Originally posted by ianpickeringNo, you are not right in thinking that most Americans believe that Hussein was involved in 9-11. There is no tangible evidence in this theory; however, it cannot be ruled out either. 9-11 was caused by radical muslims who generally despised Hussein. The only thing in they had in common was a mutual hatred of America and the free world, enough of a link to warrant a possible connection to 9-11. Sunni and Shia Mulslims are intolerant of each other in general, but that would not preclude a pact in order to inflict death and destruction on the free world. What do you mean by stating that Americans "find it hard to understand anything that goes on outside their own shores"? In general, a lot of Americans are geographically challenged and some are ignorant of Al-Qaeda's intentions, but we are not totally isolationist in our thinking, so many Americans do understand the concept of what is going on, but like the BBC we have biased news networks and have to choose our news sources according to our political leanings: CNN for liberals, FOX for conservatives....although, I'm sure a lot of people would disagree with my opinion on that matter...Cheers
Am I right in thinking that a majority of Americans believe that Saddam Hussain had something to do with the attack on the trade centre? If so on what basis? Because Bush told them so? Because they find it hard to understand anything that goes on outside their own shores. Please help me here.
Originally posted by ianpickeringBefore even reading entry number two...
Does anyone out there believe that George Bush is capable of stringing a coherent sentance together without the aid of a scriptwriter (surely a prerequisite for the leader of the free world!). What an indictment of the US
system that they can't find a decent President out of a population of over 200 million people. Land of opportunity? Yes it is if ...[text shortened]... millions of dollars and the backing of large multinationals. Democracy? Don't make me laugh!!
What a gross underestimate of us. 'Millions' of dollars? Try 'Trillions' if you are able to know the difference.
'Free World'... That is an interesting concept. Does it mean 'everyone able to act freely' or everyone in lock-step to attain social goals?
'Indictment' is the act of bringing charges... What is your charge? You obviously have none, except jealousy. Just a 'feeling'... typical of fools everywhere.
Democracy is the joke. It equates a totally moral person with a monster. We are not a democracy... in case you missed it. We are a representative Republic.
As for making you laugh... Wow! Ever tried to make a fool with no sense of humor laugh? Why try?
Now I will read the posts of others.
Originally posted by rwingettRob the worn out Commie... brings me great pleasure to say you still need to learn to think on your own.
I didn't think it was possible to have a worse president than Reagan. But now Bush comes along and makes me realize that the Republicans are capable of stooping to depths of evil that I had not believed were humanly possible. It absolutley boggles the mind to think that for all the toxic levels of concentrated evil that seep from his every pore, there is still an endless reservoir within him waiting to be unleashed upon an unsuspecting world.
Originally posted by rwingett"Evil" is ok for people of character, but you side with bbar else?
Nay, ianpickering, you are mistaken. Tragically mistaken. George W. Bush is the very embodiment of evil. A vile, corrosive, malignant evil the likes of which have never been equaled in the annals of history. He embodies an evil so expansive, so all encompassing, so absolutely black at its very core, that it is almost defies comprehension. The fact that he i ...[text shortened]... o underestimate his capacity for unleashing even greater plagues and destruction upon humanity.
Give me a break. Sad. Evil are they who allow genicide, not those who kill dictators.
Originally posted by flexmoreBecause the other 'choice' was worse than Bush. Can you spell 'Gore' as in "Jeez! That guy is a damned european at heart!"
the position of us president existed long before bush came along, knowing a bumbling fool was required to fill the spot, why not just choose a genuine one?
i suspect he actually thinks he is a good person 🙄
Originally posted by stammerA 'Moderate Democrat' translates to 'fool' in any language. GW is at least 1000 times smarter than you. From a very brief examination of both positions.
Geez oh man rwingett, I'm a moderate Democrat who disagrees with this administration pretty strongly, but I think you're going a bit overboard.
First, I think you're giving George W. Bush way too much credit for being involved in the current policies. Personally I don't think he has much say in anything that is going on, which is just fine by him.
And as wrong as Cheyney et. al. are, there's no comparison to Hitler. None.
Originally posted by chancremechanicWhy does it matter? Are we for Stalinist killers or against them? (Sorry Rob. I know you worship him and wish he was still in power, but he was a killer.) Now he is out of the picture.
No, you are not right in thinking that most Americans believe that Hussein was involved in 9-11. There is no tangible evidence in this theory; however, it cannot be ruled out either. 9-11 was caused by radical muslims who generally despised Hussein. The only thing in they had in common was a mutual hatred of America and the free world, enough of a ...[text shortened]... es....although, I'm sure a lot of people would disagree with my opinion on that matter...Cheers
Originally posted by StarValleyWyThe party commissar tells me that you are wrong about that. He says that thanks to the heroic struggles of the party, which is the vanguard of the revolution, that I AM able to think on my own. I dunno...he must be right.
Sorry to interupt. Rob is a worn out Commie. Study and learn folks. He is unable to think in terms outside the party line.
Originally posted by rwingettWow. You answered. Third time ever.
The party commissar tells me that you are wrong about that. He says that thanks to the heroic struggles of the party, which is the vanguard of the revolution, that I AM able to think on my own. I dunno...he must be right.
If you can now think on your own, how come you still spout the Commie line? Right down to the same phrase and meter?
Originally posted by StarValleyWyRob doesn't think on his own. He is merely the puppet of 13 other RHPers. They provide his thoughts and he spouts them in an eloquent way, but is ultimately not responsible for anything he says. He's just the FT leader.
Wow. You answered. Third time ever.
If you can now think on your own, how come you still spout the Commie line? Right down to the same phrase and meter?
Sort of like George II, come to think of it.