@sonhouse saidHey idiot, who is she?
Right, we have SO many females responding to your BULLSHYTE.
Maybe SHE herself will come in and say who she is.
You know full well and good who she is. You really think you are being CUTE?
@sonhouse saidI don't recall seeing anybody by the name "SHE" on here.
Maybe SHE herself will come in and say who she is.
You know full well and good who she is. You really think you are being CUTE?
I have no idea who you are talking about. When did you give me the slightest clue?
@sonhouse saidWhen did you give me the slightest clue?
Stop playing games, you know EXACTLY who we are talking about.
You are the one playing games.
@metal-brain saidThat is a prophecy but it is poorly translated and was fulfilled well over a thousand years ago. Here is a better translation:
I was referring to the bible passages such as this one:
"And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name" ...[text shortened]... cashless society using quantum dot tattoos/microchips pretty well. Is that bible passage a prophecy?
"And he [the Beast] causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark OF HIS right hand or OF HIS forehead, and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name"
This is a description of Roman coins of the time.
@athousandyoung saidWhat about this part of it?
That is a prophecy but it is poorly translated and was fulfilled well over a thousand years ago. Here is a better translation:
"And he [the Beast] causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark OF HIS right hand or OF HIS forehead, and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except ...[text shortened]... he name of the beast or the number of his name"
This is a description of Roman coins of the time.
"to be given a mark OF HIS right hand or OF HIS forehead, and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell"
I fail to see how that is applicable to coins. Besides, if you have a coin you can buy.
Metalbrain are you really the type of person who thinks that Judeo-Grecian-Roman people from nearly 2000 years ago are going to make prophecies about stuff TODAY?
Revelations 1 he revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place
This was written about 60 CE. Is 2021 really "soon" from the perspective of people in the first century CE?
@metal-brain saidThis is written by Abrahamic monotheists who considered it blasphemy to use coins that depict a God-Emperor. Nero's Rome required their coins to be used for all transactions.
What about this part of it?
"to be given a mark OF HIS right hand or OF HIS forehead, and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell"
I fail to see how that is applicable to coins. Besides, if you have a coin you can buy.
One the front, Nero's forehead. On the back, Nero extending his right hand.
@athousandyoung saidNo, I am an atheist. My beliefs are not what is important though.
Metalbrain are you really the type of person who thinks that Judeo-Grecian-Roman people from nearly 2000 years ago are going to make prophecies about stuff TODAY?
Revelations 1 he revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place
This was written about 60 CE. Is 2021 really "soon" from the perspective of people in the first century CE?
I can understand why religious people might think this is a prophecy coming true. The parallels are striking.
If you have a coin you can buy. I fail to see how a coin could prevent people from buying and selling. The opposite is true.
@metal-brain saidLook at what it says. If you don't have the Mark, you don't have the coins. If you have the coins, you have the Mark. You're not allowed to barter or use shekels.
No, I am an atheist. My beliefs are not what is important though.
I can understand why religious people might think this is a prophecy coming true. The parallels are striking.
If you have a coin you can buy. I fail to see how a coin could prevent people from buying and selling. The opposite is true.
It's kind of like if we said today "nobody can buy or sell without the Mark of the President or of the Eye of Providence" because the dollar bill has the President and the Eye of Providence symbol. Pesos and Euros are not legal tender here in the USA so you can't use them.
The parellels are only "striking" because these religious people ASSUME nobody will be able to buy or sell without without "microdot vaccines". These is no law like that. There is also no reason why it would need to be in the right hand or forehead. This is just Christians trying to make the Bible fit their preconceived ideas.
@athousandyoung saidThat is an interesting theory, but you make it sound like the prophecy came true because it already happened. Do you believe in prophecies?
Look at what it says. If you don't have the Mark, you don't have the coins. If you have the coins, you have the Mark. You're not allowed to barter or use shekels.
It's kind of like if we said today "nobody can buy or sell without the Mark of the President or of the Eye of Providence" because the dollar bill has the President and the Eye of Providence symbol. Pesos and Euros are not legal tender here in the USA so you can't use them.
@athousandyoung said"There is also no reason why it would need to be in the right hand or forehead. This is just Christians trying to make the Bible fit their preconceived ideas."
The parellels are only "striking" because these religious people ASSUME nobody will be able to buy or sell without without "microdot vaccines". These is no law like that. There is also no reason why it would need to be in the right hand or forehead. This is just Christians trying to make the Bible fit their preconceived ideas.
Hold on. Are you claiming the part about the "right hand or forehead" is not what it said in the bible?