affect and effect

affect and effect



28 Oct 05
07 Sep 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie have termed me a rape apologist...
Well, let's face it, robbie, you're putting yourself out on an immoral limb if youlook at a country with a domestic violence problem like India and then claim that - logically - there can be no such thing as marital rape because, even if a woman didn't want to have sex, a husband already had consent. If I called you a rape apologist, then I was quite right to. It's good to call a spade a spade when confronting beliefs like yours in so far as they pertain to what rape victims experience.


28 Oct 05
07 Sep 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
you were telling is why its a good idea FMF were you not, possibly fifth sixth or seventh time asking. You did it so surely you know.
What "good idea" are you accusing me of having?


26 Aug 07
07 Sep 16
1 edit

Originally posted by FMF
Well, let's face it, robbie, you're putting yourself out on an immoral limb if youlook at a country with a domestic violence problem like India and then claim that - logically - there can be no such thing as marital rape because, even if a woman didn't want to have sex, a husband already had consent. If I called you a rape apologist, then I was quite right to. I ...[text shortened]... e when confronting beliefs like yours in so far as they pertain to what rape victims experience.
and yet i came to the conclusion that it did constitute rape FMF and despite that you still stated that i was a rape apologist. why did you do that FMF and do you think its constitutes normal behaviour?

This is twice you have been caught accusing people of harbouring values that they do not profess simply because you disagree with them making you not only a hypocrite but abnormal accoriding to your definition of what constitutes normality.


26 Aug 07
07 Sep 16
1 edit

Originally posted by FMF
What "good idea" are you accusing me of having?
here is the question that you seem to be either unwilling or unable to answer FMF, why is known only to you.

Do you think its a good idea to hide behind a false facade pretending to be something you are not on a site that allows children. Tell the forum why you think thats a good idea?


28 Oct 05
07 Sep 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
No I did not i stated and its tedious to have to repeat it again that a child abuser may be less likely to come forward if they know that they will be turned over to the authorities. Do you agree or disagree with this?
Of course I disagree with your premise in so far as it relates to reducing sex abuse. Victims are far less likely to come forward if they think the corporation is going to swing into action and try to keep the criminal acts committed against them secret.


28 Oct 05
07 Sep 16
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Do you think its a good idea to hide behind a false facade pretending to be something you are not on a site that allows children. Tell the forum why you think thats a good idea?
"Pretending to be" what? And what are you claiming it has to do with "children"? What "good idea"?


26 Aug 07
07 Sep 16

Originally posted by FMF
"Pretending to be" what? And what are you claiming it has to do with "children"? What "good idea"?
lets ask you again,

Do you think its a good idea to hide behind a false facade pretending to be something you are not on a site that allows children. Tell the forum why you think thats a good idea?


28 Oct 05
07 Sep 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
and yet i came to the conclusion that it did constitute rape FMF and despite that you still stated that i was a rape apologist. why did you do that FMF and do you think its constitutes normal behaviour?
When did you change your view? I recall you trying to back up your 'it just can't be rape form a Christian point of view' stance with scripture from the Bible. If you backed down from your overt rape apologist stance, then good.


28 Oct 05
07 Sep 16
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
lets ask you again,

Do you think its a good idea to hide behind a false facade pretending to be something you are not on a site that allows children. Tell the forum why you think thats a good idea?
I am not "pretending to be" anything robbie. Your constant repetition of the phrase "a site that allows children" is meaningless ill-judged banter.


26 Aug 07
07 Sep 16

Originally posted by FMF
Of course I disagree with your premise in so far as it relates to reducing sex abuse. Victims are far less likely to come forward if they think the corporation is going to swing into action and try to keep the criminal acts committed against them secret.
we are not talking of victims FMfF we are talking of child abusers, so lets ask you gain and see if we can get a straight answer because you seem rather incapable or reluctant to answer anything truthfully.

Do you agree or disagree that a child abuser is more or less likely to come forward if they know that they will be reported due to mandatory reporting.


26 Aug 07
07 Sep 16

Originally posted by FMF
I am not "pretending to be" anything robbie. Your constant repetition of the phrase "a site that allows children" is meaningless ill-judged banter.
I am sure you are not now lets ask you again,

Do you if you think its a good idea to hide behind a false facade pretending to be something you are not on a site that allows children. Tell the forum why you think thats a good idea?

a) good idea
b) not a good idea


28 Oct 05
07 Sep 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
I am sure you are not now lets ask you again,

Do you if you think its a good idea to hide behind a false facade pretending to be something you are not on a site that allows children. Tell the forum why you think thats a good idea?

a) good idea
b) not a good idea
I am not "pretending to be" anything robbie.


26 Aug 07
07 Sep 16
2 edits

Originally posted by FMF
When did you change your view? I recall you trying to back up your 'it just can't be rape form a Christian point of view' stance with scripture from the Bible. If you backed down from your overt rape apologist stance, then good.
First of all it was not my view, I was merely testing the premise that I had read about while looking at some court proceedings in the USA. Secondly Properknob convinced that despite consent it could still constitute rape. Marital rape infact.


26 Aug 07
07 Sep 16

Originally posted by FMF
I am not "pretending to be" anything robbie.
a) good idea
b) not a good idea

Starmer is a liar

More in my profile

16 Feb 08
07 Sep 16
1 edit


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