@mghrn55 saidYou're asking the wrong guy. I love children, sue me.
So the question to you is .... when does life begin ??
I just want to clarify with you because I know your motivation for banning abortion goes beyond what you consider the start of human life.....
Then we can move to the complexities of implementing a social change involved overturning Roe v Wade.
this subject sort of stopped when KDavid dropped off the grid, and as soon as he reappears it comes back up.
No thanks.
@suzianne saidWe do support their kids, Sue
You'd be in some serious difficulty if you were forced to suffer the consequences of all your poor decisions. But I guess that's one of the rights of being a man.
If men were forced to financially support their kids, no, not just told to support the kid and then slapped on the hand when he doesn't, we'd see an end to these attempts to restrict the rights of women. When it affects the financial rights of men, we'll see a shift in the winds of change.
@suzianne saidThen they should have chosen to not become pregnant? Am I missing something? They made a choice and are changing their minds.
It's extremely difficult for women of color who live day-to-day to afford the expense and time necessary to get their abortions out of state.
White soccer moms will do this, but most poor women cannot.
@suzianne saidI repeat. They should not have kids they can't afford. Maybe the next generation will figure that out. It is called planning. They get pregnant voluntarily, and some for reasons of garnering more entitlements. Fact.
Yes. Do you understand what it is to live day-to-day? Struggling to come up with the money to feed your kids, or pay your electricity bill? These people aren't going to be flying out of state. They'll find an illegal back-alley place to do it cheaper. This is what this bill does; it removes people's options. It is meant to specifically FORCE women to have unwanted chil ...[text shortened]... ng them in the morass of poverty, or to risk their lives to have the same kind of freedom men enjoy.
No, the rapist should be CONVICTED and thrown in prison where he would be somebodies bitch for 10 years. THAT is a good punishment for those creeps.
AND the woman should be allowed to get an abortion and even under the draconian Texas law, if she figures out she is pregnant at FIVE weeks they have no case to attack her.
Also, it is a REALLY crappy deal that they sneakily didn't do the enforcement themselves.
They put in a system where ANYONE ANYWHERE can come in, track down some people who helped her get an abortion, a girl driving the patient to a clinic, the DRIVER can now be sued by third parties not even living in Texas AND win 10,000 dollars and force the loser to pay lawyer fees.
But to a fukking CRETIN like you, that is just what anyone deserves for the crime of helping out the patient.
They can sue if the MOM says to her, get the abortion. Mom can then be sued the same way.
This is the most cruel law I have ever seen puked out by republicans ANYWHERE in the country and the sad fact is it WILL be copied by all the OTHER ultrarightwingnut anti women anti science anti democracy TRAITORS to the US making similar or even MORE draconian bills to come out of red states.
And OF COURSE you are FINE with that level of cruelty.
Similar to the cruelty of the law, I think in Arizona, where it is illegal to even give a bottle of water to a voter on a hot day after they have been in line for 5 hours because the anti voting laws made only one voting booth for an entire city.
Yep, those bills, all they really want is VOTER ID.
In your fukking DREAMS.
@averagejoe1 saidYes you are missing something.
Then they should have chosen to not become pregnant? Am I missing something? They made a choice and are changing their minds.
How many abortions occur where the woman has chosen to become pregnant ?
@averagejoe1 saidPersonal responsibility? People who support abortion abhor personal responsibility. They believe sex is for something other than making babies.
I repeat. They should not have kids they can't afford. Maybe the next generation will figure that out. It is called planning. They get pregnant voluntarily, and some for reasons of garnering more entitlements. Fact.
Suzi I am sure is a perfect example of the soccer mom type rich woman who gets abortions.
@eladar saidI would be all for you never having sex unless you want a baby.
Personal responsibility? People who support abortion abhor personal responsibility. They believe sex is for something other than making babies.
Suzi I am sure is a perfect example of the soccer mom type rich woman who gets abortions.
You really ARE a POS, a POS stinking to high heaven and THAT is your BRAIN stinking.
You go all mealy mouth when it comes to rape or incest AND you don't care they put in you can't have an abortion after only 6 weeks when the majority of women don't even know they are pregnant.
AND OF COURSE YOU AGREE WITH THAT LAW since you are a card carrying tRUMP cultist and defend that assswipe at every turn.
The worse the law, the better you like it.
@eladar saidWhat lifestyle would that be ??
Looks like science is catching up to the child killers. Only a fool would claim that killing a life with its own heart beating is actually the woman's body.
If your lifestyle requires you to kill unborn children, then your lifestyle is evil as are the people who get abortions and the people who provide them.
@averagejoe1 saidSo, I guess you would be in favor of making contraception available for every single female of childbearing age in America?
I repeat. They should not have kids they can't afford. Maybe the next generation will figure that out. It is called planning. They get pregnant voluntarily, and some for reasons of garnering more entitlements. Fact.
No? Then you're a hypocrite.
@eladar saidYou're getting warmer.....
Personal responsibility? People who support abortion abhor personal responsibility. They believe sex is for something other than making babies.
Suzi I am sure is a perfect example of the soccer mom type rich woman who gets abortions.
So you you believe sex is for procreation only ?