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What will be the fuel?

What will be the fuel?


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...what will be the fuel for the flames?

The zealotry and vanity of proponents torturer god theology.

1 edit

Originally posted by @bigdoggproblem
For once, we agree on something. [Other than Chuck Norris jokes.]
Apparently your sarcasm detector needs a tuneup.

Are you forgetting I was one of only three people (and I think the only Christian) to support you in your “Who will stand with me?” thread.

You were groveling up a storm and practically begging on bended knees, and I publicly stood with you. How quickly you seem to have forgotten.

Originally posted by @bigdoggproblem
Probably not. But they were easy. The target is easy. I'm just hoping that the frequent criticism from all directions eventually sinks in. This forum is poorer for the presence of this sad person.
From all directions? You mean from atheists, Christ deniers and an atheist lickspittle who’s ashamed to believe in Jesus Christ?

I wear your and their scorn like a badge of honor.

Originally posted by @bigdoggproblem
Sometimes the most direct approach is best.
Ok, but I’ll be diplomatic.

I admire how well you hide your “advanced mind” in your postings.

Originally posted by @bigdoggproblem
See, now that is a good point. There ought to be a separate thread about this. The OT God clearly has "blind spots". Clearly, he is not omniscient.

Edit: Thread 177068 created.
I bet you regret creating that thread, LittleMutt.

<<A literal “Self-sustaining” lake of fire eh...you have any Mickey Mouse comedy physics to explain that?>>

You think God is hamstrung by the laws of physics? You’re aware of all the miracles He performed in the Old Testament and New Testament and you think He’s scratching His head trying to figure out how to keep a fire from going out?

Good grief, tiger. Do you think before you post?

Originally posted by @romans1009
I bet you regret creating that thread, LittleMutt.
Not at all. Your effect on me is nil, troll. Post whatever you want.

Back to groveling and pleading and begging Christians to support you after you relentlessly bash and mock them? And in this quoted post, you’re doing both at the same time.

That’s what’s pathetic. Have some self respect. You’re the atheists’ lickspittle. Just own it and be proud of it.

PS I supported you in your groveling, begging and pleading thread.

Only when you’ve had too many pints, tiger.

I see you’ve resumed your role as the atheists’ fanboy and lickspittle with renewed enthusiasm.

Why do you obsess so much over hell when you know next to nothing about the spiritual realm? You don’t trust God to do the right thing?

Multiplying loaves and fishes, calming a storm with His voice, raising people from the dead...

None of that rings a bell or you just don’t believe it?

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