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Midair collision, Black hawk chopper and passenger jet:

Midair collision, Black hawk chopper and passenger jet:


@Rajk999 said
Nonsense. You are admitting that your mindset is determined by your preferred political party. You are a sychophant, unable to think for yourself.

@wildgrass said
Yes, you are easily influenced by your leader.

@Rajk999 said
Yes, you are easily influenced by your leader.
It's basic human psychology, mate. Trumps a very influential leader, to the point where he can convince throngs of people to swarm the capitol.

Dear leaders divisive comments regarding this plane crash (among other things) explain the divisiveness throughout the country. It's not partisan to point this out.

@wildgrass said
It's basic human psychology, mate. Trumps a very influential leader, to the point where he can convince throngs of people to swarm the capitol.

Dear leaders divisive comments regarding this plane crash (among other things) explain the divisiveness throughout the country. It's not partisan to point this out.
Rakj fancies himself an impartial observer here.

Even though he only personally tears into the progressives and gives the fascist loonies a pass.

@wildgrass said
It's basic human psychology, mate. Trumps a very influential leader, to the point where he can convince throngs of people to swarm the capitol.

Dear leaders divisive comments regarding this plane crash (among other things) explain the divisiveness throughout the country. It's not partisan to point this out.
You are saying the same thing in different words.
Some men are sheep or sycophants.
Some men are leaders.

You think those are your only options.

@Rajk999 said
You are saying the same thing in different words.
Some men are sheep or sycophants.
Some men are leaders.

You think those are your only options.
Since you know so much, please tell us wise sage - What would a real leader have done in this situation?

@wildgrass said
Since you know so much, please tell us wise sage - What would a real leader have done in this situation?
Went and got an ice cream cone?

@wildgrass said
What contradicts?

Regarding the female soldier, the family requested privacy.
crazy contradictions like one source saying the helicopter was at 900' level while another says 300'. Or most saying the chopper pilot was in the wrong, while one man claims that the ATC made an error.

Officially, the family requested the name not be released. Personally, I think the military persuaded them to request that so people will not know what the DEI pilot is. MY OPINION

@Earl-of-Trumps said
crazy contradictions like one source saying the helicopter was at 900' level while another says 300'. Or most saying the chopper pilot was in the wrong, while one man claims that the ATC made an error.

Officially, the family requested the name not be released. Personally, I think the military persuaded them to request that so people will not know what the DEI pilot is. MY OPINION
Her name was released.

It's tragic that trump has to make everything political. She died.

As I mentioned earlier, the percentage of minority pilots has barely budged in 15 years. DEI did not work.

@Earl-of-Trumps said
crazy contradictions like one source saying the helicopter was at 900' level while another says 300'. Or most saying the chopper pilot was in the wrong, while one man claims that the ATC made an error.

Officially, the family requested the name not be released. Personally, I think the military persuaded them to request that so people will not know what the DEI pilot is. MY OPINION

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@Phranny said
On January 20, Trump fires the FAA director.
On January 21, Troop freezes all Air Traffic Controller hiring.
On January 22, Trump disbands the Aviation Safety Advisory Committee.
On January 28, Trump sends a buyout/retirement ransom letter to exiting FAA employees.
sounds like the lyrics to Falco's "Rock me Amadeus!!"

@sonhouse said

Before even the NTSB who are the people investigating crashes like this even pulled the bodies out the water?
The issue is that before Trump, presidents had class and the thought of being crass was furthest from their minds. They were aware of the power of their words. Their comments were considered, and their attitude was to calm situations, not to inflame them.

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@Rajk999 said
Looks like an act of terrorism. That chopper when straight for the plane. Not an accident.
Are you open to reconsider after the investigation?

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@sh76 said
This is why we can't get along in this country. Everyone is so buried in their social media bubble that we all just talk past each other.

A plane and helicopter crash and 67 people die, and all we can get is

Orange Man's Fault

Libtard's Fault

Muzzie terrorist's Fault

I am with you here.

And that some people in official capacity think it appropriate to play the blame game even before any investigation has even started in earnest is some of the more depressing aspects.

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@Earl-of-Trumps said
I wasn't trying to file a report, for cripes sake.

CNN pundit apologizes after sparking right-wing fury for blaming DC plane crash on Trump

the CNN doosh is Bakari Sellers. Happy now?

How about the president apologizing for starting a silly blame game?

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