Note: Just heard the quote again, Dear D, on the Sunday afternoon replay of Praire Home Companion. Believe it goes,
"People sleep peaceably in their own beds, only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."
*Freedom always was, still is and always will be the coin of the realm.
Originally posted by Grampy Bobbyalso on may 26:
May 26 Entry: May 1915 Rookie Babe Ruth hit the first of his 714 MLB home runs. May 1937 Margaret Mitchell won the Pulitzer Prize for
"Gone With the Wind." May 1952 the sugary compressed candy known as PEZ was trademarked. May 2008... you may fill in the blanks.
- memorial day in US
- first publication of Dow Jones in 1896
- adoption of Flag of Europe in 1986
- a fantastic contribution to this thread: this post
Originally posted by Grampy BobbyMay 29: Maintenance completed well ahead of schedule, thanks to the
May 27 Notice: Dear Diary... will be down for preventive maintenance until June 1, 2008.
cooperation of all general forum posters in letting you drift to page 2.
Among the worst people in the world are those who go out of their way
to seize opportunities to try to change other people into their likeness.
May 30: Dear D, the short list of things The Almighty dislikes was never limited to arrogance, sin, evil, and (the wood, hay and stubble
dead works of) human good. Since one of His attributes is omniscience, ignorance always sat high on the list. By the way, since He enjoys
perfect happiness, an incredibly relaxed sense of humor is also quite evident. Look closely, again for the first time, in your vanity mirror.