Embarrassing And Awkward Moments

Embarrassing And Awkward Moments



28 Oct 05
20 Feb 21

@phil-a-dork said
Stories need character descriptions.
Not all stories are funny. Not all character descriptions are funny. You can say the same about my two stories if you want to.

13 Feb 21
20 Feb 21

@phil-a-dork said

Dude, I won.
Stories need character descriptions.

You lost.
Let it go.

13 Feb 21
20 Feb 21

I can hear you grinding your teeth.



28 Oct 05
20 Feb 21

@phil-a-dork said
Go back to the way you thought when you were 11 or 12 and life is more fun.

I never left that mindset and I have no stress...ever.

People say I am immature but I have no stress...ever.

Try it.
No thanks.

13 Feb 21
20 Feb 21
1 edit

@fmf said
No thanks.
We are enemies.

You just made the list brother! 😠

Put you near the top too.
Not first. Don't flatter yourself.


28 Oct 05
20 Feb 21

Does anyone want to share their most embarrassing and awkward moments?

Wedding receptions here are very uniform in the way they play out. There's the large rectangular room with no walls and a high pagoda type roof on columns, catering delivered by a selection of counters and food stalls, chairs around the edge, a keyboardist and singer rendering dangdut songs. You come in, you walk along a red carpet under arches of flowers to the stage where the newlyweds are standing in front of ornate furniture flanked by their parents, and you shake everyone's hand before choosing some food and sitting at the edge. I had almost finished my plateful when one of the organizers came up and asked politely: "Excuse me, who are you exactly?" Apparently, the wedding I wished to attend was another 200 m done the same road.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
20 Feb 21

At least now both of you can tell the embarrassing story of that time you got pulled into a pissing contest on a chess website.

13 Feb 21
20 Feb 21
1 edit

@suzianne said
At least now both of you can tell the embarrassing story of that time you got pulled into a pissing contest on a chess website.
True but I've been drinking so I can piss longer and farther 😏

...and I was right.
Stories need character descriptions.


28 Oct 05
20 Feb 21

@suzianne said
At least now both of you can tell the embarrassing story of that time you got pulled into a pissing contest on a chess website.
With you and Very Rusty in mind, oh, the irony.


28 Oct 05
20 Feb 21

@suzianne said
At least now both of you can tell the embarrassing story of that time you got pulled into a pissing contest on a chess website.
Does anyone want to share their most embarrassing and awkward moments?

This one is awkward rather than embarrassing. I was invited to be the judge for a kids' Speech Competition at an English language school in my town when I lived in Japan. I didn't know the owners. I sat and witnessed a dozen or so performances and was asked to pick a third place, a second place and a winner, which I did. My decisions caused some consternation and I was called into the owner's office. They were asking me why No.3 was not No.1. This went on for a long time and I stuck to my guns. Disappointed, they went back out and announced the results with my No.3 promoted to No.1 without me having endorsed it. One might as well be philosophical in these situations. The announcement of the winner drew a big cheer from all the assembled parents, one of whom leaned towards me and said: "Isn't she delightful? She's the owner's daughter, you know."

Jack Torrance

Overlook Hotel

04 Feb 11
20 Feb 21

@fmf said
Does anyone want to share their most embarrassing and awkward moments?

I got roped into a scam a few years back. The Indonesian Youth Hostelling Association, after someone cancelled, needed a speaker for their annual conference in a hotel in Jakarta. I agreed to pose as an International Youth Hostelling Expert.

I had a PowerPoint loaded up with photos o ...[text shortened]... tional Youth Hostelling Federation [at that time].

Excruciating. But the gig paid a handsome fee.
Dang, that's hilarious.


03 Apr 19
20 Feb 21

When I was a student my left ankle went over whilst running. I injured a tendon and I was referred for ultrasound treatment in the hospital physiotherapy department. I was met by a young attractive physiotherapist who indicated the treatment table and asked me to remove my trousers. She asked me which knee she was to treat so I told her it was in fact my left ankle. Wide eyed and somewhat put out she asked me why I had taken my trousers off? As I recall speech became somewhat difficult but, with an awkward smile, I just about managed to say 'because you told me to'. 😳😳😳

Starmer is a liar

More in my profile

16 Feb 08
20 Feb 21

@suzianne said
At least now both of you can tell the embarrassing story of that time you got pulled into a pissing contest on a chess website.
Do you have any embarrassing or awkward moments you would like to share?

Starmer is a liar

More in my profile

16 Feb 08
20 Feb 21
2 edits

@suzianne said
At least now both of you can tell the embarrassing story of that time you got pulled into a pissing contest on a chess website.
What do you think of Phil A dork’s farty and blatantly racist funny story?

You usually jump all over stuff like that but today you chose not to, why is that I wonder...would it be because you couldn’t bear to bring your principles into alignment with FMF?

Instead you want to make a jointly targeted snark about a “pissing contest” when FMF is quite rightly calling out racism in the forum.

13 Feb 21
20 Feb 21
1 edit


Saying a black man is black is racist?
So every novel I have read that describes a person's race is racist?

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