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Biden signing executive order on abortion rights.

Biden signing executive order on abortion rights.


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@kellyjay said
You think something we call wrong and based on religion should not be written
in the law of the land for everyone, stealing, murder, rape, do we need to have
those laws done away with because there are similarities in someone's religion?

I've been talking about life, if you want to talk about separation between church
and state that it is a different topic.
So you do not equate the idea of the sanctity of life from conception with theological dogma rather than civic or legal dogma.
So when exactly after conception does the bunch of cells become a human child with all the rights associated with that status?


Jesus, torture, eternity, vengeance, Trump, and Hell are things I have not been
talking about here. You are in the wrong Forum regarding the religious portion
of this, concerning Trump, I'm not a Trump apologist; I imagine you are just
so full of hate that whenever you disagree with someone, you use that as a term
to insult, if you can tag someone with Trump's name no need to justify your
stance, the same thing with Hell, use Trump and Hell, and you can shut down
your brain and not think things through on any topic; let the hate be declared
your feelings are all that matter by invoking those.


@kevcvs57 said
So you do not equate the idea of the sanctity of life from conception with theological dogma rather than civic or legal dogma.
So when exactly after conception does the bunch of cells become a human child with all the rights associated with that status?
You realize right now even you are just a bunch of cells right?


@kellyjay said
What lie have I said about six-week termination? The age of someone with a child
doesn't change the discussion about life in the womb. It is horrible that something
like that could happen to a ten-year-old; there is nothing I have said that diminishes
that. Your prejudice and hate of a political party don't add to the righteousness of
taking a life or justify it in any form or fashion; it is a side issue.
You are clearly claiming that the termination of 6 week pregnancy requires that the foetus must be dismembered in the womb before removal?
You’ve said it enough times in this thread about a six week pregnancy resulting from the rape of a ten year old child.


@kevcvs57 said
So you do not equate the idea of the sanctity of life from conception with theological dogma rather than civic or legal dogma.
So when exactly after conception does the bunch of cells become a human child with all the rights associated with that status?
I've been talking about the process of human life starting; without conception,
where a new human life starts, there is no human life. Attaching value to life is
scary; if you think someone else has the right to determine worth, life will only
have assigned value if you don't have an intrinsic value. Any value assigned
can be valued or rejected; this will be true in the womb and out of it. Do you
think the recent mass murderers valued the lives of those killed?

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@kevcvs57 said
You are clearly claiming that the termination of 6 week pregnancy requires that the foetus must be dismembered in the womb before removal?
You’ve said it enough times in this thread about a six week pregnancy resulting from the rape of a ten year old child.
I started by asking when they do the abortion, will they dismember the child in
the womb.


Sure dive.


@kellyjay said
I started by asking when they do the abortion, will they dismember the child in
the womb.
But unless you haven’t researched this at all you would know there is nothing to dismember, it’s just a classic piece of kerb crawling black propaganda that you might encounter outside a family planning clinic if your unlucky enough to live somewhere with a high density of extremist Christian’s in your country.

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@kevcvs57 said
But unless you haven’t researched this at all you would know there is nothing to dismember, it’s just a classic piece of kerb crawling black propaganda that you might encounter outside a family planning clinic if your unlucky enough to live somewhere with a high density of extremist Christian’s in your country.
So what, do they crush the body ending the life that way, take the head, snip it in
half, because that is not as bad as taking off an arm and leg? It is still a human
life which is the central point. A life allowed to go full term will be an infant, a
toddler, through adulthood but kill it at any point, no.


The Spiritual Forum is for spiritual matter discussions, anything related to those type
of things can be addressed there in full.


@kellyjay said
So what, do they crush the body ending the life that way, take the head, snip it in
half, because that is not as bad as taking off an arm and leg? It is still a human
life which is the central point. A life allowed to go full term will be an infant, a
toddler, through adulthood but kill it at any point, no.
Are you claiming not to understand what a 6 week old foetus is or even looks like, it’s in the tadpole stage, no snipping, cutting or liquidising required.
So with this lack of knowledge you storm in here demanding that a state has the moral right to force a ten year old rape victim to carry a tadpole to term and raise her rapists offspring.
I’m so glad I grew out of my religion, but then again My mother would have made sure that I never would have become your kind of Christian.

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