Why do religious ones stick with delusions?

Why do religious ones stick with delusions?



14 May 03
13 Jun 11

Originally posted by RJHinds
You don't know nothing about it at all.
You are just spouting off nonsense.
Use your brain.......it is there for a reason - to reason - not to mindless follow like a sheep.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
13 Jun 11
1 edit

Originally posted by RJHinds
You don't know nothing about it at all.
You are just spouting off nonsense.
Why didn't you answer my first question about genes of primates?
Maybe genes are prohibited from discussion in your religion?


15 Oct 06
13 Jun 11
2 edits

Originally posted by RJHinds
You guys are the most ignorant people I have ever talked to.
How could anyone carry on a logical converstion with the likes
of you guys? Although, I disagree with the theology of the two
Jehovah's Witnesses guys, they at least exhibit some common
sense and honesty in their debating. You ignorant atheists see
things that are not there and point the fin ...[text shortened]... s, conceded that apes don't evolve into
humans, in his attempt to cover up his previous lies.
RJ, seems your pride has really gotten the best of you.

Why don't you address the questions and salient points of posts addressed to you instead of going on childish rants? I gather you're old enough to know better.


26 Aug 07
13 Jun 11
1 edit

Originally posted by sonhouse
Why didn't you answer my first question about genes of primates?
Maybe genes are prohibited from discussion in your religion?
why dont you ask some Apes to type a response, send them an email, I am sure their similarity with a mere 2 percent difference would enable them to effectively communicate their thought processes to you and settle the question once and for all. They are permitted to discuss genetics are they not?

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
13 Jun 11
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
why dont you ask some Apes to type a response, send them an email, I am sure their similarity with a mere 2 percent difference would enable them to effectively communicate their thought processes to you and settle the question once and for all. They are permitted to discuss genetics are they not?
So you don't think Apes and other primates are close genetically?, a few percent off from humans?
Here is a piece by your own country's BBC nature:


Excuse me, I was wrong, it's not 98 percent, its over 99 percent exactly the same as chimps.


North of the Tamar

02 Feb 07
13 Jun 11

Originally posted by RJHinds
You don't know nothing about it at all.
You are just spouting off nonsense.
Oh, the irony!!!!


26 Aug 07
13 Jun 11
1 edit

Originally posted by sonhouse
So you don't think Apes and other primates are close genetically?, a few percent off from humans?
Here is a piece by your own country's BBC nature:


Excuse me, I was wrong, it's not 98 percent, its over 99 percent exactly the same as chimps.
i never said that they were not close genetically, what i said was ask them to email you and express an opinion, after all, with such close genetic links, it should be relatively easy for them, surely!

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
13 Jun 11

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
... after all, with such close genetic links, it should be relatively easy for them, surely!
That does't follow. You and I share even more genes that either of us does with apes of other species, but I can answer his question and you can't despite our shared genes.


26 Aug 07
13 Jun 11

Originally posted by twhitehead
That does't follow. You and I share even more genes that either of us does with apes of other species, but I can answer his question and you can't despite our shared genes.
no your talking pants, he has used the argument stating that the correlation of genetic similarity expressed as a percentage is enough to convince us that we are similar if not practically the same as Apes, if it is true, then let the Apes type a text to the forum proving his hypothesis, otherwise citing a genetic similarity in the form of a percentage is moot to boot and proves nothing other than there is a mathematical correlation.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
13 Jun 11
4 edits

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
no your talking pants, he has used the argument stating that the correlation of genetic similarity expressed as a percentage is enough to convince us that we are similar if not practically the same as Apes, if it is true, then let the Apes type a text to the forum proving his hypothesis, otherwise citing a genetic similarity in the form of a percentage is moot to boot and proves nothing other than there is a mathematical correlation.
So you think genes have nothing to do with what a life form is?

Here is a bit from a Wiki on ape communications with humans:

"Kanzi, a Bonobo, is believed to understand more human language than any other nonhuman animal in the world. Kanzi apparently learned by eavesdropping on the keyboard lessons researcher Sue Savage-Rumbaugh was giving to her adoptive mother. Kanzi learned to communicate with a Lexigram board, pushing symbols that stand for words. The board is wired to a computer, so the word is then vocalized out loud by the computer. This helps Kanzi develop his vocabulary and enables him to communicate with researchers.
One day, Rumbaugh used the computer to say to Kanzi, "Can you make the dog bite the snake?" It is believed Kanzi had never heard this sentence before. In answering the question, Kanzi searched among the objects present until he found a toy dog and a toy snake, put the snake in the dog's mouth, and used his thumb and finger to close the dog's mouth over the snake. In 2001, Alexander Fiske-Harrison, writing in the Financial Times, observed that "asked by an invisible interrogator through head-phones (to avoid cueing) to identify 35 different items in 180 trials. His success rate was 93 per cent."[17] In further testing beginning when he was 7 ½ years old, Kanzi was asked 416 complex questions, responding correctly over 74% of the time. Kanzi has been observed verbalizing a meaningful noun to his sister."[18]

Here is the whole article:

I think you similarly poo-poo'd the idea of dophins ever communicating with humans in spite of the fact they have much larger brains than we do, with a large portion of their brains evolved to process their ultrasonic sonar reflections which gives them 'sight' underwater better than we have with our eyes, even with goggles and such on which clears human vision.

Do you think Dolphins communicate with each other in any meaningful way?

BTW, I just ran this question on goog:
How similar are dog's DNA to humans?



Turns out to only be about 5 percent the same.

That should say something about what it is to be human, don't you think?

Comparing the difference between humans and chimps Vs Humans and dogs.

Dogs, 5 percent same, chimps 99.4 percent difference to humans.

Does that suggest anything to you?


26 Aug 07
13 Jun 11

Originally posted by sonhouse
So you think genes have nothing to do with what a life form is?

Here is a bit from a Wiki on ape communications with humans:

"Kanzi, a Bonobo, is believed to understand more human language than any other nonhuman animal in the world. Kanzi apparently learned by eavesdropping on the keyboard lessons researcher Sue Savage-Rumbaugh was giving to her ado ...[text shortened]... e, chimps 99.4 percent difference to humans.

Does that suggest anything to you?
why doesn't Kanzi e mail the forum then? as for Dolphins and other purely speculative and non corroborated data, why dont you ask them to mail the forum as well? yes ill tell you what it proves, that humans are unique in their ability to form thoughts and ideas and present them to others through language and in their sense of consciousness. Brain size has got nothing to do with anything, look at the size of atheists domes and you'll find out that its filled with grey matter. All these vain attempts are simply an attempt to equate animals with humans, well, we are unique, so get over it spanklberger. So get your animal friends to mail the forum, after all, there's a mere two percent difference, it shouldn't take much, should it.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
13 Jun 11

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
why doesn't Kanzi e mail the forum then? as for Dolphins and other purely speculative and non corroborated data, why dont you ask them to mail the forum as well? yes ill tell you what it proves, that humans are unique in their ability to form thoughts and ideas and present them to others through language and in their sense of consciousness. Brain ...[text shortened]... forum, after all, there's a mere two percent difference, it shouldn't take much, should it.
You still haven't answered my central question: Do you think genes are what makes human human? Or chickens chickens, whatever.

Do you think mutations that kill genes, whatever mechanism, radiation, drugs, UV on the beach, do you think that can cause cancer?


26 Aug 07
13 Jun 11
1 edit

Originally posted by sonhouse
You still haven't answered my central question: Do you think genes are what makes human human? Or chickens chickens, whatever.

Do you think mutations that kill genes, whatever mechanism, radiation, drugs, UV on the beach, do you think that can cause cancer?
consciousness is what makes humans human. I dont know anything about cancer, although my nephew has leukaemia and my grandmother died of it when she was thirty.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
13 Jun 11

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
consciousness is what makes humans human. I dont know anything about cancer, although my nephew has leukaemia and my grandmother died of it when she was thirty.
And what makes consciousness? Do you think our genetic makeup has anything to do with that?

One thing that is a fact, you mess with genes, you can get cancer. That is well known.


26 Aug 07
13 Jun 11

Originally posted by sonhouse
And what makes consciousness? Do you think our genetic makeup has anything to do with that?

One thing that is a fact, you mess with genes, you can get cancer. That is well known.
like a consciousness gene? pure speculation!

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