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Palin lost that debate!

Palin lost that debate!


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Originally posted by der schwarze Ritter
I don't care what the Europeans think of us, nor do I want the next president of the United States to worry about what the Europeans think of us. I just want him to do his job which is to protect our citizens and our interests and get out of the way so that we can have jobs to go to and so we can make our own decisions about what's best for us and our families.
You're living in a big world now big fella, if somehow you think you can sit astride the globe as a nation that wields considerable influence and then in a heartbeat not give a fig for how that influence affects others in this globalization village, then I'm afraid that very backwards looking insular mindset will be the very cause of your undoing. The time to bury your head in the sand ended after WW2 when the Marshall plan, the UN and Nato came into being.

If you seriously think having a President that does not know or care about the rest of the world or how it thinks will somehow be good for you, then all I can say is get used to the taste of sand. Cause that much head burying will eventually put a lot of dirt into your mouth.

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Originally posted by kmax87
You're living in a big world now big fella, if somehow you think you can sit astride the globe as a nation that wields considerable influence and then in a heartbeat not give a fig for how that influence affects others in this globalization village, then I'm afraid that very backwards looking insular mindset will be the very cause of your undoing. The time to ...[text shortened]... taste of sand. Cause that much head burying will eventually put a lot of dirt into your mouth.
Why not? This is what the Russians, North Koreans, Venezuelans, and Iranians, etc., etc., etc., are doing.

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Originally posted by der schwarze Ritter

You don't have ghost towns in America?

And about the Muslim 'threat' you don't scare me. First of all they're not a threat. Oh, they have a different religion, but so have the Hindus and Buddhists. So some of them are fanatics. There's Christian fanatics too, and they're just as brainwashed and worrisome as the fanatic Muslims. The rest of them I consider to be ordinary citizens like me. It's called religious freedom. I believe you have it in America too.

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Originally posted by der schwarze Ritter
Why not? This is what the Russians, North Koreans, Venezuelans, and Iranians, etc., etc., etc., are doing.
Those are not the people you should compare yourself too. Once upon a time America stood for all that was good and free in the world. Everybody loved you. Why change that?

EDIT: Well, maybe not everybody.

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Originally posted by der schwarze Ritter
I live in a metropolitan area of over 5 million. I've traveled throughout the United States and even been to the Caribbean and Venezuela. Next year I plan on going to Buenos Aires.
Cool. Come to Copenhagen. I'll show you around. Maybe even help you see things from another point of view.

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Originally posted by kmax87
You're living in a big world now big fella, if somehow you think you can sit astride the globe as a nation that wields considerable influence and then in a heartbeat not give a fig for how that influence affects others in this globalization village, then I'm afraid that very backwards looking insular mindset will be the very cause of your undoing. The time to ...[text shortened]... taste of sand. Cause that much head burying will eventually put a lot of dirt into your mouth.
I agree completely.

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Originally posted by Lundos
Cool. Come to Copenhagen. I'll show you around. Maybe even help you see things from another point of view.
Alas, like an aging lover, Old Europe holds no more charms for me -- I'm more inclined to go to Trieste, Kracow or Ljubljana.

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Originally posted by der schwarze Ritter
Alas, like an aging lover, Old Europe holds no more charms for me -- I'm more inclined to go to Trieste, Kracow or Ljubljana.
Too bad.

Krakow might be Polish and Ljubljana the capital of Slovenia, but they have been a part of Europe since it was agreed to be called Europe. And Trieste is in Northern Italy. If, however, you meant Rumsfeld's definition, Copenhagen is the capital of Denmark, who did send troops to Iraq. And so did Poland and Italy btw.

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Originally posted by der schwarze Ritter
Why not? This is what the Russians, North Koreans, Venezuelans, and Iranians, etc., etc., etc., are doing.
Is the conduct of these nations all that America has left to aspire to?

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Originally posted by kmax87
Is the conduct of these nations all that America has left to aspire to?
I'm guessing so. It's the Republican way.

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Originally posted by Lundos
You don't have ghost towns in America?

And about the Muslim 'threat' you don't scare me. First of all they're not a threat. Oh, they have a different religion, but so have the Hindus and Buddhists. So some of them are fanatics. There's Christian fanatics too, and they're just as brainwashed and worrisome as the fanatic Muslims. The rest of them I consider ...[text shortened]... y citizens like me. It's called religious freedom. I believe you have it in America too.

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Originally posted by der schwarze Ritter
Alas, like an aging lover, Old Europe holds no more charms for me -- I'm more inclined to go to Trieste, Kracow or Ljubljana.
Yes, those places are very new and have little to do with old Europe.

The youngest of these towns, Trieste is approximately 700 though has arguably been around a couple of thousand years and the oldest, Ljubljana was first settled some 4000 years ago.

I used to think you were paid for spouting your nonsense but I am really struggling to avoid coming to the conclusion that despite your apparent sense, you are a dribbling moron.

Thank God you do not represent the American people who, as a nation, have contributed so much to the world.

By the way, there is no Sharia Law in Britain and it doesn´t matter how many times you say it, it still isn´t true (please don´t quote that article from the Telegraph that you created a thread about some time ago and then abandoned when it was shown you were talking nonsense again).

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Originally posted by Ullr
No it doesn't. The weight problem can be explained by fast food, junk food, poor diet in general combined with lack of excercise (i.e. too much time in front of the TV instead of walking the dog). Let's face it the average American doesn't consume more beer than say the average Brit, Aussie, or German for example. It's the other lifestyle issues that create ...[text shortened]... Nascar, Wrestling, or other culturally enlightening event. Hopefully that clears this up.
Thank god we are exporting our obesity problem to Europe and Australia - welcome to our hell. Fortunately, I live in the fittest and slimmest state in the nation. Rock on Colorado!

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Originally posted by Bosse de Nage
No doubt that exerts a powerful attraction on "the average American" with whom she so closely identifies.
Exactly. The average American is too stupid to understand the many nuanced reasons for capitulating to ones enemies.

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Originally posted by schakuhr
I came across this particular gem of a quote by Palin:

[b]One thing that Americans do at this time, also, though, is let's commit ourselves just every day American people, Joe Six Pack, hockey moms across the nation, I think we need to band together and say never again.

rec'd... everyone needs to read that!

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