Originally posted by @ghost-of-a-dukeNow you’re back to blunt-force trolling!
He's floundering sir, he's floundering.
It has actually been suggested that he is not a Christian at all, which would seem to be validated by his woeful understanding of the bible and his inability to demonstrate God operating within him.
You certainly didn’t use your linguistic and whimsical trolling tools for very long. Got tired of them already? Or do you just have a strong affinity for your old standby?
Originally posted by @ghost-of-a-dukeTo use his expression 'Sad!'
He's floundering sir, he's floundering.
It has actually been suggested that he is not a Christian at all, which would seem to be validated by his woeful understanding of the bible and his inability to demonstrate God operating within him.
He is truly a pitiful character.
Originally posted by @ghost-of-a-dukeIronic indeed .. God sending an atheist to help a lost professed Christian.. lol
Ironically, I am the best-placed person to help him. 😵
Originally posted by @rajk999I see amigo came by to spew his hate. What would a day in the SF be without amigo spewing hate like a geyser?
To use his expression 'Sad!'
He is truly a pitiful character.
Is spewing hate how you follow the commandments of Christ, amigo? Have you condemned anyone to hell today?
Originally posted by @ghost-of-a-dukeHow is someone who pretends to have a theology degree and pretends to be a mental health professional qualified to help me? Oh wait. Since my problem is imaginary and your stated profession on here is imaginary, it’s a perfect fit!
Ironically, I am the best-placed person to help him. 😵
Originally posted by @ghost-of-a-dukeYou gotta come up with a new backstory, Heartpence. You can’t claim to have a theology degree and keep slipping on banana peels when trying to answer theological questions.
Fortunately, my education and employment are impervious to the vitriol of a lost Christian floundering on the sand like a beached halibut.
And you can’t claim to be a mental health professional who supervises other mental health professionals when you’re trolling on here 24/7 and obsessing over how many thumbs up and thumbs down each post has.
Originally posted by @tom-wolseyGo back to Genesis and read from Gen. 3:8 onwards. It seems like God apparently doesn't know EVERYthing going on around him.
God is completely sovereign. Nothing occurs without his foreknowledge and foreordination. Nothing.
Originally posted by @suzianneOr so it would seem. To the casual observer. I was responding to the idea that WE decide if we go to hell when technically all we do is take actions deserving of it, and God makes the final decision and takes the final action.
Go back to Genesis and read from Gen. 3:8 onwards. It seems like God apparently doesn't know EVERYthing going on around him.