2010 NFL Season 'Big Pond Pub'

2010 NFL Season 'Big Pond Pub'


Cowboy From Hell

American West

19 Apr 10
10 Aug 10

AFC East: none of them danged Yankees
AFC North: Browns
AFC South: Titans
AFC West: Oakland

NFC East: Philadelphia
NFC North: Bears
NFC South: Carolina
NFC West: Cards

Madison Square Garde

03 Jan 06
10 Aug 10

Originally posted by darvlay
NFL pre-season is the worst. It boggles my mind as to why some fans will pay full ticket prices to see one of these joke games. It's a cash grab and a rip-off, if you ask me, not to mention totally unnecessary...
Iv'e been watching the NFL for a while now. Pre-season is a borefest and means absolutely nothing. Basically it's an extended training camp.

master of disaster

funny farm

28 Jan 07
11 Aug 10

Originally posted by ChessPraxis
AFC East: none of them danged Yankees
AFC North: Browns
AFC South: Titans
AFC West: Oakland

NFC East: Philadelphia
NFC North: Bears
NFC South: Carolina
NFC West: Cards
Pass that stuff around. Don't hoard it all for yourself!! 😉😉


05 Jan 04
11 Aug 10

Originally posted by ChessPraxis
AFC East: none of them danged Yankees
AFC North: Browns
AFC South: Titans
AFC West: Oakland

NFC East: Philadelphia
NFC North: Bears
NFC South: Carolina
NFC West: Cards
You must be joking.

Cowboy From Hell

American West

19 Apr 10
11 Aug 10
2 edits

Originally posted by darvlay
You must be joking.
NFC-Dallas, New Orleans

AFC-San Diego, New England

NFC East will be won by Wash.

master of disaster

funny farm

28 Jan 07
11 Aug 10

Originally posted by darvlay
You must be joking.
Hence my comment directly above yours! 😉

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
15 Aug 10
1 edit

Level #1 Challenge - "Three Team Picks, Please" (simple hip shot)... Please see thread page 2, post 5. Thanks.

*** Twenty six pub member selections received:

* Gramps... TENN, CARO, HOUS............. * Rat Snake... PHIL, INDI, GB

* Svin1... INDI, DALL, BALT................... * Coronel... INDI, PHIL, SD

* Mathurine... MINN, INDI, NO................ * Suzianne... INDI, NO, DALL

* PinkFloyd... SD, INDI, NYGI................. * ChessPraxis... ARIZ, OAKL, CLEV

* Kiki46... DALL, NYJE, NE...................... * Lil Feather... NO, BALT, NYJE

* Darvlay... NYJE, GB, BALT................... * Badwater... INDI, NO, MINN

* Shortcircuit... NO, NYGI, INDI.............. * Coquette... PITT, PITT, PITT!!!

* KJCavalier... TB, NO, NE...................... * Frank Burns... INDI, NO, SEAT

* Kes29... CHIC, SEAT, SF...................... * Lady Cynthia... SEAT, CHIC, SF

* Robbie Carrobie... DENV, DALL, MINN....* Telecomladyj... BALT, INDI, MINN

* FreakyKBH... CLEV, PHIL, SD................* Scacchipazzo... DALL, HOUS, NYGI

* Centipawns... INDI, NO, MINN...............* Golfer1... NYJE, MINN, INDI

* Talisman... NE, TENN, WASH.................* Yeah Boy... INDI, NO, NYJE

* your nick & picks go here...


Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
15 Aug 10
2 edits

2010 NFL Season Big Pond Pub's Premier Event:

Level #2 (Enhanced Post Season) Challenge...
please see thread page 8, post 9. Thanks.

*** Gramps (Level #1: TENN, CARO, HOUS)
AFC: 1) TENN, 2) HOUS, 3) MIAM, 4) PITT, 5) INDI, 6) SD. /// NFC: 1) CARO, 2) SF, 3) PHIL, 4) ARIZ, 5) MINN, 6) GB.

*** Rat Snake (Level #1: PHIL, INDI, GB)
AFC: 1) INDI, 2) BALT, 3) NE, 4) SD, 5) TENN. 6) NYJE. /// NFC: 1) PHIL, 2) GB, 3) NO, 4) SEAT, 5) WASH, 6) ATLA.

*** Telecomladyj (Level #1: BALT, INDI, MINN)
AFC: 1) INDI, 2) PITT, 3) NE, 4) DENV, 5) BALT, 6) NYJE. /// NFC: 1) NO, 2) NYGI, 3) DALL, 4) MINN, 5) ARIZ, 6) GB.

*** Golfer1 (Level #1: NYJE, MINN, INDI)
AFC: 1) NYJE, 2) INDI, 3) BALT, 4) SD, 5) NE, 6) MIAM. /// NFC: 1) MINN, 2) ARIZ, 3) ATLA, 4) DALL, 5) NO, 6) GB.

*** Scacchipazzo (Level #1: DALL, HOUS, NYGI)
AFC: 1) PITT, 2) SD, 3) INDI, 4) HOUS, 5) NYJE, 6) NE. /// NFC: 1)DALL, 2) SF, 3) ARIZ, 4) MINN, 5) GB, 6) NYGI.

*** Centipawns (Level #1: INDI, NO, MINN )
AFC: 1) INDI, 2) SD, 3) NE, 4) BALT, 5) NYJE, 6) Pitt. /// NFC: 1) NO, 2) DALL, 3) GB, 4) MINN, 5) NYGI, 6) ATLA.

*** Mathurine (Level #1: MINN, INDI, NO)
AFC: 1) TENN, 2) BALT, 3) NE, 4) SD, 5) NYJE, 6) PITT. /// NFC: 1) NO, 2) SF, 3) ATLA, 4) MINN, 5) WASH, 6) GB.

*** Shortcircuit (Level #1: NO, NYGI, INDI)
AFC: 1) INDI, 2) NYJE, 3) SD, 4) BALT, 5) NE, 6) HOUS. /// NFC: 1) NO, 2) NYGI, 3) MINN, 4) ARIZ, 5) DALL, 6) ATLA.

*** Kes29 (Level 1: CHIC, SEAT, SF)
AFC: 1) CLEVE, 2) MIAM, 3) INDI, 4) SD, 5) PITT, 6) NE. /// NFC: 1) CHIC, 2) SEAT, 3) SF, 4) NYJE, 5) CARO, 6) ATLA.

*** Lady Cynthia (Level #1: SEAT, CHIC, SF)
AFC: 1) BUFF, 2) TENN, 3) DENV, 4) NYGI, 5) CLEVE, 6) BALT. /// NFC: 1) SEAT, 2) CHIC, 3) SF, 4) PHIL, 5) GB, 6) TB.

*** Yeah Boy (Level #1: INDI, NO, NYJE)
AFC: 1) INDI, 2) NYJE, 3) SD, 4) BALT, 5) NE, 6) TENN. /// NFC: 1) NO, 2) MINN, 3) NYGI, 4) DALL, 5) ARIZ, 6) SF.

*** Kiki46 (Level #1: Dall, NYJE, NE)
AFC: 1) NYJE, 2) NE, 3) MIAM, 4) HOUS, 5) PITT, 6) TENN. /// NFC: 1) DALL, 2) NO, 3) NYGI, 4) GB, 5) CARO, 6) ATLA.

*** Lil Feather (Level #1: NO, BALT, NYJE)
AFC: 1) BALT, 2) NE, 3) INDI, 4) NYJE, 5) MIAM, 6) PITT. /// NFC: 1) NO, 2) DALL, 3) ARIZ, 4) PHIL, 5) MINN, 6) GB.

*** Pink Floyd (Level #1: SD, INDI, NYGI)
AFC: 1) SD, 2) NE, 3) INDI, 4) NYJE, 5) PITT, 6) OAK. /// NFC: 1) DALL, 2) NO, 3) WASH, 4) NYGI, 5) MINN, 6) ATLA.

*** Darvlay (Level #1: NYJE, GB, BALT)
AFC: 1) INDI, 2) NYJE, 3) SD, 4) BALT, 5) NE, 6) TENN. /// NFC: 1) GB, 2) NO, 3) DALL, 4) NYGI, 5) ATLA, 6) SEAT.

*** Coronel (Level #1: INDI, PHIL, SD)
AFC: 1) INDI, 2) SD, 3) BALT, 4) NE, 5) TENN, 6) NYJE. /// NFC: 1) PHIL, 2) NO, 3) DALL, 4) NYGI, 5) MINN, 6) GB.

*** Badwater (Level #1: INDI, NO, MINN)
AFC: 1) INDI, 2) BALT, 3) NE, 4) TENN, 5) SD, 6) NYJE. /// NFC: 1) NO, 2) WASH, 3) DALL, 4) SF, 5) MINN, 6) SEAT.

*** ChessPraxis (Level #1: OAKL, ARIZ, CLEV)
AFC: 1) OAKL, 2) CLEV, 3) TENN, 4) SD, 5) NE, 6) KC. /// NFC: 1) ARIZ, 2) PHIL, 3) CHIC, 4) CARO, 5) NO, 6) WASH.

Note: Making steady progress. Selections received from 18 Big Pond Pub Members. Only 8 more to go by 31 Aug '10.

Where art thou... Svin1, Suzianne, KJCavalier, Coquette, Frank Burns, Robbie Carrobie, FreakyKBH and Talisman?



26 Dec 09
15 Aug 10

How much points would I have based on last year results?

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
15 Aug 10
1 edit

Originally posted by kes29
How much points would I have based on last year results?
Thanks for the question, Kes. With our "2010 NFL Season Big Pond Pub" and your present selections in 2009...

* Level #1 Challenge: 2009 Super Bowl teams INDI & NO (winner). Your 2010 CHIC, SEAT, SF picks wouldn't have factored.

* Level #2 Challenge: You'd have scored a total of twelve points: 1 each for INDI, SD and NE qualifying for post season,
as well as nine for INDI qualifying to play in the 2009 Super Bowl (12 - 3, since you ranked INDI third for 2010). No worries
though, Kes. NFL is anything but static. Teams seldom repeat. Cinderella underdog teams often surprise.


Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
17 Aug 10


Last moved 20 days 23 hours and 1 minute ago.



Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
18 Aug 10
1 edit

New England Patriots vs. Atlanta Falcons Thursday night (8/19/10... 8:00pm GMT-4) on FOX!

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
22 Aug 10

2010 NFL Preseason At a Glance

Here’s the preseason skinny on team win, loss; points for/against, net at a glance:



22 Aug 10
22 Aug 10

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
24 Aug 10
1 edit

2010 NFL Preseason, Weeks #1-2 (of 4) - Undefeated Teams, With Points For/Against and Net Points:

AFC: BALT +25; PITT+23; OAKL+23; NE+21; MIAM+4....... WORST: INDI 0-2 -33!

NFC: SF+25....... WORST: CHIC 0-2 -30.


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