@Ponderable saidHe never blamed anyone publicly. And I thought he was blaming the chopper, it appears he's blaming ATC, who we do not know
How about the president apologizing for starting a silly blame game?
@mike69 saidIf you're talking about Captain Lobach, she was commissioned as an Army aviation officer in 2019 and had 450 hours of flight time.https://www.npr.org/2025/02/01/g-s1-46002/washington-dc-airport-potomac-crash-black-hawk-military-crew
She was a Biden dei placement and lacked the experience to be flying in that airspace at that time.
@no1marauder saidNot much is it and how much of that was learning to fly the chopper 100, 150 hours, also over five years. What role was she in the Biden admin?
If you're talking about Captain Lobach, she was commissioned as an Army aviation officer in 2019 and had 450 hours of flight time.https://www.npr.org/2025/02/01/g-s1-46002/washington-dc-airport-potomac-crash-black-hawk-military-crew
@no1marauder saidWhy did her name only come out after her social media was scrubbed?
If you're talking about Captain Lobach, she was commissioned as an Army aviation officer in 2019 and had 450 hours of flight time.https://www.npr.org/2025/02/01/g-s1-46002/washington-dc-airport-potomac-crash-black-hawk-military-crew
@no1marauder saidWow, you really got me there, good one? You could try putting everything together to create a larger picture if you had the intelligence and ability to look beyond yourself and personal wants and needs.
Gee, a dead person's social media got removed.
It must be a CONSPIRACY.
Right wingers are complete idiots.
@Rajk999 saidWhatever the truth of it, and you are equally likely correct, it still remains a tragedy. Some have been warning for years that this type of tragedy could likely occur over Reagan Airport due to congestion over that area. Best that can happen is they review their current practice and put in changes so as not to revisit this type of tragedy.
Right ... so I had a look at a few of the videos, both the real and the simulated ones and it appears that the CRJ had done all the turns, and banked left or right as required, and was on a straight level glide-path into runway 33. Then the black hawk hit. Check it yourself.
@Rajk999 said?si=hIRdGAThuUsdNJFF
Right ... so I had a look at a few of the videos, both the real and the simulated ones and it appears that the CRJ had done all the turns, and banked left or right as required, and was on a straight level glide-path into runway 33. Then the black hawk hit. Check it yourself.
Have a look at this one.
@kmax87 saidOk .. these have some great explanations and analysis. They deal with everything except the one critical matter of the 3 people in the chopper not seeing the jet 5 seconds before the crash. That was enough time to pull away. That is incredible .. were the other 2 people asleep?
This one explains even better.
@Rajk999 saidThe pilot was doing a training run. There was a supervisor next door to her. The detail most troubling is just the fact that helicopters fly nose down and planes fly nose up and was banking into a turn before final.
Ok .. these have some great explanations and analysis. They deal with everything except the one critical matter of the 3 people in the chopper not seeing the jet 5 seconds before the crash. That was enough time to pull away. That is incredible .. were the other 2 people asleep?
@kmax87 saidWasn't the plane descending to land at fairly high speed? Plus it was a small commercial plane with only 60 passengers; hardier to see then a usual commercial flight.
The pilot was doing a training run. There was a supervisor next door to her. The detail most troubling is just the fact that helicopters fly nose down and planes fly nose up and was banking into a turn before final.
They may not have seen it at all or seen it seconds before impact and "froze" (an involuntary and common reaction).
All speculation, I guess we'll know more when the helicopter's in flight audio is released.
@no1marauder saidOne of the youtubers looked at the initial separation distance (5mi) and then looked at the time it took to get to the collision point and estimated that the closing speed between the two aircraft was around 280 mph. So yes both aircraft were probably going too fast.
Wasn't the plane descending to land at fairly high speed? Plus it was a small commercial plane with only 60 passengers; hardier to see then a usual commercial flight.
They may not have seen it at all or seen it seconds before impact and "froze" (an involuntary and common reaction).
All speculation, I guess we'll know more when the helicopter's in flight audio is released.
The other thing is its more than probable that the helicopter pilot may have fixated on another plane.
@mike69 saidbecause that's what family members do when they don't want their family member to be vilified by internet trolls and nosy-bodies.
Why did her name only come out after her social media was scrubbed?
Not everything is a conspiracy. Just like the crash. They just didn't see the plane.
Simple. Nothing to see here...move along.
@uzless saidNo conspiracy, I’m saying with her experience there’s a good chance she had no business flying at that time in that airspace…. I’m also looking at her rise in rank and positions held, speed of, as a good indicator it was because of who and what she was not her true capability’s. Read into it what you like, no problem, yet saying it’s just a crash is silly.
because that's what family members do when they don't want their family member to be vilified by internet trolls and nosy-bodies.
Not everything is a conspiracy. Just like the crash. They just didn't see the plane.
Simple. Nothing to see here...move along.