2010 NFL Season 'Big Pond Pub'

2010 NFL Season 'Big Pond Pub'


Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
10 Sep 10
2 edits

Originally posted by nativeredken
Today, I have to start with with Gb and say I'm sorry I didn't get you any money. Sometimes my alligator mouth will overload my parakeet arse. Like I stated before: I am a old man with a feeble mind, but after a glance at the stats who was more right. I'm not saying I'm the second coming of JIMMY THE GREEK, but I do consider I'm on the same level of int ere $300 I can also make you a winner with a season long Predection of things to come.
Appreciate your decades of dedication to all facets of the NFL, NRKen. Must inform you, though, that only recognizing

invisible cyberspace currency as legal tender has been the long standing policy of Big Pond Pub (since July 5, 2010).



Unknown Territories

05 Dec 05
10 Sep 10

Originally posted by nativeredken
Today, I have to start with with Gb and say I'm sorry I didn't get you any money. Sometimes my alligator mouth will overload my parakeet arse. Like I stated before: I am a old man with a feeble mind, but after a glance at the stats who was more right. I'm not saying I'm the second coming of JIMMY THE GREEK, but I do consider I'm on the same level of int ...[text shortened]... ere $300 I can also make you a winner with a season long Predection of things to come.
...but after a glance at the stats who was more right.
Not so much. Here's what you said just prior to the game:

Vikings will get approx. 24 points Run for 138 yds Farve passes for 219 yds. NO aints will more than likely score 20 points. Run for 91 yds and Bree's will breeze for 214 yds. OUT LOUD I HAVE MINNESOTA WINNING BY 4.

Vikings ended up with a little more than 37% of the points you thought they'd eke out, and barely 66% of the rushing total. Farve passing total was your best Vikings prediction: within 78%.

The Saints' total points gave you 70%; and you were within 87% on the rushing yards. If someone took your advice on Bree's passing yards, they would have been within 90% of the actual total.

However, overall, when you selected Minnesota to win by 4, you wiped out any money they would have made on any of your "more right" selections.

Bottom line: If I want money (take it or leave it, but I'd rather take it than leave it), I'll stick with my own gut and work the lines.


weatherford tx

01 Sep 10
10 Sep 10
2 edits

Pardon me if I'm wrong, but after some hind sight I seemed to hit within 50yds of Brett's production, Within 22yds of Bree's production, and over their total runshing yds. To me it's like DARVLAY said: post before the game to maike a statement. I said it OUT LOUD. Heads up, I'll take you 2 days before game time. I'm on a SUPER LEVEL. Where are you? Let''s dance you and I. Put your money where your mouth is! tweet tweet. I'm sorry. I don't take personal attacks without facrs very good. I wish you well and may many victories come your way. With best wishes. Ken I may have got carried away. Especially when remembering I had become a cyberbuck millionaire. I'm sorry everyone. I will force a self imposed silence. I never wished but for everyone to have fun. To pick a winner is everyone's fantasy. I was just a little more vocal on mine. Thanks for all the comments good and bad. It was never more than attempt to start a dialog with people with the same interest. Thanks Again KEN

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
11 Sep 10

Originally posted by nativeredken

Pardon me if I'm wrong, but after some hind sight I seemed to hit within 50yds of Brett's production, Within 22yds of Bree's production, and over their total runshing yds. To me it's like DARVLAY said: post before the game to maike a statement. I said it OUT LOUD. Heads up, I'll take you 2 days before game time. I'm on a SUPER LEVEL. Where are you? ...[text shortened]... than attempt to start a dialog with people with the same interest. Thanks Again KEN
Ken, it's only a friendly pub and, not unlike any other pub on either side of the pond,

populated by guys and gals with strongly held points of view. Silence is forbidden!


Chess Librarian

The Stacks

21 Aug 09
11 Sep 10

Originally posted by nativeredken
Pardon me if I'm wrong, but after some hind sight I seemed to hit within 50yds of Brett's production, Within 22yds of Bree's production, and over their total runshing yds. To me it's like DARVLAY said: post before the game to maike a statement. I said it OUT LOUD. Heads up, I'll take you 2 days before game time. I'm on a SUPER LEVEL. Where are you? Le ...[text shortened]... than attempt to start a dialog with people with the same interest. Thanks Again KEN
Hi Ken,

I appreciate your enthusiasm, but when you write things like "I'm on a super level" and type it all in caps, you are setting yourself up for shots. I thought your analysis was pretty good, but the super level part is still TBD-one game is hardly a sample, so keep it up!

And I have to admit that I laughed a little when you remarked that defense wins championships, which has been repeated so often that it is practically considered common knowledge- sort of like "buy low, sell high". It was already a cliched remark when I was a kid, and I haven't been a kid for a long time! If you have nuggets people haven't heard before, that's the stuff to share.

If you had said something like "defense DOESN'T win championships", then you would have had my attention, as it would have contradicted practically everyone, and it certainly would have been the first time I had heard it.

I think everyone will enjoy reading your predictions, but just remember that the more you talk about how good you are, the more people will have fun pointing out stumbles- it's the nature of human interactions for that to happen.

Good luck, and good analysis going forward!



weatherford tx

01 Sep 10
11 Sep 10

One more reply, I'm open to crititism, Only with can a man truly try to improve ones self. I don't mean to say I can't accept what one has to say. But unlike most it will always BE OUT LOUD. I speak with conviction and want anyone to prove me wrong. I don't come with these thoughts to prove I'm better. I come with a dream of everyone having money and fun. Everything I know I want everyone to know. I have no secrets, just a few ideas. I hope everyone has many victories in life as well as on the field of honor.

Chess Librarian

The Stacks

21 Aug 09
11 Sep 10

Originally posted by nativeredken
One more reply, I'm open to crititism, Only with can a man truly try to improve ones self. I don't mean to say I can't accept what one has to say. But unlike most it will always BE OUT LOUD. I speak with conviction and want anyone to prove me wrong. I don't come with these thoughts to prove I'm better. I come with a dream of everyone having money and fu ...[text shortened]... t a few ideas. I hope everyone has many victories in life as well as on the field of honor.
Well said, applicable for chess and for life!

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
11 Sep 10

Originally posted by Paul Leggett
Hi Ken,

I appreciate your enthusiasm, but when you write things like "I'm on a super level" and type it all in caps, you are setting yourself up for shots. I thought your analysis was pretty good, but the super level part is still TBD-one game is hardly a sample, so keep it up!

And I have to admit that I laughed a little when you remarked that de ...[text shortened]... eractions for that to happen.

Good luck, and good analysis going forward!

"If you had said something like "defense DOESN'T win championships", then you would have had my attention, as it would have contradicted practically everyone, and it certainly would have been the first time I had heard it."

Solid defense is critical in the NFL as well as on the sixty four square grid of chess. It's primary and ongoing objective, however, is simply to get the ball back for the offensive unit (and to get the hell off off the field).

Primary objective of the offense is to score. Balanced defensive and offensive thrusts win football games... similar to parlaying positional strength and momentum to gain incremental advantages in chess games.



weatherford tx

01 Sep 10
11 Sep 10

If I may I'd like to say one more pearl. Beware of scoring defenses. As an example is Troy giving (so called BIG BEN) a short field. With that kind of field position why couldn't he score on a 80yd field when Troy was hurt. Bree's looked good. Why couldn't he produce more than the 22yds I was off on his total yds. I'm just trying to tell all those that listen someone knows why. Sure I was off on the point total, but why was I so close on yardage with big gaps on Brett's production. What do I know about football (first game of the 2010 season) that I can pretty much predict what a team would do. That's what I would ask. History repeats itself continuesly. Am I recalling on history to give me this information on the very first game of the season. Did I see anyone else give their predictions of the yds of this game. If I was you, I darn sure wouldn't critique somebody who was giving you information to get some money. Would you critique the guy who said the price of gold is going up tomorrow? I'm here for you, the working guy. If I thought the science guys knew what I was saying I would be over there. If you want to challenge me, let's pick the DAL game against the SKINS. Speak up and give me the yds of the game. Otherwise listen to the guy who is on a SUPER LEVEL.

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
11 Sep 10
2 edits

Originally posted by nativeredken

If I may I'd like to say one more pearl. Beware of scoring defenses. As an example is Troy giving (so called BIG BEN) a short field. With that kind of field position why couldn't he score on a 80yd field when Troy was hurt. Bree's looked good. Why couldn't he produce more than the 22yds I was off on his total yds. I'm just trying to tell all those th and give me the yds of the game. Otherwise listen to the guy who is on a SUPER LEVEL.
Ken, I'm interested in learning about your twenty plus year assessment of the many basic and exotic stats compiled

and kept by Las Vegas Casinos and the NFL... specifically, must have vs. nice to have in terms of maximum value.

P.S. Took Wash with 4.5 this week against Dall.



Unknown Territories

05 Dec 05
11 Sep 10

I will add my 1.5 cents, since we're all in the hugging-and-sharing motif.

Opinions are like ogres (I know it's something like that, but I might not have it exactly right). We all have them, but nobody really wants to look at them.

When you put your ogre out there, unless it's been cleaned, shaved and perfumed, expect others to point out the indelicate truth of its presentation. In a few words: toughen your skin.

Nobody here seriously thinks they're going to make a living off their prognostications--- hell, even those who do aren't really making their money off their bets, they're making money off of convincing others that they know how it's going to go down.

Like any other field of gambling, the odds are in the house's favor... not because they are bettor (ha-ha) at it: it's because they are better at being emotionally dispassionate regarding the issue at hand, and they are more than willing to take the coin from folks who are willing to put their "money where their mouths are."

That's why I take my chances on the lines, without a hint of ill-will toward anyone who thinks otherwise.

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
11 Sep 10

Originally posted by FreakyKBH

I will add my 1.5 cents, since we're all in the hugging-and-sharing motif.

Opinions are like ogres (I know it's something like that, but I might not have it exactly right). We all have them, but nobody really wants to look at them.

When you put your ogre out there, unless it's been cleaned, shaved and perfumed, expect others to point out the ind ...[text shortened]... chances on the lines, without a hint of ill-will toward anyone who thinks otherwise.
"... it's because they are better at being emotionally dispassionate regarding the issue at hand..."

Now there you go again, Freaky, singing in fine voice to the choir (at least to an invisible choir of one).


Unknown Territories

05 Dec 05
11 Sep 10

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
[b]"... it's because they are better at being emotionally dispassionate regarding the issue at hand..."

Now there you go again, Freaky, singing in fine voice to the choir (at least to an invisible choir of one).[/b]
Me likey the harmony.

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
12 Sep 10

Originally posted by FreakyKBH

Me likey the harmony.
Hominy recipes, too?

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
12 Sep 10

2010 NFL Season Big Pond Pub's Conversation Log

* July 5, Page 1... intro and outline of two challenges.

* August 8, Page 12... 2010 preseason games.

* September 9, page 15... regular season game faces on.


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