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Who owns Gaza?

Who owns Gaza?


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@metal-brain said
It was Israel's unwillingness to accept a 2 state solution that led to Israel funding Hamas and to the problem Israel has right now. Israel created their own problem by creating the Hamas we know today. Avoiding a 2 state solution is why Hamas is a problem for Israel.

Israel supported Hamas to marginalize the PLO. You are also spreading misinformation based on the old ...[text shortened]... the state of Israel.

Hamas is dead. Lets not talk about them. The future is a single state from the river the to sea controlled by Israel.

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@rajk999 said
Hamas is dead. Lets not talk about them. The future is a single state from the river the to sea controlled by Israel.
That's genocide.

You sound like a Turk denying the Armenian genocide.


@athousandyoung said
That's genocide.

You sound like a Turk denying the Armenian genocide.

[youtube Knowing Better Armenian Genocide]r2zEqDOwzW0[/youtube]
I never open those things. You got something to say, say it. Destroying Hamas is not genocide. Maybe you need to Google the definition and stop hanging out with leftist losers demonstrating on the streets.

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@rajk999 said
I never open those things. You got something to say, say it. Destroying Hamas is not genocide. Maybe you need to Google the definition and stop hanging out with leftist losers demonstrating on the streets.
Destroying Hamas will not lead to a single Israeli state that controls everything from the river to the sea.

They have to destroy Palestine for that.

I said what I had to say and if you don't watch the video it is irrelevant to what I had to say.

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@rajk999 said
Maybe you need to Google the definition
Sure np


Genocide, the deliberate and systematic destruction of a group of people because of their ethnicity, nationality, religion, or race.

The deliberate and systematic destruction of Palestine because they're not Jews is genocide. If they aren't destroyed Israel will not control the land.


@rajk999 said
What absolute rubbish. The black fathers have many women with children. They do not know, neither do they care about family life. They breed many women creating several single parent homes none of which they can maintain.
Elon Musk and Donald Trump do the same thing.

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@athousandyoung said
Sure np


Genocide, the deliberate and systematic destruction of a group of people because of their ethnicity, nationality, religion, or race.

The deliberate and systematic destruction of Palestine because they're not Jews is genocide. If they aren't destroyed Israel will not control the land.
In the heightened rhetoric of the present day, Israel is sometimes accused of committing acts of “genocide” against the Palestinians. Genocide is a legal term, and in no way do Israeli policies and actions meet this legal threshold. Rather, the sensationalist use of the term genocide in relation to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not only inaccurate and misleading, but it serves to demonize the State of Israel and to diminish recognized acts of genocide.

The term genocide was first introduced by Polish-Jewish lawyer Raphael Lemkin in 1944, with the construct of “genos” meaning race or tribe and “cide” meaning killing. Lemkin coined the term in response to the Holocaust, but also in reference to earlier events, including the Armenian Genocide. The United Nations General Assembly recognized genocide as a crime under international law in 1946 and it was codified in the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in 1948. The definition of genocide under this convention is:

In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: (a) Killing members of the group; (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

While one may oppose and even condemn particular Israeli policies or actions with regard to Palestinians or Israel’s Arab citizens, the fact remains that in no way has Israel engaged in any action with the intent to exterminate, in whole or in part, the Palestinian people.

Indeed, accusing Israel of genocide has the collateral effect diminishing real acts of genocide – such as those that occurred in the Holocaust, against Armenians, and in Rwanda.

Furthermore, it is deeply concerning that Israel is often the only country in the world accused by activist groups of contemporaneously engaging in genocide. Not only is this false as a matter of both law and fact, but it also applies a singularly demonizing double standard to Israel.


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@rajk999 said
[i]In the heightened rhetoric of the present day, Israel is sometimes accused of committing acts of “genocide” against the Palestinians. Genocide is a legal term, and in no way do Israeli policies and actions meet this legal threshold.
Republicans like Michelle Salzman of Florida said "all Palestinians" should die. Right wingers like yourself demonize all Palestinians as one and the same with Hamas.


Angie Nixon said: “We are at 10,000 dead Palestinians. How many will be enough?”

“All of them,” Michelle Salzman called in reply.

Right wingers support genocide of Palestinians. There probably many Israelis who do as well.

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@athousandyoung said
No it wouldn't. Jews would be at the complete mercy of an overwhelmingly dominant Arab majority.
Not sure what you mean. Israeli Jews outnumber Palestinians. Jews would still be the majority if they became a single state.

A single German state didn't eliminate disagreements between the Germans and the Jews. It led to the gas chambers. A single Rwandan state didn't eliminate disagreements between Hutus and Tutsis. It led to machete wielding mobs cutting down the minority Tutsis.

A single state by itself won't solve anything. Laws must be enacted guaranteed equal treatment. I earlier mentioned a form of temporary affirmative action to help Palestinians reach equal status with Jews in society.

Ethnic nationalism is a very real and in fact dominant phenomenon in the world. Irish nationalists, Chinese nationalists, Japanese nationalists, Mexican nationalists, Mongolian nationalists, German, French, Nigerians, Turks, Egyptians etc all have their own countries.

True. But this isn't like Yugoslavia. It's not just about equal division of land it's also about control of religious sites; two religions competing for them will never and can never be solved. They must be able to share them equally.

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@vivify said
Republicans like Michelle Salzman of Florida said "all Palestinians" should die. Right wingers like yourself demonize all Palestinians as one and the same with Hamas.


[quote]Angie Nixon said: “We are at 10,000 dead Palestinians. How many will be enough?”

“All of them,” Mic ...[text shortened]... uote]
Right wingers support genocide of Palestinians. There probably many Israelis who do as well.
Actually the truth is nobody is concerned about Palestinians. Palestinians have to care about themselves and it appears that they do not. They have carved their fate in stone by their constant terrorist activities, targeting civilians over the last few decades. Its payback time now and the Jews are going after Hamas. That is the goal, to kill off Hamas. Civilians will die in the process.

Those who care about civilian deaths should do something about it. So far everybody is running their mouth.

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@rajk999 said
Actually the truth is nobody is concerned about Palestinians. Palestinians have to care about themselves and it appears that they do not. They have carved their fate in stone by their constant terrorist activities, targeting civilians over the last few decades. Its payback time now and the Jews are going after Hamas. That is the goal, to kill off Hamas. Civilians will die ...[text shortened]... o care about civilian deaths should do something about it. So far everybody is running their mouth.
Hamas is not the same as Palestine. Hamas' terror attacks don't equate to attacks from Palestinians. That's like blaming Russians for Putin's invasion.

I said right wingers lump all Palestinians with Hamas as justification for killing them. You prove my point.


@vivify said
Hamas does not equal Palestinians. Hamas' terror attacks don't equate to attacks from Palestinians.

I said right wingers lump all Palestinians with Hamas as justification for killing them. You prove my point.
Hamas = Palestinians. They can fool you because you are gullible, but the rest of the world are smarter than you are. Palestinian civilians are cheering on Hamas, they teach their kids to kill Jews, they are the main perpetrators of hatred toward Jews. They are not innocent bystanders.

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@rajk999 said
Hamas = Palestinians. They can fool you because you are gullible, but the rest of the world are smarter than you are. Palestinian civilians are cheering on Hamas, they teach their kids to kill Jews, they are the main perpetrators of hatred toward Jews. They are not innocent bystanders.
Uhuh. Dumb fukk.

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@rajk999 said
In the heightened rhetoric of the present day, Israel is sometimes accused of committing acts of “genocide” against the Palestinians. Genocide is a legal term, and in no way do Israeli policies and actions meet this legal threshold. Rather, the sensationalist use of the term genocide in relation to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not only inaccurate and misleading, ...[text shortened]... o Israel.

Yes of course the Anti-Defamation League is going to say that. They are a Jewish organization. The Turks say the Armenian genocide isn't a genocide too. Modern day neo-Nazis say the Holocaust wasn't genocide.

In any case Israel never said they wanted to take over all the land from the river to the sea. That's what YOU said.

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@vivify said
Not sure what you mean. Israeli Jews outnumber Palestinians. Jews would still be the majority if they became a single state.

[quote]A single German state didn't eliminate disagreements between the Germans and the Jews. It led to the gas chambers. A single Rwandan state didn't eliminate disagreements between Hutus and Tutsis. It led to machete wielding mobs cutting d ...[text shortened]... ons competing for them will never and can never be solved. They must be able to share them equally.
7 million Jewish Israelis

2 million Arab Israelis

5 million Palestinians

ALL surrounding nations are hostile Arab nations

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