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I’m so proud of them boys…

I’m so proud of them boys…



@no1marauder said
Yes, I think they knew how the Electoral College certification worked even if you don't.

Why do you think they were yelling "Where's Mike Pence"? "Where's Nancy Pelosi?" Why did some rioters bring zip ties with them?
That's to zip tie their hands, oh dangit, now they can't sign the papers.


@wajoma said
That's to zip tie their hands, oh dangit, now they can't sign the papers.
"At 2:24 p.m. ET, eleven minutes after rioters breached the Capitol building, according to the committee, Trump tweeted that Pence “didn't have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution.”
According to Aguilar, the committee’s “investigation found that immediately after the President’s 2:24 p.m. ET tweet, the crowds both outside the Capitol and inside the Capitol surged.”

After the tweet, Aguilar said the mob was able to overwhelm police. Pence was evacuated at 2:26 p.m. ET — two minutes after Trump’s tweet — to a loading dock under the Senate plaza. "


You're either playing stupid or not playing.

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@no1marauder said
"At 2:24 p.m. ET, eleven minutes after rioters breached the Capitol building, according to the committee, Trump tweeted that Pence “didn't have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution.”
According to Aguilar, the committee’s “investigation found that immediately after the President’s 2:24 p.m. ET tweet, the crowds b ...[text shortened]... -hearings-june-16/h_35ab271697e07c2bc2974d334ed03683

You're either playing stupid or not playing.
I thought it was the majic code word command, 'Stop the steal' now the code was hidden in a tweet. The problem with telling lies is that you need another ten lies to cover the first one. Who was he speaking to do you think, this was all being run through Tarrio, who didn't attend, or operations command Biggs? Or the whole mob was receiving the messages and they'd all signed up to follow orders no matter what. It was an out of control mob.

Your story becomes more ridiculous and far-fetched with every post.

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@wajoma said
I thought it was the majic code word command, 'Stop the steal' now the code was hidden in a tweet. The problem with telling lies is that you need another ten lies to cover the first one. Who was he speaking to do you think, this was all being run through Tarrio, who didn't attend, or operations command Biggs? Or the whole mob was receiving the messages and they'd all signed ...[text shortened]... follow orders no matter what.

Your story becomes more ridiculous and far-fetched with every post.
This is a waste of time; you're playing stupid or are stupid.

I haven't told a single lie here and you know it. Trump didn't need to coordinate with small fry like Tarrio; he told them what he wanted and they willingly obliged. That does not make Tarrio and Biggs' crimes any less serious because they were fools for a con man; just makes them and their defenders like you more pathetic.

There were over 100,000 people in that crowd and the vast majority didn't storm the Capitol by force in a successful attempt to disrupt the Electoral College certification or do worse. But Biggs and the others planned to and did and their actions clearly constituted the crime of seditious conspiracy.

Your straw grasping and playing dumb doesn't change those facts.


"Also on January 5th, the Defendant met alone with the Vice President. When the Vice President refused to agree with the defendant's request that he obstruct the certification, the Defendant grew frustrated and told the Vice President that the Defendant would have to publicly criticize him." Paragraph 97 of the Indictment. https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2023/08/politics/annotated-text-copy-trump-indictment-dg/

As already shown, Trump waited until after the rioters had already breached the Capitol to criticize Pence and immediately some rioters, including Biggs and other Proud Boys proceeded to the Senate Chamber where they thought Pence could be found presiding over the certification.

This is all a massive coincidence in Wajoma's Dream World Version.


@no1marauder said
This is a waste of time; you're playing stupid or are stupid.

I haven't told a single lie here and you know it. Trump didn't need to coordinate with small fry like Tarrio; he told them what he wanted and they willingly obliged. That does not make Tarrio and Biggs' crimes any less serious because they were fools for a con man; just makes them and their defenders like yo ...[text shortened]... e crime of seditious conspiracy.

Your straw grasping and playing dumb doesn't change those facts.
It was an out of control mob, who were not receiving secret code words to activate and steer them.

Biggs, Tarrio (who didn't attend) and others are political prisoners, Biggs has been tortured (baseless isolation) and no doubt been offered all kinds of deals to roll on all kinds of people. A man of extreme integrity and resolve, traits which helped him win two purple hearts, he is facing the greatest test of his life and so far stood strong. One day he'll be recognised for the hero he is.

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@wajoma said
It was an out of control mob, who were not receiving secret code words to activate and steer them.

Biggs, Tarrio (who didn't attend) and others are political prisoners, Biggs has been tortured (baseless isolation) and no doubt been offered all kinds of deals to roll on all kinds of people. A man of extreme integrity and resolve, traits which helped him win two purple heart ...[text shortened]... greatest test of his life and so far stood strong. One day he'll be recognised for the hero he is.
LMAO! Is the only response such idiocy deserves.

Tarrio, Biggs and the rest are not in prison because of their politics.

Biggs is a pathetic fool now begging for Donald Trump to pardon him and whining about prison food. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/proud-boy-joe-biggs-gripes-about-horrible-prison-grub-certain-trump-will-pardon-him/ar-AA1gbITB

You have to be particularly weak minded to regard such a person as a "hero".


@no1marauder said
LMAO! Is the only response such idiocy deserves.

Tarrio, Biggs and the rest are not in prison because of their politics.

Biggs is a pathetic fool now begging for Donald Trump to pardon him and whining about prison food. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/proud-boy-joe-biggs-gripes-about-horrible-prison-grub-certain-trump-will-pardon-him/ar-AA1gbITB

You have to be particularly weak minded to regard such a person as a "hero".
Not sure what your point is, no doubt prison food is shyte, I've seen this a few times now, Biggs has dared to comment on the food and you'd like to turn that into some kind of victory? Next we'll be hearing prison rapes jokes from you.

This is the pathetic level you and your sources have stooped to, and says a great deal about your character.

"Weeee, they serve bad food in prison, weeeee, take that Biggs, weeee go on eat some of that food Biggs weeee, take it, weee"

You've bottomed out.

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@wajoma said
It was an out of control mob, who were not receiving secret code words to activate and steer them.

Biggs, Tarrio (who didn't attend) and others are political prisoners, Biggs has been tortured (baseless isolation) and no doubt been offered all kinds of deals to roll on all kinds of people. A man of extreme integrity and resolve, traits which helped him win two purple heart ...[text shortened]... greatest test of his life and so far stood strong. One day he'll be recognised for the hero he is.
So now the SHU (solitary confinement) is torture? Wow there's a lot of torture going on all the time and has been for a long time.

It's amusing seeing all this outrage all of the sudden for what is really just routine in the prison system. But up until now all we heard was "Build more prisons! Hire more police!"

These guys are not getting any worse treatment from the justice system than other criminals do.

I'm assuming you're telling the truth; I cannot find any evidence that he was placed in solitary confinement. But if he was, so what? Maybe he's just too soft to survive in General Population and asked for protection.


@athousandyoung said
So now the SHU (solitary confinement) is torture? Wow there's a lot of torture going on all the time and has been for a long time.

[youtube Michael Franceze Solitary]9e8WiB91VBY[/youtube]
[youtube Wes Watson SHU]oXPfSEjzA6Y[/youtube]

It's amusing seeing all this outrage all of the sudden for what is really just routine in the prison system. But up until now all ...[text shortened]... he was, so what? Maybe he's just too soft to survive in General Population and asked for protection.
I did stipulate unjustified isolation, as a last course some people earn it, it's no less torture for them too.

It was done to Biggs for vindictive malicious purposes, the excuse; Biggs was going to start a revolution from inside the prison.


@wajoma said
Not sure what your point is, no doubt prison food is shyte, I've seen this a few times now, Biggs has dared to comment on the food and you'd like to turn that into some kind of victory? Next we'll be hearing prison rapes jokes from you.

This is the pathetic level you and your sources have stooped to, and says a great deal about your character.

"Weeee, they serve bad f ...[text shortened]... at Biggs, weeee go on eat some of that food Biggs weeee, take it, weee"

You've bottomed out.
Joe Biggs took the same oath I and millions of others did part of which is to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; ". https://www.military.com/join-armed-forces/swearing-in-for-military-service.html

When he plotted to forcibly annul a democratic election and stop a proceeding mandated by the Constitution, he showed himself to be not a "hero" but a man without honor.

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@wajoma said
I did stipulate unjustified isolation, as a last course some people earn it, it's no less torture for them too.

It was done to Biggs for vindictive malicious purposes, the excuse; Biggs was going to start a revolution from inside the prison.
Those who lead criminal activities are usually isolated to prevent communications. Nothing new or malicious here.

I understand you like Biggs but he's just being treated like any other criminal.


@wajoma said
I did stipulate unjustified isolation, as a last course some people earn it, it's no less torture for them too.

It was done to Biggs for vindictive malicious purposes, the excuse; Biggs was going to start a revolution from inside the prison.

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Former Black Panther Albert Woodfox has been in solitary for over 40 years.


@athousandyoung said

Former Black Panther Albert Woodfox has been in solitary for over 40 years.
That’s fukking atrocious!

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