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Taxation system in a Marx society?

Taxation system in a Marx society?


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@Zahlanzi said
you've done this countless times. you ask a question, you ignore the answer, you ask it again after a while.
I am asking frankly, if I work hard as I do now, and amass a portfolio and assets which I do now, what would happen to me if I wake up tomorrow and Karl Marx himself is at my front door with a total change of government. Will my freedom be protected, or do I become a part of something which regulates my life, and pigeonholes me at the whim of others?
May I keep my Austin Healey and my properties like they are now?
I am asking this of Zahlanzi who has said he has answered somewhere above. Several things were written above.

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@shavixmir said
Everyone needs a private jet, a beach house, etc.

But when the resources aren’t enough for everybody, then it won’t be the parasitical classes with money that gain it all.

Think of it as sharing a turkey at thanksgiving. Everyone gets a piece. Not just the racist granddad who won’t shut up and wants it all to himself.
shag pseudy said:

"Not just the racist granddad who won’t shut up and wants it all to himself."

Does not exist. We know you're trying to be funny but there needs to be some parallel with reality for humor to work.

And of course there's one cake, (or in shag doody for brains's failed metaphor - turkey) and everyone has to share it is false, Everyday more cakes are created.

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@AverageJoe1 said
I am asking frankly, if I work hard as I do now, and amass a portfolio and assets which I do now, what would happen to me if I wake up tomorrow and Karl Marx himself is at my front door with a total change of government. Will my freedom be protected, or do I become a part of something which regulates my life, and pigeonholes me at the whim of others?
May I keep my Aus ...[text shortened]... g this of Zahlanzi who has said he has answered somewhere above. Several things were written above.
no, it would mean my revolution has succeeded and you will be the first to be sent to the gulag.

I will sign the order myself and i will build a planned parenthood on each and every one of your properties.

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@Zahlanzi said
no, it would mean my revolution has succeeded and you will be the first to be sent to the gulag.

I will sign the order myself and i will build a planned parenthood on each and every one of your properties.
Thank you for your response, I actually respect it greatly and respect you for making it. We are all trying to learn from each other, are we not. Flying off the handle such as you-know -who does not help us in this endeavor, so thank you very much.
So let us stay together here.. You, I guess, have a reason for thinking that I should be sent to a gulag.
Could you PLEASE tell us what it is about me that would qualify my being sent to a gulag? Thanks. Standing by. Please , no suzi or sunhouse.

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@Zahlanzi said
no, it would mean my revolution has succeeded and you will be the first to be sent to the gulag.

I will sign the order myself and i will build a planned parenthood on each and every one of your properties.
Metaphorically speaking, can you tell us how you would be entitled, , morally and legally, to end up with my restored Austin Healey? Metaphorically. Maybe not you literally, but I would not have it anymore , would I......
What will happen.? Why do you communists avoid telling us what you are after?

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@Zahlanzi said
no, it would mean my revolution has succeeded and you will be the first to be sent to the gulag.

I will sign the order myself and i will build a planned parenthood on each and every one of your properties.
If I have a 'property;' would you tell your parasitic followers how you could justify taking over that property? You are Branch Davidian, aren't you.

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@Wajoma said
shag pseudy said:

"Not just the racist granddad who won’t shut up and wants it all to himself."

Does not exist. We know you're trying to be funny but there needs to be some parallel with reality for humor to work.

And of course there's one cake, (or in shag doody for brains's failed metaphor - turkey) and everyone has to share it is false, Everyday more cakes are created.
How come there’s a housing problem then?

Dumb arse.

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@AverageJoe1 said
Shav purports to have an agency, or an entity, or maybe a person like Merritt Garland decide what someone needs. I see his comment that way. Could he possibly mean anything else? That is what he is saying.
No. The people decide what they want and need. Not some CEO.

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@AverageJoe1 said
OK. A beer do well son,, might be like Hunter, who wormed his way into our Thanksgiving dinner. You can talk to me about morality and friendship and love and religion. All you want, that boy does not deserve one piece of the turkey.
Nothing is the constitution says anyone is obligated to do anything other than that which they want to do. I might not want to give t ...[text shortened]... ot take care of themselves. So you want me to treat this equally with those people that are in need?
Forget your atiquated constitution.

God damn, that’s hundreds of years old. It more resembles Shakespeare than modern society.

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@AverageJoe1 said
I am asking frankly, if I work hard as I do now, and amass a portfolio and assets which I do now, what would happen to me if I wake up tomorrow and Karl Marx himself is at my front door with a total change of government. Will my freedom be protected, or do I become a part of something which regulates my life, and pigeonholes me at the whim of others?
May I keep my Aus ...[text shortened]... g this of Zahlanzi who has said he has answered somewhere above. Several things were written above.
It would depend on what sort of Marxist regime took over.

Look, you’re a capitalist. There is no way you will ever be convinced that communism is good. And that is fine.
However, on one level you seem to be genuinly asking how things would work in a communist / socialist regime. But at every bit of information, you seem to bite and stomp, fume and roar.

Why would anybody take the time to explain things properly to you? Especially since you can just look it up on wikipedia yourself.

Marxism = dialectic materialism.
I’ve told you this before. You have to understand that to comprehend that the inherent frictions within capitalism are the driving forces which will change capitalism.

How that happens depends on many different things. To a greater extent, stronger unions, decent pay, good housing, education and a proper health service will go a long way to easing the frictions within capitalism. Ergo, you will probably keep the many things you mention.

To another extent, constantly whittling away at the minimum wage, destroying unions and undermining education and health services for the masses, will lead to increased friction. And that will make the changes which transform capitalism larger and then when a new regime comes along, you might find yourself without all the things you mention.

Comprehending dialectic materialism could help you to choose wisely which measures you support.

But, of course, it’s philosophy. It’s a theory.
You don’t need to agree with it. Nobody is forcing you to.

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@shavixmir said
How come there’s a housing problem then?

Dumb arse.
That's because using your ridiculous turkey analogy there's one big house and we all have the same address and live with our parents.

There are a number of factors that contribute to the housing shortage and your god religion, the goobermint, is at the root of all of them.

1/ Building standards and permits. First submit plans prepared by certified planners, ca ching, then wait for them to be approved, time ca ching, then pay approval fee, ca ching. Then pay for inspector to check foundations, ca ching, then pay for inspector to check plumbing, ca ching, etc etc.
2/ Zoning laws artificially limiting land availability. My employer went to Port Hedland in Aus to look at a project and setting up a camp, he asked the real estate agent why property was so expensive, the reply "There's not enough land" They were standing on the edge of one of the most vast empty places in the world.
3/ Taxes, land taxes, more taxes.
4/ The hidden tax, inflation. People that have managed to put away some meagre savings in prep for retirement (SS, retirement benefit, whatever you want to call is woefully inadequate) need to put their meagre savings somewhere, the interest banks offer is sub inflation. The safest investment is seen as property driving an artificial demand and the accompanying jacked prices.

Thanks goobermint. Thanks shag doody for brains and other state worshipers.

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@Wajoma said
That's because using your ridiculous turkey analogy there's one big house and we all have the same address and live with our parents.

There are a number of factors that contribute to the housing shortage and your god religion, the goobermint, is at the root of all of them.

1/ Building standards and permits. First submit plans prepared by certified planners, ca ching, the ...[text shortened]... anying jacked prices.

Thanks goobermint. Thanks shag doody for brains and other state worshipers.
And so your proposals would be the opposite of this that you rally against?

You do realise that even capitalists comprehend that it would be unworkable, don’t you?

Simplifying government red tape is one thing, but on all levels your ideas are not feasible. They are extremist ramblings of someone who doesn’t understand basic infrastructure.

Take one tiny example: say Hamburg in Germany.
The expected population increase means more housing is needed. The streets are clogging up with traffic. The sewers are coping, but with water levels rising, population growth and an aged system, the prognosis is that that within 5 years, the system won’t cope and raw sewerage will flow into the streets.
Road safety is an issue; too many cars, the children are getting run down, so more recreational parks are needed. More schools are needed. The hospital capacity can’t handle the population growth. There are not enough GP’s, car garages, etc.
Because people have switched to online shopping, many streets have vacant shops and in the evenings there is not enough social control to help people feel safe.

And your proposals do what?
That is why no serious government listens to people like Ayn Rand. The great freedom of no government is an unworkable dream, conjured up in a mid-west fantasy, where all you have to do is protect your property from Injuns, Mad Max road warriors and communists.

Wake up sunshine.

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@shavixmir said
And so your proposals would be the opposite of this that you rally against?

You do realise that even capitalists comprehend that it would be unworkable, don’t you?

Simplifying government red tape is one thing, but on all levels your ideas are not feasible. They are extremist ramblings of someone who doesn’t understand basic infrastructure.

Take one tiny example: sa ...[text shortened]... do is protect your property from Injuns, Mad Max road warriors and communists.

Wake up sunshine.
Shag tard for brains explains away inflation by 'children getting run down'. This is why I often advise shag tard that his best response is a single ijit emoji, as in, it's better to be thought a fool than speak up and remove all doubt. Then shoots off into strawman land with Ayn Rand and 'no goobermint'

Shag tard uses the stupid oft repeated falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus analogy there's one pie and everyone has to share it. He tries to have original thoughts, "I understand people can make more pies but what if it's not a pie, what if it's a turkey?" haha, what an ijit.

When: There's not one pie, new pies are being baked everyday is explained to him for the hundredth time and the same applies to turkeys. He whines, what about housing shortages.

He's thinking, "Ok I now understand about pies and turkeys but what if its the number of breeze blocks that can be produced, how many sheets of roofing iron are allowed" As if the number of homes is limited by some physical constraint there are only so many letter boxes, or doors, or crappers that can ever be produced and we have to share them all around.

What's next shag doody? There are only so many shoes, then we have to start sharing shoes, you can wear them in the morning and I get to wear them at night? haha.

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@Wajoma said
Shag tard for brains explains away inflation by 'children getting run down'. This is why I often advise shag tard that his best response is a single ijit emoji, as in, it's better to be thought a fool than speak up and remove all doubt. Then shoots off into strawman land with Ayn Rand and 'no goobermint'

Shag tard uses the stupid oft repeated falsus in uno, falsus in omni ...[text shortened]... have to start sharing shoes, you can wear them in the morning and I get to wear them at night? haha.
You don’t comprehend.
You don’t address anything but your stupid posturing.
Fine. We’ll leave it at that.

Your fanatisism is beyond comprehension. And luckily nobody takes it seriously.

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@shavixmir said
You don’t comprehend.
Fine. We’ll leave it at that.

Your fanatisism is beyond comprehension. And luckily nobody takes it seriously.
I've comprehensively dispelled the 'there's one cake, turkey, house and we have to all share' red herring yet again.

I expect we'll see shag tard trying it again in the future, maybe with cows, or motorcycles, or seesaws.

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