2010 NFL Season 'Big Pond Pub'

2010 NFL Season 'Big Pond Pub'



weatherford tx

01 Sep 10
09 Sep 10

Opening game of the NFL season. This is the way to open a season. Favre-vs-Bree's. The most dynamic offenses las season. I didn't like the line and should have waited a little longer, but try as might to stay out , I went and took the vikes+5. Just to keep the weekend worthwhile and being a life long Sooner fan. I took took OU-7.5 against Fla St. I hoping without Bobby's guidence I have a chance to complete a parlay/


05 Jan 04
09 Sep 10

Originally posted by nativeredken
Opening game of the NFL season. This is the way to open a season. Favre-vs-Bree's. The most dynamic offenses las season. I didn't like the line and should have waited a little longer, but try as might to stay out , I went and took the vikes+5. Just t ...[text shortened]... U-7.5 against Fla St. I hoping without Bobby's guidence I have a chance to complete a parlay/
Saints by 14, and possibly more, is my predicition.


weatherford tx

01 Sep 10
09 Sep 10

After further revelations( can't spell deliberations) I'll go out on a limb. I computed (recalls of a feeble mind) some figures together and came up with this: Vikings will get approx. 24 points Run for 138 yds Farve passes for 219 yds. NO aints will more than likely score 20 points. Run for 91 yds and Bree's will breeze for 214 yds. OUT LOUD I HAVE MINNESOTA WINNING BY 4. Like I said it's just the ramblings of an old feeble man. P.S. I sent Peterson some stickum

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
09 Sep 10
1 edit

Originally posted by nativeredken

After further revelations( can't spell deliberations) I'll go out on a limb. I computed (recalls of a feeble mind) some figures together and came up with this: Vikings will get approx. 24 points Run for 138 yds Farve passes for 219 yds. NO aints will more than likely score 20 points. Run for 91 yds and Bree's will breeze for 214 yds. OUT LOUD I HAVE ...[text shortened]... ike I said it's just the ramblings of an old feeble man. P.S. I sent Peterson some stickum.
"I went and took the vikes+5."

Sounds as if you've got a nice nine point cushion on paper, Dave (+5 point spread in hand along with your projected

MINN win by +4). In the nasty NFL here and now, in fact, you have four points to play with. Vikings can lose by four.


Cowboy From Hell

American West

19 Apr 10
10 Sep 10

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
IMO, natural and legitimate competition represents a good thing. It provides stimulation and beneficial concentration for children of all ages. Inordinate competition and self indulgent combativeness for their own sake (especially within marriage, business teams and friendship) promote dysfunction, loss of loyalty, bitterness. We all seem to crave timel ...[text shortened]... perience.

Yes, I like to watch fights too.

Cowboy From Hell

American West

19 Apr 10
10 Sep 10

Originally posted by darvlay
Saints by 14, and possibly more, is my predicition.
You must be joking.


weatherford tx

01 Sep 10
10 Sep 10

I think it is in all men to be gladiators. Whether it is with the mind or actually getting physical. In the old days we called them a man's man. Someone we all wanted to be like. Somebody who was strong and agile. Today these same men are the boxers and UFC martial artists. I don't think wrestlers qualify. For instance: What defines a great catch? An outfielder jumping up and making a catch bouncing off the wall or maybe a reciever fully extended getting hit by a linebacker going 15mph with a crack heard by the whole stadium, flipping in the air, landing on his head and rushing back to the huddle. Who do you think is going to be most spectacular and most remembered. The GLADIATOR. When a fight happens in football it usually is done face-face and starts with a push and grabbing of face mask. Hockey is usually done from the back and usually with a stick. Basketball is done with a elbow to the face. Both of which are cheapshots. At least a pitcher faces the batter when he wants to fan his face and misses. My favorite there is Nolan Ryan standing his ground and putting the batter(name?) in a headlock and pummeling his face with punches. As men we like seeing the gladiators and it's them we chose to asmire. I'm sorry if it seems I have a opinion on everything. I just found my voice and football is my favorite. I'm just glad this is the first game of 17 wks of watching gladiators. Although my heart lies with DAL, As a player, I love all 32 teams, although not on all on the same wk. Since the time of Christ and even before we have loved warriors and winners. LATE BREAKING NEWS: I got a push. It's better than losing. Congrat to all those who got the 5.5. I still need to check the yds. Brett didn't get his but they sure showed promise. Might take a couple games to put it together but I think they looked gd.


05 Jan 04
10 Sep 10
1 edit

Originally posted by nativeredken
Opening game of the NFL season. This is the way to open a season. Favre-vs-Bree's. The most dynamic offenses las season. I didn't like the line and should have waited a little longer, but try as might to stay out , I went and took the vikes+5. Just t ...[text shortened]... U-7.5 against Fla St. I hoping without Bobby's guidence I have a chance to complete a parlay/
Not sure if you pushed or not but it was a good call. Those two botched field goals must have been a sigh of relief for you. 🙂

EDIT: Just read above. Congrats on the push.


05 Jan 04
10 Sep 10


05 Jan 04
10 Sep 10


05 Jan 04
10 Sep 10

Originally posted by ChessPraxis
You must be joking.
Yeah, I MUST be joking *rolls eyes*

You posted this at 10:30 p.m. after half the game was already over. How incredibly douchy of you. The Saints could've won by 9 had their kicker not botched two field goals.

I love how people make these types of statements but don't offer any predicitions themselves. Losers.


05 Jan 04
10 Sep 10

I did not like how the Vikes looked at all.

AD looked like he could've done some damage at the start of the game but he failed to rip off any sizable runs and the O-line failed to give him any big holes, unlike the Saints O-line who handled the fearsome front 4 of the Vikes D admirably. The Vikes LB core and depleted secondary did a good job of settlng down and not conceding anymore big pass plays after that first impressive drive.

Brett is Brett. There were some really ugly ducks he threw out there and there were times he looked like he had it together. I still do not trust him to take the Vikes far but it does look like he could make it through the year. Clearly Shiancoe is going to be his go-to guy as far as receivers go but until he gets his outside weapon back I think the Vikes may be on the verge of becoming too predictable an offense. I stand by my predicition that they will not make the playoffs this year.


Unknown Territories

05 Dec 05
10 Sep 10

Hey, GB. If I'm reading my list right, with a 5.5 point spread, I am now 1-0 in our side pool. Right?

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
10 Sep 10

Originally posted by FreakyKBH
Hey, GB. If I'm reading my list right, with a 5.5 point spread, I am now 1-0 in our side pool. Right?
You bet... four of twelve members now 1-0 after last night's 2010 Season Week #1 opener!


weatherford tx

01 Sep 10
10 Sep 10
2 edits

Today, I have to start with with Gb and say I'm sorry I didn't get you any money. Sometimes my alligator mouth will overload my parakeet arse. Like I stated before: I am a old man with a feeble mind, but after a glance at the stats who was more right. I'm not saying I'm the second coming of JIMMY THE GREEK, but I do consider I'm on the same level of intelligence. I might not put a million on Nixon to win the "68' presidential electiion. But I dare anyone to make a statement without quoting statistics to back up their parakeet arse. I was a little (40yds) off Brett's performance. I was closer predicting NO total game. And all this with nothing to go on but a feeble mind. Hey GB, listen to me in private and I will get you some money during the season. I've been a player for over 20yrs and have yet to call a Super Bowl wrong. For everyone else I'll tell you this: DEF wins championships. Also, I have been spouting off hoping there is a Network exec. to see my ideas. Further more I will accept playcalling duties as well as color analysist. I think paired with Al I would be as big a hit as Coach Madden. All others wil be charged a substanstial fee. For a mere $300 I can also make you a winner with a season long Predection of things to come.

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