Why do religious ones stick with delusions?

Why do religious ones stick with delusions?


The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
12 Jun 11

Originally posted by Soothfast

So, could you list some of the things The Almighty has changed His Almighty Mind about?
I don't know of any thing the Almighty God has changed His mind
on. I only said we don't have to worry about certain things in
the Old Testament of the Bible because Jesus has fulfilled them.
They are already taken care of, so I don't worry about them.
I did not say anything about ignoring parts of the Holy Bible.
You have a poor understanding of the Holy Bible. You could use
a lot more study to make yourself approved of God.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
12 Jun 11

Originally posted by nook7
So the new testament is all ok ?- it is just the old testament that has parts that a christian can choose to ignore?
I did not say anything about Christians can choose to ignore
parts of the Old Testament. I said Jesus took care of certain
parts, so I don't worry my pretty little head over it.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
12 Jun 11

Originally posted by nook7
It is sad that you feel the need to believe in mythical entitities. l really liked Lord of the Rings but l know the the mythical creatures in it are not real, and that story is a lit more believable than your bible (especially the old testament).

If you begin to use the cognitive powers that everyone is born with would find that such crutches are unecessary.
The Lord of the Rings is fiction.
The Holy Bible is true.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
12 Jun 11

Originally posted by RJHinds
The Lord of the Rings is fiction.
The Holy Bible is true.
Thus proving your cognitive dissonance.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
12 Jun 11

Originally posted by sonhouse
Thus proving your cognitive dissonance.
I am not interested in making beautiful music, but only in
proclaiming the truth of God.


15 Oct 06
12 Jun 11

Originally posted by nook7
The truth hurts Think of one and more importantly - the truth can force one to face the inherent contradictions that have been clearly shown. l dont think Mr Hinds is prepared to face this.......
The truth only hurts those whose beliefs are not in line with truth. The question was asked with the hopes of engendering an "aha moment". Of course, that would take actually considering the question. Notice how RJ routinely avoids all questions and points that may be a threat to his beliefs.

The Axe man


11 Apr 09
12 Jun 11

Originally posted by RJHinds
I don't understand it either. Christianity is the only one that
makes sense.
Fark ...
Thats sums up the OP right there. Sorry you had to be the bunt of my point, RJHInds, but really ...


15 Oct 06
12 Jun 11
1 edit

Originally posted by RJHinds
You apparently do not know what the truth is, so how can you
speak it.
Thus far you've avoided the truths of this post:
Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
Well, I have corrected your one point and informed you
that I do not adhere to dogma.

There's a POINT in the following. In fact, there are a couple of them. Did you even read it? Can you figure out what they are?
[quote]Seems more than a bit premature to be declaring anything "unfair" on my part. You asked a question and I answered it. If you wanted further detail, all you had to do was ask. Now if I had refused to give you further detail, then you might be right to call that "unfair".

Also, in your zeal to play the "unfair" card, it seems you left out details that are germane to the issue. What I said was, "You're just one of many Christian fundamentalists on this forum whose adherence to dogma renders them incapable of reason in regards to their core beliefs and what they perceive as threats to their core beliefs." So more detail than you acknowledged was given, but you ignored it. So if anyone was "unfair", it was you.

I did look back for prior posts on this thread for a question you asked me but there were none.

Do you even read your own posts?
YOU asked the following:
"Sorry, but I can't remember what question I asked to you
that you are referring to. Could you refresh my memory?"

Why are you looking for a question that I asked YOU?

I'd also address your claim about dogma, but it seems you have enough trouble keeping track of the discussion. After you've demonstrated that you understand where we are, I'll address it.[/quote]

If you "know what the truth is" as you seem to imply, then you would have addressed that post in a direct and intellectually honest manner.

However, you've done nothing but avoid it.

People who "know what the truth is" embrace truth rather than avoid it. Given your posting history, it seems quite likely that you'll continue to avoid addressing it in a direct and intellectually honest manner.


14 May 03
12 Jun 11
1 edit

Originally posted by RJHinds
I did not say anything about Christians can choose to ignore
parts of the Old Testament. I said Jesus took care of certain
parts, so I don't worry my pretty little head over it.
It is sad when someone writes such blatant untruths.

You said that you ignore certain parts of the bible. You did not say Christ tells you to do this.

In ignoring parts of the bible - old or new testament (according to many) you go against gods written word.

It is interesting, as Robbie and the organisation he belongs to hold on dearly to the written words in the bible , yet to toss them away when they dont suit you.....


15 Oct 06
13 Jun 11
1 edit

Originally posted by nook7
It is sad when someone writes such blatant untruths.

You said that you ignore certain parts of the bible. You did not say Christ tells you to do this.

In ignoring parts of the bible - old or new testament (according to many) you go against gods written word.

It is interesting, as Robbie and the organisation he belongs to hold on dearly to the written words in the bible , yet to toss them away when they dont suit you.....
You're kidding yourself if you believe that the Watchtower Society and their members don't essentially "toss away" what doesn't suit them. The Bible contains many conflicting and/or contradictory passages, so it's the only way to reconcile them.


14 May 03
13 Jun 11
1 edit

Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
You're kidding yourself if you believe that the Watchtower Society and their members don't essentially "toss away" what doesn't suit them. The Bible contains many conflicting and/or contradictory passages, so it's the only way to reconcile them.
i dont at all - l think you missed my point - perhaps it could've been worded better.

i am yet to see anyone reconcile the contradictions in the bible to any degree of satisfaction.

i was referring to the JWs ability (and other groups) to rigidly hold on to a particular part of the bible while another christian may discard that same part as not relevant.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
13 Jun 11

Originally posted by nook7
It is sad when someone writes such blatant untruths.

You said that you ignore certain parts of the bible. You did not say Christ tells you to do this.

In ignoring parts of the bible - old or new testament (according to many) you go against gods written word.

It is interesting, as Robbie and the organisation he belongs to hold on dearly to the written words in the bible , yet to toss them away when they dont suit you.....
You guys are the most ignorant people I have ever talked to.
How could anyone carry on a logical converstion with the likes
of you guys? Although, I disagree with the theology of the two
Jehovah's Witnesses guys, they at least exhibit some common
sense and honesty in their debating. You ignorant atheists see
things that are not there and point the finger of intellectual
dishonesty and delusions toward us when you should honestly
be pointing those fingers back at yourselves. Well, at least
your hero, Richard Dawkins, conceded that apes don't evolve into
humans, in his attempt to cover up his previous lies.


14 May 03
13 Jun 11

Originally posted by RJHinds
You guys are the most ignorant people I have ever talked to.
How could anyone carry on a logical converstion with the likes
of you guys? Although, I disagree with the theology of the two
Jehovah's Witnesses guys, they at least exhibit some common
sense and honesty in their debating. You ignorant atheists see
things that are not there and point the fin ...[text shortened]... s, conceded that apes don't evolve into
humans, in his attempt to cover up his previous lies.

You bring ignorance to a whole new level.

You mentioned that you choose to ignore scripture
You then denied this and blamed christ as the one who decides what scripture you can " choose" to ignore.

Keep to the facts.
And stop going off on tangents when you are faced with your own hypocrisy to avoid your own deceit.

As for seeing things that are not there LMAO - you take the cake with this one by believing in a ficitonal entity that people invented thousands of years ago to help them deal with what couldnt be explained. It is interesting that you feel the need for the same ficitonal crutch.

Thanks for assigning me a hero - even though if l could choose one myself it wouldnt be Dawkins (though compared to the intellect you expound he is a genius)

i only comment at those who post fabrications and falsities.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
13 Jun 11

Originally posted by RJHinds
You guys are the most ignorant people I have ever talked to.
How could anyone carry on a logical converstion with the likes
of you guys? Although, I disagree with the theology of the two
Jehovah's Witnesses guys, they at least exhibit some common
sense and honesty in their debating. You ignorant atheists see
things that are not there and point the fin ...[text shortened]... s, conceded that apes don't evolve into
humans, in his attempt to cover up his previous lies.
If you don't like the idea apes evolved into men, why do apes, orangs, chimps, humans and a lot of other primates all have 98 percent of the exact same genes?

Evolution says apes and man came from a common ancestor millions of years ago, so no, apes don't and won't evolve into man, not in a million years, not in 100 million years. Apes are pretty much an evolutionary dead end probably destined for extinction, just like mankind. We may off ourselves but there will be no god come down and save anyone. If we off ourselves we off ourselves and your god would just go, crap, I have to start all over again. Maybe I can get it right this time.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
13 Jun 11

Originally posted by sonhouse
If you don't like the idea apes evolved into men, why do apes, orangs, chimps, humans and a lot of other primates all have 98 percent of the exact same genes?

Evolution says apes and man came from a common ancestor millions of years ago, so no, apes don't and won't evolve into man, not in a million years, not in 100 million years. Apes are pretty much a ...[text shortened]... god would just go, crap, I have to start all over again. Maybe I can get it right this time.
You don't know nothing about it at all.
You are just spouting off nonsense.

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