think that some people could be so intensely religionist that their entire take on spiritual matters boils down to assertions about having to be a member of their specific organisation. I find it fascinating. As for the stuff, yet again, about "legendary trolling status" etc. etc. etc., I'm willing to indulge you here Thread 152500.
...it seems to me that in somehow pushing this single statement that has somehow caught your imagination, or is probably more given to your legendary trolling status as courting controversy...
20 Apr 13
Originally posted by robbie carrobieI didn't claim that "such a statement would be appropriate in such a setting" as "a talk on marriage or the environment". This is something you have introduced, not me. I simply asked if any speakers at your meetings ever say things like "Only Jehovah's Witnesses, those of the anointed remnant and the 'great crowd,' as a united organization under the protection of the Supreme Organizer, have any Scriptural hope of surviving the impending end of this doomed system dominated by Satan the Devil" or perhaps it is not said and simply appears in your literature. You don't have to answer if you don't want to.
I did not say that you did i asked you why such a statement would be appropriate in such a setting, you did not answer the question, again.
Originally posted by FMFIt can be Biblically established, why this particular teaching should be elevated above others in your mind is known only to you.
It does catch my imagination, robbie. It is breathtaking to think that some people could be so intensely religionist that their entire take on spiritual matters boils down to assertions about having to be a member of their specific organisation. I find it fascinating. As for the stuff, yet again, about "legendary trolling status" etc. etc. etc., I'm willing to indulge you here Thread 152500.
Originally posted by FMFI have already answered and stated that it has no doubt been mentioned as its Biblical, we after all, give Bible discourses at our public meetings and guess what, they are Biblically based!
I didn't claim that "such a statement would be appropriate in such a setting" as "a talk on marriage or the environment". This is something you have introduced, not me. I simply asked if any speakers at your meetings ever say things like "Only Jehovah's Witnesses, those of the anointed remnant and the 'great crowd,' as a united organization under the protection nd simply appears in your literature. You don't have to answer if you don't want to.
Originally posted by robbie carrobieI think Only members of the Jehovah's Witnesses organisation will survive the End Times is a "particular teaching" that elevates itself and is noteworthy by its very nature.
It can be Biblically established, why this particular teaching should be elevated above others in your mind is known only to you.
Originally posted by FMFI think you like it because its controversial and suits the requirements of your now legendary trolling status.
I think Only members of the Jehovah's Witnesses organisation will survive the End Times is a "particular teaching" that elevates itself and is noteworthy by its very nature.
Originally posted by robbie carrobieOh? In which previous post did you state that "it has no doubt been mentioned"?
I have already answered and stated that it has no doubt been mentioned as its Biblical, we after all, give Bible discourses at our public meetings and guess what, they are Biblically based!
Originally posted by robbie carrobieYou keep talking about "trolling". Over and over and over again. We have been having a pretty civil discussion here, robbie. Why not move your banter about "trolling" and "legendary troll" etc, etc, etc, to the "robbie carrobie" thread like I have suggested?
I think you like it because its controversial and suits the requirements of your now legendary trolling status.
Originally posted by robbie carrobieOK, I see it. It makes your questions about talks on marriage and talks on the environment seem a bit odd, though. But fair enough.
here FMF, you legend, here is the statement, ,
If its Biblically based, and it is, then i suspect its has been mentioned
two or three posts above.