08 Jul 22
@mott-the-hoople saidShe's 10 years old, jackass.
do you understand the girl had SIX WEEKS to get an abortion?
@kellyjay saidIt’s very interesting to me that you can take offence at abortions when, statistically speaking, the abortionist is saving the vast majority of those babies growing up to then die and find themselves in the hands of your monster version of god who will torture them alive for eternity for not believing in him.
Do you think that they will rip the limbs right off its body to abort it, or some other method?
Abortion sounds like salvation!!
09 Jul 22
@divegeester saidDeath sounds like the "A" answer for you, does it?
It’s very interesting to me that you can take offence at abortions when, statistically speaking, the abortionist is saving the vast majority of those babies growing up to then die and find themselves in the hands of your monster version of god who will torture them alive for eternity for not believing in him.
Abortion sounds like salvation!!
09 Jul 22
@sonhouse saidThe issue here for doghouse is the distance traveled.
I imagine ZERO zombies will even dare to watch this order on TV right now and see the outrage in Biden's eyes, he mentioned that 10 yo girl the victim of rape FORCED to be taken to Indiana for her abortion.
Anyone against THAT is a fukking ASSSHOLE and that is a MILD description I would write here about those folks who care less about women's rights and the former right to privacy.
So then doghouse you have some idea on a maximum distance between abortion clinics. Can you tell us what that distance should be and how you calculated this distance?
09 Jul 22
@wajoma saidWhat's the right wing "libertarian" position on the State forcing a ten year old to bear a child, Wajoma?
The issue here for doghouse is the distance traveled.
So then doghouse you have some idea on a maximum distance between abortion clinics. Can you tell us what that distance should be and how you calculated this distance?
09 Jul 22
@jimm619 saidSo you believe you were never at that stage of human development? Did you skip the first few weeks of development or did you to go through that as well? When do you think life’s processes start?
Six weeks....No, not even close....You're not a Doctor
Hey, isn't 'The Scarecrow,' the one with NO BRAINS? π
09 Jul 22
@kellyjay saidAt least 40% (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5443340/) and perhaps as high as 2/3 of eggs fertilized at conception (https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/10/101003205930.htm) fail to develop successfully and "die" long before birth.
So you believe you were never at that stage of human development? Did you skip the first few weeks of development or did you to go through that as well? When do you think life’s processes start?
Do you have funerals for all of them in your church, KJ?
@no1marauder saidI've made my position very clear. I don't know ;^)
What's the right wing "libertarian" position on the State forcing a ten year old to bear a child, Wajoma?
Used to believe womans body/womans choice, right up until the birth but now that looks like a cop out answer. Absolutely women should be able to get an abortion but late term? Now I believe there should be a line drawn somewhere after which a woman must commit to the birth.
Not sure how you can twist 'right wing libertarian' and 'left wing libertarian' into this issue it's a contentious issue for wingless libertarians I've seen many of the same arguments that we see here.. You often call me a Randroid or some such I think objectivists come down on the parasitical maggot side of the argument. Is that the way you see a late term fetus No.1?
One point all Libertarians and all reasonable people can agree: Abortions should not be funded through state force.
It's all been done to death a thousand times on a hundred other abortion threads here at rhp. The issue bought up here is; not age but travel, not; at what stage an abortion can be carried out but how far away the clinic is. What bearing does the girls age have on how far she needs to travel to get an abortion. sonhouse must have some maximum distance in mind that abortion clinics must be spread in a network all over the country so that no woman has to travel more than x miles or y hours to receive an abortion, let's see his calculations and reasoning.
I don't want to speak for sonhouse maybe his calculations are based on the girls age and it is 10 year old girls seeking abortion that should determine how many clinics and where they're situated.
@wajoma saidYou have spectacularly missed the point if you really think the issue was simply one of how far someone needs to travel to have an abortion as if that choice is like finding the closest McDonald's. Absent State interference with the right to bodily autonomy that antiabortion penal laws epitomize, there will be plenty of providers. It is only when the State blocks the ability of providers to give such care that the distance problem arises. And not content with that interference, right wing States are intent on blocking the dissemination of abortion pills which are now the majority method of abortion in the US.
I've made my position very clear. I don't know ;^)
Used to believe womans body/womans choice, right up until the birth but now that looks like a cop out answer. Absolutely women should be able to get an abortion but late term? Now I believe there should be a line drawn somewhere after which a woman must commit to the birth.
Not sure how you can twist 'right wing li ...[text shortened]... 0 year old girls seeking abortion that should determine how many clinics and where they're situated.
Sorry, but I see no reason abortion shouldn't be covered like other medical services by State provided insurance or facilities. The argument that some minority find this use of their tax dollars objectionable is no more convincing in this matter than any other; there are many things I'd prefer my tax dollars not to be used for but so long as such decisions are made by elected officials such objections are merely objections to democracy itself.
I've made my position clear on abortion many times on this board including in direct response to one of your posts recently in another thread. In sticking with Natural Law principles, I would use a cut off point of Natural viability as before that the zygote/embryo/fetus is wholly contained inside the woman's body, cannot exist outside it and thus what should or shouldn't be done about it is purely a subject of the woman's basic right to make decisions regarding her body i.e. bodily autonomy.
@wajoma saidWhy not?
The issue here for doghouse is the distance traveled.
So then doghouse you have some idea on a maximum distance between abortion clinics. Can you tell us what that distance should be and how you calculated this distance?
You go to great lengths to miss the point, every time.
@kellyjay saidOn the other hand, YOUR body autonomy has never, ever been in question, has it?
So you believe you were never at that stage of human development? Did you skip the first few weeks of development or did you to go through that as well? When do you think life’s processes start?
You get to live your life secure in the knowledge that this is due solely to your Y chromosome.
Yet another case of the haves vs. the have-nots. Lucky you.
@kellyjay saidIf they have to its because religious fascists like you made it impossible for this child to get medical assistance quick enough.
Do you think that they will rip the limbs right off its body to abort it, or some other method?
If your dark fantasy is true they should rub the resulting putrid mess into the faces of the nearest misogynistic right wing fake Christian’s like yourself.