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Taxation system in a Marx society?

Taxation system in a Marx society?


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@AverageJoe1 said
If you libs keep giving money and sustenance (free housing, jesus) and paying their bills, they will not worry a whole lot about earning their way through life. Ooops, am I going too fast for you, really hard for you to digest, I know.
So if you still follow, THIS is why people will get hungry, and also wanting things that they can't afford, like $165Nikes. They beco ...[text shortened]... ve been joshing, because your opening line says you do not want govt to force people....but you do!!
Public transport includes busses, not only trains. Your kids can rides bikes, can't they? I sure as heck rode my bike to the chess club across town. What a bunch of dependent sissies if they expect mom or dad to chauffeur them everywhere (in an Austin Healy, no less).

You have a dim opinion of humanity if you think that providing people with a basic level of security will lead to no one doing any work at all. Of course some people are dependent, but a yearning for autonomy is inherent in any normal person and should be fostered. The best way to do that is to free them from existential fear that they're going to starve if they lose their jobs. I'm not interested in talking about society paying for someone to have a 165-dollar Nikes; that's not a need, no one is going to die if he does not get 165-dollar Nikes. Failure to obtain 165-dollar Nikes does not lead to existential crises where society is remiss if it does not intervene. The paradox of America is that you have cutting edge technology and plenty of rich people, but when someone gets hit by a car at a pedestrian crossing and the ambulance shows up, the first questions is not 'where does it hurt?' but 'are you insured?' Got your priorities wrong there.

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@AverageJoe1 said
If you libs keep giving money and sustenance (free housing, jesus) and paying their bills, they will not worry a whole lot about earning their way through life. Ooops, am I going too fast for you, really hard for you to digest, I know.
So if you still follow, THIS is why people will get hungry, and also wanting things that they can't afford, like $165Nikes. They beco ...[text shortened]... ve been joshing, because your opening line says you do not want govt to force people....but you do!!
you have no idea what marxism is but you see it in every country that is better off than the US

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@Zahlanzi said
you have no idea what marxism is but you see it in every country that is better off than the US
treble back flip dialectical materialism

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@moonbus said
Public transport includes busses, not only trains. Your kids can rides bikes, can't they? I sure as heck rode my bike to the chess club across town. What a bunch of dependent sissies if they expect mom or dad to chauffeur them everywhere (in an Austin Healy, no less).

You have a dim opinion of humanity if you think that providing people with a basic level of security will ...[text shortened]... first questions is not 'where does it hurt?' but 'are you insured?' Got your priorities wrong there.
Moonbus has my kids freely riding bikes outside of my protected neighborhood. Yeah, right, a great way to start your post.
Your next para,,,sorry to use Shav as an example, but he raved on a month ago about how he is trying to work only a little bit. So here among us is someone, who indeed, is a long way from yearning for autonomy. You can bet that he is already dependent on Something. So I simply disagree, you see people every day up and down the street who really yearn for nothing except to just get by, hopefully on the output of other people. They would love Marxism, before they find out that they would not love it.
Next, you use dying as a measuring tool of how much people 'need'. So if you can get by without dying, you should not want for more in your life? That is what you said. Geez
Contrare', the medics would first say where does it hurt. Then take you to an emergency room, even if you are an illegal alien who is wanted for murder in El Salvador. ERs treat everyone. At some point, the hospital may be paid by the individual or by the government, but that is another issue.
Oh, I feel much better now that you explained we will have busses. Do you have ANY idea what you are saying, that we have to ride public transportation? What if I live in Meteetsee, Wyoming and my granny lives 10 miles away, having left her medicine at my house? Gotta have it right now. Can you respond just to that? A real response, please don't go McHill on me and say 'ride your horse'.

And you never did tell me how I will get to the bag drop at my golf course. But then,, you may be thinking on using the golf course for Shav's free housing, building thousands of porches for losers to sit on? ....and Not be autonomous.

Man, you are pie in the sky.

PS: A pleasure to jaw with you. Some guys here really vent and get angry, of course I will not mention names. More fun to tell each other our unbelievable slant on life. Why, imagine my thinking we should not pay tuitions, but rather use the money for people in need.

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@shavixmir said
Your solutions are laughably impracticle.
That’s why you and Ayn Rand are a complete joke.

Wake up sunshine. You’re a baby stuck in a loop.
Resisting oppression of big government, and egalitarianism is not a bad philosophy. Shav.....do you think that is a bad philosophy?

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I try so hard to keep things simple......In the world of egalitarianism, if Sam works much harder than does Jake, what do you do about Jake at the end of the day?

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@AverageJoe1 said
I try so hard to keep things simple......In the world of egalitarianism, if Sam works much harder than does Jake, what do you do about Jake at the end of the day?
Watch the video.
You are on about your opinions, not the point of discussion based on the video.

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@AverageJoe1 said
Moonbus has my kids freely riding bikes outside of my protected neighborhood. Yeah, right, a great way to start your post.
Your next para,,,sorry to use Shav as an example, but he raved on a month ago about how he is trying to work only a little bit. So here among us is someone, who indeed, is a long way from yearning for autonomy. You can bet that he is already dep ...[text shortened]... Why, imagine my thinking we should not pay tuitions, but rather use the money for people in need.
I get that you are afraid that someone is going to take away your Austin Healey, force your wife to buy tomatoes, and force you to pay for your neighbor's college kid's sex change operation. You can relax now; that is not what I am advocating. What I am saying is that if capitalists continue sleepwalking through the next 250 years as they have done the last 250 years, wasting resources and dumping megatons of waste into the environment, as if we had a spare planet in the basement, then there will come a hard crash, with debris and body parts strewn all over the landscape. If you care about what kind of world is going to be left for your grandchildren, then sensible precautions have to take now, by which I do not mean hoarding toilet paper and ammo in underground bunkers as in some apocalyptic zombie series on Netflix. Take a look at shav's thread on the number of working poor kept on permanent-poverty wages in America, a staggering 60 million people who cannot pay for their basic needs, although they are employed. This is not only absurd, it is dastardly. The Roman Empire did better than that: there was grain for baking bread, free at the point of consumption. It cannot be so difficult for the world's richest nation to do that now, too, to provide its people with basic necessities, food, water, shelter, and medical care. It's not that America cannot afford it; it's that fat cats think it's more 'profitable' for them to keep a permanent underclass of unhappy people driven to despair or a life of petty crime, than to do something about it. Rather than doing something about it, they shoehorn in a fellow fat cat who promptly gives them a tax cut. Pfui.

You twist my words with absurd anti-logic. I did not say that just barely getting by without dying "you should not want for more in your life." Those are your words, not mine. No one needs an Austin Healey; no one needs to be driven to a sports event; those are comforts and luxuries. No one expects you to give them up, and no one expects you to pay for anyone else's comforts or luxuries. If you want them, you can pay for them yourself.

The point of sensible socialism (not stupid Soviet or Chinese Marxists tyranny ), and where capitalism has failed miserably, is that a country which fails to provide basic necessities (food, water, shelter, medical care) to 60 million of its people is steaming for an iceberg. Do you realize that that is more than the population of England, for Pete's sake.

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@moonbus said
I get that you are afraid that someone is going to take away your Austin Healey, force your wife to buy tomatoes, and force you to pay for your neighbor's college kid's sex change operation. You can relax now; that is not what I am advocating. What I am saying is that if capitalists continue sleepwalking through the next 250 years as they have done the last 250 years, wasting ...[text shortened]... ng for an iceberg. Do you realize that that is more than the population of England, for Pete's sake.
Just when I get into the gist of your post, after you said yesterday that I will be riding trains to take my child to 'a' park, NOW you say I get to keep my Healey. You witness our overall confusion with you conflicted libs. Then you cap off that point, saying no one will make us pay for college sex change, while TODAY you are paying their tuitions. Hey everyone, MBus guarantees it will stop with tuitions!!!! What a laugh.
Then you speak of how bad 'the capitalists' are, .....we are all capitalists.
๐Ÿ˜• .
We, not other countries, are the best already at reducing emissions, etc. Did we not invent the catalytic converter? Get off your horse. If you libs get your way, we will close our coal mines, while China builds one a week. We suffer with economic competition, and breathe their crap.
You are right, we have poor people, 50M at last count. We need to go the Roman route and feed them. I have said that here for years. And I am capitalist. So, I skip to your last para that, yes, we need to feed the 60M. Basic necessities.
And, yes, any one who wants comfort beyond walking to a bus in the rain can choose to do so. So we are back to square one. We have OSHA and FDA doing a pretty good job, but all of you think that, after 250 years, there needs to be a lot of change? The only change I see is everyone be self reliant, that would do it. People who are not rich (yet?) I borrowed every penny to go to law school, even for my room board and food. Could not pay for it otherwise.
Aren't you one who says to pay off the tuition of college grads? Hmmmmmm, we haven't done that after 250 years. So this is the year? What else? Oh, let in all nations so it will dumb down our education system. But wait, you want to pay the tuitions so we will have smarter people in the future???
So let in the dumb-down crowd, but over across the country we pay off loans so we will get more smart people.
You should write a book about the conflict of paying for college, when at the same time, you have people who can't speak english screwing up our children's classes.
And to your 'no one expects me to give up luxuries' , what they expect is quite irrelevant to what I do. To give up luxuries is to succumb to govt control....what they expect is the last thing on my mind. Hey, how do you expect my golf bag to get to the golf drop?
You don't seem to have a prob with govt in our lives. I like small govt and states rights. And constitution. Y'all are having a field day with the 2nd amendment, and Title 9.

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@AverageJoe1 said
I try so hard to keep things simple......In the world of egalitarianism, if Sam works much harder than does Jake, what do you do about Jake at the end of the day?
that's easy. Sam gets more eagles.

hey, you wanted simple, so here I am ๐Ÿ™‚

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@Earl-of-Trumps said
that's easy. Sam gets more eagles.

hey, you wanted simple, so her I am ๐Ÿ™‚
These are great guys, enjoy Moonbus, but I will never for the life of me know how they are lemmings following a (stumbling ) pied piper off of a cliff. It ain't right that they drag us with them. I don't want to die like this, I want to create all the comforts and luxuries that I can for my family, and practice philanthropy.
They think Biden has never done wrong. We know that, because they have never pointed out one thing.

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@AverageJoe1 said
These are great guys, enjoy Moonbus, but I will never for the life of me know how they are lemmings following a (stumbling ) pied piper off of a cliff. It ain't right that they drag us with them. I don't want to die like this, I want to create all the comforts and luxuries that I can for my family, and practice philanthropy.
They think Biden has never done wrong. We know that, because they have never pointed out one thing.
who the fuk is they. who the fuk said biden did no wrong. the vast majority of Biden voters only do so because there is nobody else, because Trump is a pile of manure

Do you have any shame lying like that or it's just you being that stupid that you misunderstood anything a biden "supporter" said?

Nobody is excited to vote for Biden, dumbass

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@shavixmir said
Watch the video.
You are on about your opinions, not the point of discussion based on the video.
super heated non-stick teflon dialectical materialism refutes, and at the same time aligns nicely with the points made in the video.

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@Zahlanzi said
who the fuk is they. who the fuk said biden did no wrong. the vast majority of Biden voters only do so because there is nobody else, because Trump is a pile of manure

Do you have any shame lying like that or it's just you being that stupid that you misunderstood anything a biden "supporter" said?

Nobody is excited to vote for Biden, dumbass
But that is all I am saying. Everyone who hates Trump for whatever reason, which I do not understand, will vote for Biden to NOT have Trump as President, and 'take their chances' with the future of the USA. Which one do YOU think would better run the country? You know, Z, I aint perfect, but I would be a better president than Biden would be. Do you know he has let in 40,000 more illegal aliens since he made ther move last week to reduce their advance? Who we really need is George Patton.
Show me where you have ever pointed out the wrongs of Biden. Y'all just do not do it. I have often done that about Trump.

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@shavixmir said
Watch the video.
You are on about your opinions, not the point of discussion based on the video.
shag pseudy how do you reconcile the antidisestablishmentarianistic dialectical materialism that permeates through the vid like tainted milk in a cup of tea.

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