Originally posted by @divegeester
Don’t get prickly sonship.
Degree of prickly-ness seems to have absolutely no effect on the words I see written in the New Testament.
They're there regardless of how prickly or unprickly I am.
Being super prickly - does it change this?
"And if anyone was not found written in the book of life, he was cast into the lake of fire." (Rev. 20:15)
Being as amiable and smilely as Mr. Rogers - does it have any effect on this?
"And if anyone was not found written in the book of life, he was cast into the lake of fire." (Rev. 20:15)
My mood seems to have zero effect on what is written there.
It can't be good to not have your name recorded in the Lamb's book of life. If that is an embarrassment to you, nothing can be done about it.
Jesus did say "Blessed is he who is not stumbled [or offended] in Me." (Matt. 11:6)
02 Jun 18
Originally posted by @divegeesterHow is God “the burner?”
Even a plastic fictional character understands that....but no...I’m sure in sonship’s world fear of being burnt alive makes you believe in and love the burner.
It’s a total nonsense.
If someone sets up warning signs, road flares and detours and a motorist ignores them and drives off a cliff, would you blame the guy who set up all the warnings and detours or the motorist?
Originally posted by @sonship“Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.
Divegeester can ask me a question any time he stops the fanfare as if it is going to be new and significant more so then any past question on this to me.
1.) [b] Revelation 20:15 can be believed or it can be disbelieved. That is the hearer's business.
2.) Revelation 20:15 is not the ONLY important verse in the whole Bible. But it is i ...[text shortened]... eatures will see, revere, and respect, standing in fear and awe of the judgment of the holy God.[/b]
Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:
Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:
But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:
And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.
Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:
That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;
And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”
(Philippians 2:4-11)
Originally posted by @divegeester<<We are talking about your concept of people coming to Jesus out of sheer fear of him personally burning them alive for eternity if they don’t. This IS what we are taking about isn’t it?>>
We are talking about your concept of people coming to Jesus out of sheer fear of him personally burning them alive for eternity if they don’t. This IS what we are taking about isn’t it?
Because in this post I’m replying to you seem to be conflating this horrendous ideology with a notion about “creatures” witnessing the flesh melting carnage you envision from Revelation. Is that right, “creatures” (animals) will be witnessing this lake of fire?
It’s amazing you think Jesus is “personally burning them alive.” Do people bear no responsibility for their own decisions and actions?
Originally posted by @romans1009God-haters have a fixation on how much satisfaction God gets in any number of disturbing scenarios. They think God enjoys watching children get raped, or people starving. Or... gains great satisfaction when dispensing final justice upon the wicked. I think it says less about God, and more about the people so keenly focused on all that stuff.
It’s amazing you think Jesus is “personally burning them alive.” Do people bear no responsibility for their own decisions and actions?
02 Jun 18
Originally posted by @tom-wolseyDo you believe that divegeester is a "God-hater"?
God-haters have a fixation on how much satisfaction God gets in any number of disturbing scenarios.
Originally posted by @fmfAnd Kiddo leaps at the chance to pit two Christians against each other.
Do you believe that divegeester is a "God-hater"?
Originally posted by @tom-wolseyGreat post,
God-haters have a fixation on how much satisfaction God gets in any number of disturbing scenarios. They think God enjoys watching children get raped, or people starving. Or... gains great satisfaction when dispensing final justice upon the wicked. I think it says less about God, and more about the people so keenly focused on all that stuff.
Originally posted by @tom-wolsey"No idea"? Why did you refer to him as a "God-hater" then?
No idea. But the comment about Jesus "personally burning people alive" triggered my general response. Just an observation.
Did you not realize that Romans1009 was talking to your fellow Christian divegeester ~ a poster you have claimed you "love" and who you see, surely, as your Christian "brother"?
sonship ~ the foremost torturer God 'theologian' here ~ has used Revelation 14:9-11 to argue that Jesus is there supervising the torture in flames [i.e. the "burning"] of non-believers.
Originally posted by @fmfStill trying to pit Christians against each other and fan the flames of discord?
"No idea"? Why did you refer to him as a "God-hater" then?
Did you not realize that Romans1009 was talking to your fellow Christian divegeester ~ a poster you have claimed you "love" and who you see, surely, as your Christian "brother"?
sonship ~ the foremost torturer God 'theologian' here ~ has used Revelation 14:9-11 to argue that Jesus is there supervising the torture in flames [i.e. the "burning"] of non-believers.
Shameless. You used to be much more subtle and sophisticated in your trolling. Now you’re like a bull in a china shop. What happened?
Originally posted by @fmfI was replying to rom1009. I didn't call any specific person anything. The term "God-haters" obviously refers to people hostile to God, which would exclude Christians.
"No idea"? Why did you refer to him as a "God-hater" then?
02 Jun 18
Originally posted by @tom-wolseySo you are denying that, in that exchange with Romans1009, you were referring to your Christian "brother" divegeester as a "God-hater"? It seems kind of odd; it's still there on this page.
I was replying to rom1009. I didn't call any specific person anything. The term "God-haters" obviously refers to people hostile to God, which would exclude Christians.
02 Jun 18
Originally posted by @tom-wolsey...the comment about Jesus "personally burning people alive" triggered my general response.
No idea. But the comment about Jesus "personally burning people alive" triggered my general response. Just an observation.
sonship has used Revelation 14:9-11 to argue that Jesus is there supervising the torture in flames [i.e. the "burning"] of non-believers. Is his theology right?
Originally posted by @fmfI made a general observation. Look, if you are so anxious to label divegeester a God-hater, then it's crystal clear you don't think of him as a Christian. Why do you believe he is a God-hating non-Christian? Is it something he said? A behavior pattern? Explain yourself.
So you are denying that, in that exchange with Romans1009, you were referring to your Christian "brother" divegeester as a "God-hater"? It seems kind of odd; it's still there on this page.