30 Apr 07
Originally posted by Zander 88I suppose you mean evidence which is verifiable or provable by means of observation or experiment?
empirical evidence
There's your clue. I think you are capable of answering your own question. Do your best, show me how this applies to your question. Show me you understand this term.
I guess you don't believe in the big bang then, since it has never been observed or reproduced in an experiment?
Originally posted by Phuzudakatry again.
I suppose you mean evidence which is verifiable or provable by means of observation or experiment?
I guess you don't believe in the big bang then, since it has never been observed or reproduced in an experiment?
Here, let me help you out.
empirical: relying on or derived from observation, experimentation, or measurement.
Originally posted by Zander 88By the way you forgot the personal experience part. Lots of people have experienced and observed the supernatural. Thus the supernatural is emprically varifiable.
try again.
Here, let me help you out.
empirical: relying on or derived from observation, experimentation, or measurement.
Originally posted by PhuzudakaLol, if you're going to throw question begging axioms around you're not even debating. The title assumes nothing of the sort. It assumes that the bible claims evil exists and asks what its origin is. Debate about the actual ontology of evil are perfectly reasonable, especially when the thread evolves thereafter. When you make claims like 'evil is empirically verifiable because I say it is' you can expect me to not only think you're an imbecile, but also that you're dj2becker's twin.
I have to do nothing of the sort, since the title of the thread assumes the existance of evil.
If you want to open a new thread, go for it.