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Roe V Wade, gone TONITE?

Roe V Wade, gone TONITE?



@eladar said
Looks like science is catching up to the child killers. Only a fool would claim that killing a life with its own heart beating is actually the woman's body.

If your lifestyle requires you to kill unborn children, then your lifestyle is evil as are the people who get abortions and the people who provide them.
How can Texas, called evil by Sonhouse, be evil, and Sonhouse be evil, at the same time?


Did you get the part where abortion is illegal even for RAPE VICTIMS.

So much for empathy. I have said for years now, you and your god king tRUMP have ZERO empathy but a full load of wanting to control especially WOMEN.

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@sonhouse said
Did you get the part where abortion is illegal even for RAPE VICTIMS.

So much for empathy. I have said for years now, you and your god king tRUMP have ZERO empathy but a full load of wanting to control especially WOMEN.
Actually, I did not get that part, I am too busy hiring people. So, yes, I do think there should be an exception for rape victims, and of course, incest. The law is not perfect, it is still a baby, and better to let them be born if the law will allow other babies in the womb to be born and live lives.
Maybe for every 2000 babies being allowed to live lives, a baby of a rape would be allowed, as well, ......I think that makes more sense than to do what they have been doing....aborting babies.


Said just like the control freak you really are. BABY steps. Well abortion in Texas now is illegal for rape OR incest.
AND BTW, this is just the model for the rest of the evil repubs in states around the country.

Texas is just the first AND BTW, ALL those bills upcoming will read almost the same, no exception for rape or incest.

And Roe V Wade is essentially dead so take your victory and shove it up your ass.


@sonhouse said
Said just like the control freak you really are. BABY steps. Well abortion in Texas now is illegal for rape OR incest.
AND BTW, this is just the model for the rest of the evil repubs in states around the country.

Texas is just the first AND BTW, ALL those bills upcoming will read almost the same, no exception for rape or incest.

And Roe V Wade is essentially dead so take your victory and shove it up your ass.
Kill the guy who got the girl pregnant.


Ah, THAT will really help. Where the FUK do you come from with drivel like that?


Seeing as colored people have higher abortion rates, outlawing abortion would make it so that more colored people are alive, not dead.

Just a thought for those who claim Republicans hate colored people.


@sonhouse said
Ah, THAT will really help. Where the FUK do you come from with drivel like that?
Yeah, Eladar!! Sonhouse and i think kill the girl that let herself willingly get pregnant!!! It is not just her lover that is responsible!!!!


@eladar said
Looks like science is catching up to the child killers. Only a fool would claim that killing a life with its own heart beating is actually the woman's body.

If your lifestyle requires you to kill unborn children, then your lifestyle is evil as are the people who get abortions and the people who provide them.
Yeah because what a bunch of religious fascist woman haters think is exactly the same as what the science is telling us.
Religion will keep pushing until the churches are burnt by freedom fighters and the scumbag preachers and right wing misogynist’s are castrated by righteous women.


@sonhouse said
The evil repub texas lawmakers have passed a bill so gruesome and ugly there is an emergency injunction put to SCOTUS to stop this ultradraconian bill stopping abortions at SIX WEEKS when most women don't even know they are pregnant.
And to top THAT one they (Texas) left the enforcement not to the state but ANYONE ANYWHERE legally allowed to come into Texas no matter where ...[text shortened]... RE MIDNIGHT Tonight Aug 31.

I guess all the ultrarightwingnuts will be dancing in the street now.
Regardless of the outcome here, abortion will still happen.


Yeah, in texas they RELISH having people of color around which is why they just enacted a law so restrictive to vote most people of color and elderly are out in the snow while you nice little proud boy repubs have ZERO trouble finding a voting booth and the like.

AND tell me how it fights voter fraud to even make it illegal to give a bottle of water to someone having been in a voting line for 5 hours.

Sure, THAT will eliminate voter fraud right there......


@averagejoe1 said
Actually, I did not get that part, I am too busy hiring people. So, yes, I do think there should be an exception for rape victims, and of course, incest. The law is not perfect, it is still a baby, and better to let them be born if the law will allow other babies in the womb to be born and live lives.
Maybe for every 2000 babies being allowed to live lives, a baby ...[text shortened]... s well, ......I think that makes more sense than to do what they have been doing....aborting babies.
when does a cell become a human?


@wildgrass said
when does a cell become a human?
King David would tell you when it isborn. People like me know it is a FULL baby at 6 months. You can look up stages of development on the internet


@wildgrass said
when does a cell become a human?
When there is a heart beat?


@averagejoe1 said
King David would tell you when it isborn. People like me know it is a FULL baby at 6 months. You can look up stages of development on the internet
So the question to you is .... when does life begin ??
I just want to clarify with you because I know your motivation for banning abortion goes beyond what you consider the start of human life.....
Then we can move to the complexities of implementing a social change involved overturning Roe v Wade.

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