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States will Open

States will Open



@eladar said
To be shut down? Something like New York at the very least.

That model used to predict peak death rate day dropped from the 16th to the 8th in 2 or three days. They have been lowering predictions and will lower the numbers again shortly.
The idea of the shut down is to avoid a New York type scenario. You seem to be saying ‘look the lock downs working so let’s stop it’ what’s your real motivation for lifting or not having a lock down at all, it wouldn’t be anything to do with an upcoming election by any chance.


@no1marauder said
That's good, I guess.

How many deaths do you want them to have? Surely listening to your stupid crank theories and idiotic advice is a good way to get a lot of people sick.
No, the real question is, how many deaths do you want them to have.

You'll see. give it time. Riots will break out before July if lockdowns aren't lifted.


I know the economic slowdown hurts Donald's re-election chances and you care more about that than people's lives but a fairly large majority of Americans disagree with your deranged priorities.

No1, you do realize that Trump does not tell states to do lockdowns, right? It is state and city controlled.


We ought to start a prediction thread... how soon will states give up on the social distancing and lockdowns to allow people to go back to work?

We're already screwed with the high debt we've just incurred. Already.
America cannot afford not to go back to work. Soon.

There will be, IMO, a radical shift in attitude. People will panic and realize that unemployment will kill America worse than the virus.

We'll see.

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@earl-of-trumps said
We ought to start a prediction thread... how soon will states give up on the social distancing and lockdowns to allow people to go back to work?

We're already screwed with the high debt we've just incurred. Already.
America cannot afford not to go back to work. Soon.

There will be, IMO, a radical shift in attitude. People will panic and realize that unemployment will kill America worse than the virus.

We'll see.
I think if we have made it this far, the first of May at the latest ( some states with relatively low risk/infection rate) will probably ease restrictions sooner. At least that is what I hope happens.

But then again , we see things in Colorado like: Father detained for playing catch with daughter in park.


According to:


They have experienced 11 NEW Deaths in Colorado between April 8th and April 11th

They also attempted to procure 500 ventilators the other day.

So, I would expect Colorado to remain in lockdown indefinitely.

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@eladar said
Now that the Coronavirus appears to be on the way down and outside of the Northeast, most states appear to have low Corona Virus rates, how long?

Will some states allow businesses to start up again in a week? In 2 weeks? Sometime in May?

My bold prediction...

First big state to open...Texas, within 2 weeks
All that can be known is, Trump should have imposed lockdowns sooner to save more lives and will reopen the country too soon which will cost more lives, whenever that will be.

You don't need to know much else.

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@earl-of-trumps said
No, the real question is, how many deaths do you want them to have.

You'll see. give it time. Riots will break out before July if lockdowns aren't lifted.
Dims just want the Federal government to print money indefinitely, in fact, they wanted them to do this before the Pandemic. Now they just have a good excuse for it.

Now everyone has universal income, free medical for Covid, and no one has to work.

Who knew that voting for Trump would achieve universal income and health care for Leftists?

Naturally, they still hate him anyway cuz Orange man bad.

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@whodey said
Dims just want the Federal government to print money indefinitely, in fact, they wanted them to do this before the Pandemic. Now they just have a good excuse for it.

Now everyone has universal income, free medical for Covid, and no one has to work.

Who knew that voting for Trump would achieve universal income and health care for Leftists?

Naturally, they still hate him anyway cuz Orange man bad.
Universal income is coming anyways.
It has nothing to do with Socialism or Capitalism.
It has to do more with manual labor being taken over by automation driven by AI.
The prevalent thinking is that every member of society is a stakeholder in the new economy. And will earn income from the labor being performed by machines.

If you think that Trump telling the coal miners to "pick up your shovels, you're going back underground" is making America great again, then you are living in fantasy land.

Most of the jobs that have been created under the current administration are just the jobs that are (and have been for some time) on the block for replacement by automation.

The current US economic upturn is just a practice in buying time to avoid the inevitable.


@kevcvs57 said
The idea of the shut down is to avoid a New York type scenario. You seem to be saying ‘look the lock downs working so let’s stop it’ what’s your real motivation for lifting or not having a lock down at all, it wouldn’t be anything to do with an upcoming election by any chance.
Look at Sweden, no New York in Sweden.

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@sonhouse said
Are you really that stupid? I guess so. Take a look at Louisiana. They did Madi Gras and now they are due to be a new hot spot.
I guess you figure Texans are too tough for this virus to hit them.
Look at Louisiana,

34 died yesterday 534 new cases identified. They are the worst case in the South.


@earl-of-trumps said
I know the economic slowdown hurts Donald's re-election chances and you care more about that than people's lives but a fairly large majority of Americans disagree with your deranged priorities.

No1, you do realize that Trump does not tell states to do lockdowns, right? It is state and city controlled.
Of course I realize that. So what? My point stands; right wingers want the social distancing measures ended because the economic downturn hurts Trump's re-election chances; they don't care if that means a significant upturn in deaths.


@eladar said
Look at Sweden, no New York in Sweden.
What is wrong with you people? Sweden's foolish policies have caused a death rate in that country worse then in the US and 4 times higher than neighboring Norway. It has 859 serious/critical cases in a population of 10 million which is more than 7 times per capita what Norway has and more than double the US.

Sure "look at Sweden" and realize what would happen in the US (with many densely populated urban centers not just two or three like Sweden) if this country did what you idiots want.



Check out New York, last report 117 new cases.



@no1marauder said
What is wrong with you people? Sweden's foolish policies have caused a death rate in that country worse then in the US and 4 times higher than neighboring Norway. It has 859 serious/critical cases in a population of 10 million which is more than 7 times per capita what Norway has and more than double the US.

Sure "look at Sweden" and realize what would happen in the U ...[text shortened]... populated urban centers not just two or three like Sweden) if this country did what you idiots want.
So you agree, no New York.


@eladar said
So you agree, no New York.
I don't consider allowing the situation in any area to get anywhere near what has happened in New York BEFORE social distancing measures are applied a brilliant strategy like you do.

Sweden's policies are causing it to suffer disproportionately even though it has a low population density and few urban centers.

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