affect and effect

affect and effect



santa cruz, ca.

19 Jul 13
07 Sep 16

Originally posted by Suzianne
I'm talking about disgusting people threatening others in this thread by promising to run crying to the gullible mods with some lame-ass made-up sob story. Again.

Since you asked.
ignore the wench


28 Oct 05
07 Sep 16

Originally posted by Suzianne
I'm talking about disgusting people threatening others in this thread by promising to run crying to the gullible mods with some lame-ass made-up sob story. Again.

Since you asked.
What does this have to do with oral sex?


26 Aug 07
07 Sep 16

Originally posted by FMF
What does this have to do with oral sex?
I think it has the idea of giving favours to those who carry some influence. Clearly jivejeester thinks that his sob stories carry some sway with those to whom he is friendly, thus his ' don't underestimate the power of the dive side', or words to that effect. It takes some discernment to make the connection though because its not immediately apparent, at least not to me.


28 Oct 05
07 Sep 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
I think it has the idea of giving favours to those who carry some influence. Clearly jivejeester thinks that his sob stories carry some sway with those to whom he is friendly, thus his ' don't underestimate the power of the dive side', or words to that effect. It takes some discernment to make the connection though because its not immediately apparent, at least not to me.
You once taunted me and divegeester about either giving each other oral sex - or masturbating each other (I can't remember exactly which it was) - when you were upset about something. It was on the "Memo" thread earlier this year. Do you expect me to accept that "discernment" is involved in turning disagreements and disapproval into crudely sexualized obscenity and taunting of this kind?


26 Aug 07
07 Sep 16
9 edits

Originally posted by FMF
You once taunted me and divegeester about either giving each other oral sex - or masturbating each other (I can't remember exactly which it was) - when you were upset about something. It was on the "Memo" thread earlier this year. Do you expect me to accept that "discernment" is involved in turning disagreements and disapproval into crudely sexualized obscenity and taunting of this kind?
Clearly your powers of discernment were not enough to make the link, scant as they are. I don't expect you to do anything, you asked a question and you got an answer. You should be happy.

I don't think dredging what people have allegedly said in the past helps you much, infact, it makes you look rather cheap and plastic to be honest. One would have thought you would have learned something from this thread, apparently not. But carry on if you think it does something for you.

Taunting people happens all the time in normal human relationships, You trying to gain some leverage from it is nothing more than a reflection of how far removed you seem from normal human behaviour. Perhaps this is why you are such a judgemental finger pointing self righteous Pharisee who seems content to spend his time pointing out the flaws of others? who can say? 😵


28 Oct 05
07 Sep 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Taunting people happens all the time in normal human relationships, You trying to gain some leverage from it is nothing more than a reflection of how far removed you seem from normal human behaviour.
Normal human behaviour? I have spent my adult life living and working in five different countries, doing various jobs, meeting all kinds of "normal humans", but the only person in all those years who has suggested that I have sex with children, or engage in homosexual acts with someone because I agree with him, or that my disagreements might be explained by people forcing me to have sex with them when I was a child, has been you. Do you seriously believe the way you behave here represents "normal human relationships"? I don't think it does.


26 Aug 07
07 Sep 16
3 edits

Originally posted by FMF
Normal human behaviour? I have spent my adult life living and working in five different countries, doing various jobs, meeting all kinds of "normal humans", but the only person in all those years who has suggested that I have sex with children, or engage in homosexual acts with someone because I agree with him, or that my disagreements might be explained by peop ...[text shortened]... believe the way you behave here represents "normal human relationships"? I don't think it does.
Are you saying that taunting is not part of normal human behaviour? my goodness how far removed are you? You seem to be some hyper sensitive impussiant pantywaist of a gelding that incessantly finds fault with other people but crumbles to pieces when someone calls you a homo. If you don't want people to question your motives then don't hide behind a false facade in order to dupe them especially on a site that allows minors, it doesn't look good for you regardless of your motives. Still unable to let it go, no wonder you seem a miserable old stoney faced killjoy that spends his time here fault-finding.

For the record you have accused me personally of being a rape apologist and a defender of child abuse simply because you disagreed with my stance despite the fact that I have condoned neither. Lets now add hypocrisy to your rather unsavoury character and see if it brings you back to reality.


28 Oct 05
07 Sep 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Are you saying that taunting is not part of normal human behaviour? my goodness how far removed are you?
To be brutally frank, attempting to taunt people about their supposed sexual orientation and about their involvement in children being raped (or mental illness related to such things) seems far removed from normal adult human behaviour to me. I have always been led to believe you are a middle aged guy with a wife and kids and that you claim to be a Christian minister of God.


28 Oct 05
07 Sep 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
If you don't want people to question your motives then don't hide behind a false facade in order to dupe them especially on a site that allows minors, it doesn't look good for you regardless of your motives.
But who questions my motives with regard to the children on this web site?


26 Aug 07
07 Sep 16

Originally posted by FMF
But who questions my motives with regard to the children on this web site?
Lets ask you if you think its a good idea to hide behind a false facade pretending to be something you are not on a site that allows children. Tell the forum why you think thats a good idea?


26 Aug 07
07 Sep 16
1 edit

Originally posted by FMF
To be brutally frank, attempting to taunt people about their supposed sexual orientation and about their involvement in children being raped (or mental illness related to such things) seems far removed from normal adult human behaviour to me. I have always been led to believe you are a middle aged guy with a wife and kids and that you claim to be a Christian minister of God.
to be brutally frank you are nothing but a rank hypocrite, you have termed me a rape apologist and a defender of child abuse simply because you disagreed with my stance and here you are pontificating to others about what is normal human behaviour when you have done the very same thing that you deem to be abnormal. oh dear, are you abnormal?


28 Oct 05
07 Sep 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Lets ask you if you think its a good idea to hide behind a false facade pretending to be something you are not on a site that allows children. Tell the forum why you think thats a good idea?
Who questions my motives around children, robbie? Your "funny" banter on this matter seems to be intended for the likes of Ghost of a Duke but Ghost of a Duke doesn't question my motives around children. You are you referring to "people" questioning whether children are safe around me?


26 Aug 07
07 Sep 16
2 edits

Originally posted by FMF
Who questions my motives around children, robbie? Your "funny" banter on this matter seems to be intended for the likes of Ghost of a Duke but Ghost of a Duke doesn't question my motives around children. You are you referring to "people" questioning whether children are safe around me?
tell the forum why you think its a good idea FMF, second time asking. here is the question again.

Why do you think its a good idea to hide behind a false facade pretending to be something you are not on a site that allows children. Tell the forum why you think thats a good idea?


28 Oct 05
07 Sep 16
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
to be brutally frank you are nothing but a rank hypocrite, you have termed me a rape apologist and a defender of child abuse simply because you disagreed with my stance and here you are pontificating to others about what is normal human behaviour when you have done the very same thing that you deem to be abnormal. oh dear, are you abnormal?
I have never insinuated that you have abused children or defended child abusers, robbie. But we have disagreed strongly over your defence of your religious corporation keeping instances of sex abuse committed by its members. A disagreement over policy and principle that's all.


26 Aug 07
07 Sep 16

Originally posted by FMF
Who questions my motives around children, robbie? Your "funny" banter on this matter seems to be intended for the likes of Ghost of a Duke but Ghost of a Duke doesn't question my motives around children. You are you referring to "people" questioning whether children are safe around me?
Shall i tell you why i don't think hiding behind a false façade in order to dupe people on the Internet on a site that allows minors is not a very good idea FMF?

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