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Midair collision, Black hawk chopper and passenger jet:

Midair collision, Black hawk chopper and passenger jet:


@KingDavid403 said
Actually; in six days, I will have three and a half years of sobriety. I am prescribed Medical Marijuana legally. Not a drop, or anything else. Yes, "thank God it's Friday" as they say. 🙂 No problem here. And you?
Had 2 cold beers with lunch, so that does not count. Marijuana can make you more high than a few beers.

This is why we can't get along in this country. Everyone is so buried in their social media bubble that we all just talk past each other.

A plane and helicopter crash and 67 people die, and all we can get is

Orange Man's Fault

Libtard's Fault

Muzzie terrorist's Fault


@Rajk999 said
I dont think you understand. You need to read the logs of the comm between the ATC and the 2 aircraft. The blackhawk pilot confirmed that he had seen the passenger aircraft and he is going to maintain visual separation [aka a safe distance] from the jet. Shortly after he flew straight into them. Something does not make sense and it has nothing whatsoever to do with polici ...[text shortened]... ters and also the same demented thinking affects Biden haters. You people are sick. Get some help.
Something does not make sense
I'll give you that. Having only one air traffic controller for the whole airport in Washington DC surely does not make sense.
Also, these service members were training to fly. That means they are green behind the ears; so to speak.
However, nothing on Islam as of yet. Some Muslims I personally know kind of like Trump; however, they are multi-millionaires also.

@Rajk999 said
Had 2 cold beers with lunch, so that does not count. Marijuana can make you more high than a few beers.
Not for an everyday user. It equals out quickly.
One really can't compare the two; alcohol causes more deaths than ALL other drugs combined.
Marijuana does not compare.

1 edit

@sh76 said
This is why we can't get along in this country. Everyone is so buried in their social media bubble that we all just talk past each other.

A plane and helicopter crash and 67 people die, and all we can get is

Orange Man's Fault

Libtard's Fault

Muzzie terrorist's Fault

A plane and helicopter crash and 67 people die, and all we can get is

Orange Man's Fault

Libtard's Fault

Muzzie terrorist's Fault


Two out of four ain't bad. 😉


total coincidence. the H-60 chopper pilot ignored the command from ATT to get lower. the pilot aimed for that PAX craft.

sorry phranny, you're stretching the facts to satisfy your urge to hate.

@Soothfast said
A "doosh" on CNN whom you can't even name is not the President of the United States. There is indeed a world of difference, and your false equivalency is laughably absurd whataboutism. Not to mention pathetic.
I wasn't trying to file a report, for cripes sake.

CNN pundit apologizes after sparking right-wing fury for blaming DC plane crash on Trump

the CNN doosh is Bakari Sellers. Happy now?


@Rajk999 said
Has to be terrorists. There is no mistake there. A commercial plane on the landing path a minute or two prior to landing, gets a direct hit from behind by a military helicopter, cannot be a mistake.
the name of the third pilot bugs me.

if they played the Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) (they won't) I bet we would here "Aloha Snackbar" right at the end

@Earl-of-Trumps said
@sonhouse - "So political grandstanding is the new normal for you? "

As soon as this tragedy happened, the loudmouth liars were carving up Trump.
You lie, and lie, and lie. The problem lies with the Blackhawk pilot, who was warned by the ATC.

stop your lying and quitcha'bitching.
He spent 2 minutes going all condolences and then another ten minutes blaming democrats, DEI, Obama, Pete Buttigug, however you spell it, AND they hadn't even finished pulling out the bodies from the Potomic river and NO other president was that STUPID or insensitive like that turning 70 deaths into a political bully pulpit.
If you didn't see that it was because you didn't WANT to see it so you could hold your head up high in your praise of a fuuking DICTATOR TRAITOR.

I saw it, I posted it.

Comrade... Trump knows the name of the infamous unnamed pilot.

it's DEI

@Earl-of-Trumps said
I saw it, I posted it.

Comrade... Trump knows the name of the infamous unnamed pilot.

it's DEI
I guess you LOVE back seat driving even before the bodies are all pulled out of the water.
What is wrong with letting the NTSB do their job?
Yeah, don't want actual competent people doing the job they are expert in, lets just go IT WAS DEI, those black bastards should be fuuking LYNCHED like we used to.

@sonhouse said
I guess you LOVE back seat driving even before the bodies are all pulled out of the water.
What is wrong with letting the NTSB do their job?
Yeah, don't want actual competent people doing the job they are expert in, lets just go IT WAS DEI, those black bastards should be fuuking LYNCHED like we used to.
@Rajk999 is right. You are one sick puppy. Totally disturbed.

@sonhouse said
He spent 2 minutes going all condolences and then another ten minutes blaming democrats, DEI, Obama, Pete Buttigug, however you spell it, AND they hadn't even finished pulling out the bodies from the Potomic river and NO other president ...[text shortened]... n't WANT to see it so you could hold your head up high in your praise of a fuuking DICTATOR TRAITOR.
A bit off-topic, I know, but I'm curious about your frequent use of the word "scree." Is this a regional dialectical analog of "screed"?
scree: an accumulation of loose stones or rocky debris lying on a slope or at the base of a hill or cliff : talus

@Earl-of-Trumps said
@Rajk999 is right. You are one sick puppy. Totally disturbed.
Yeah SO disturbed wanting the actual experts who do such investigations actually be allowed to do their job, what a SHOCKER.
Trump obviously doesn't believe in that, just jumping in and blaming everyone else, political grandstanding and YOUR zero empathy rating doesn't give a rats ass about the grieving families he spent two minutes out of 20 or so talking about them.

@Soothfast said
A bit off-topic, I know, but I'm curious about your frequent use of the word "scree." Is this a regional dialectical analog of "screed"?
scree: an accumulation of loose stones or rocky debris lying on a slope or at the base of a hill or cliff : talus
The rocks represent the rocks that are inside Trumps head where brain cells are supposed to be......

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