@wildgrass saidWell, NOT sending COVID patients into nursing homes would have helped. Florida's first wave came in the summer of 2020, when we didn't have a much better idea of what to do than in March. People were running to the doctor to get hydroxychloroquine prescriptions at the first sign of a cough, for crying out loud.
New York was hit with an early surge that inundated their health system before we had a clear idea of what we were dealing with, nor did we have the tools to fight it. Remember the "respirator shortage" fiasco? No one knew what we were dealing with.
Florida benefitted from avoiding that first wave. And yet they STILL ended up having a terrible death toll. 35% higher per ...[text shortened]... at disease), Florida is the only state with over 1 in 1,000 deaths from COVID. This was preventable.
And NY got slammed pretty hard in the winter of 2021, so it's not like NY learned exactly what to do in 2020 and immunized itself. Maybe someone can do an over-all study of how NY did as compared to FL, correcting for age and health of the population and correcting for all the damage caused by overzealous shutdown policies. I think I know who'd come out ahead in that study.
@sh76 saidYou've gotten more and more delusional and partisan as the pandemic has continued but given the bloodbath DeSantis' policies have caused in the last three months the assertion in your last two sentences is comical.
Well, NOT sending COVID patients into nursing homes would have helped. Florida's first wave came in the summer of 2020, when we didn't have a much better idea of what to do than in March. People were running to the doctor to get hydroxychloroquine prescriptions at the first sign of a cough, for crying out loud.
And NY got slammed pretty hard in the winter of 2021, so it's not ...[text shortened]... e damage caused by overzealous shutdown policies. I think I know who'd come out ahead in that study.
@sh76 saidYou are bold faced lying now though you've changed your propaganda line from 3 year olds to kindgartners at least. I never predicted a failure to mask in Florida schools (which many schools in that State masked anyway despite DeSantis) would cause a "spike" from August's horrific totals; I did say it would cause more deaths than a sane policy. And Florida had 8100 deaths in September; you know the month you were crowing about how great DeSantis' policies were doing.
===Your "seasonality" arguments assumed there would be an increase in cases in the North and Midwest in the last few months (that's what you wrote in September). However, in reality, cases are receding in all the four geographical subdivisions of the US. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/26/briefing/covid-cases-falling-delta.html===
You'd better check again. According to covide ...[text shortened]... s would cause another spike turned out to have been flat out wrong. So, save some crow for yourself.
You're cherry picking and using a site that estimates rather than use actual data available from State Departments of Health. I'll stick by the data from the NYT story that used data from regions, data that refutes your pet theory.
@no1marauder saidhttps://rumble.com/voz8t8-california-covid-rate-doubles-florida.html
You've gotten more and more delusional and partisan as the pandemic has continued but given the bloodbath DeSantis' policies have caused in the last three months the assertion in your last two sentences is comical.
In Florida, 14,933,856 people or 69.53% of the population have received at least one dose. Overall, 12,904,395 people or 60.08% of Florida's population have been fully vaccinated.
What do we want. 90 percent. achieve the goal ease the restrictions.
In New Zealand the worst place Auckland has the highest vaccination rates 88% double dosed.
great leadership from Jacinda whilst the testosterone led areas walk in circles.
@sh76 saidYou're missing a lot of context in this post. Florida's first wave came in summer of 2020, once we had solved the supply side issues with masks and had 5 months of data on what worked in the clinic to treat severe cases. People in Florida were wearing masks. At that time Florida enacted statewide restrictions on restaurant capacity, size of gatherings, etc. just like every other state. Large cities and counties enacted mask mandates for indoor spaces to limit the spread, which is a public health measure trading a minor inconvenience in the grocery store to saved a lot of unnecessary deaths.
Well, NOT sending COVID patients into nursing homes would have helped. Florida's first wave came in the summer of 2020, when we didn't have a much better idea of what to do than in March. People were running to the doctor to get hydroxychloroquine prescriptions at the first sign of a cough, for crying out loud.
And NY got slammed pretty hard in the winter of 2021, so it's not ...[text shortened]... e damage caused by overzealous shutdown policies. I think I know who'd come out ahead in that study.
Then, before we had people vaccinated, the governor sniffed the political winds and decided to try telling school boards, businesses and city councils how to run their schools, businesses and cities. That's what folks are talking about here, the late spike in Florida deaths that were entirely preventable absent the "freeeeeeedom" absurdities.
Sure, where you have countries that don't have this really STUPID lefty/righty deal going on weaponizing vaxxing making it a political statement from the right NOT to vax V the political statement of the left TO vax.
A kind of stupidity that kills.
Still killing about 1000 people a day and that number is climbing back up and may get to 2000 a day again soon.
Starting with Trump downplaying the whole pandemic which led to many thousands of deaths avoidable had Trump actually been a real POTUS and not laid out all his Drink Bleach or It will all be over by Memorial day, yet the right wingers think Trump was the greatest thing to come along since Lincoln.
But now his crowd drank the koolaid and does whatever he says.
So now he says vax, so why are they still resisting?
The south is in deep doo doo right now and the only thing that will help is to get VAXXED.
All the hydrochloroquine or horse dewormer in the world will not stop this pandemic, ONLY vaxxing will do that and even then it seems to be covid will be the new flu and requiring a booster once a year just like flu.