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Is George Bush the Worst?

Is George Bush the Worst?


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Originally posted by StarValleyWy
Wow. You answered. Third time ever.

If you can now think on your own, how come you still spout the Commie line? Right down to the same phrase and meter?
Why StarValleyWy, I didn't know you were keeping track. It's gratifying to know my correspondence means so much to you. It's too bad that you don't actually LISTEN to anything I say.

Do you want me to go dredge up some of my old posts where I have condemned Stalin? The one that was addressed to you personally? I'm sure you must remember it, it was such a long and turgid post. The Commie catch phrases have been inserted purely for your enjoyment.

Better watch yourself SVW, you're about to blow your new year's resolution, and it's only the 6th of January.

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Originally posted by royalchicken
Rob doesn't think on his own. He is merely the puppet of 13 other RHPers. They provide his thoughts and he spouts them in an eloquent way, but is ultimately not responsible for anything he says. He's just the FT leader.

Sort of like George II, come to think of it.
And the point is? Thirteen fools are smarter than what? One million 'others'?

Eloquent implies ability with language. I see none in his writings. When examining the writing of another, is it not a wizened soul who looks to content before intent?

Content tells me he is only against freedom of thought. He wants to lead a revolution. Not?

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Originally posted by rwingett
Why StarValleyWy, I didn't know you were keeping track. It's gratifying to know my correspondence means so much to you. It's too bad that you don't actually LISTEN to anything I say.

Do you want me to go dredge up some of my old posts where I have condemned Stalin? The one that was addressed to you personally? I'm sure you must remember it, it was ...[text shortened]... rself SVW, you're about to blow your new year's resolution, and it's only the 6th of January.
Piss on the resolution. My daughters dog pissed all over my bed and I just got back from an industrial strength laundry... cleaning all the bedding. I'm in no mood for listening to people who want Mr. Hussein back in power. Which is exactly what you say when you say you oppose Bush. Not?

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Originally posted by StarValleyWy
Because you don't accept 'Evil'... see your own writings, Bennet.
Of course I don't accept Evil, I fight against it tooth and nail as all good patriots should. I find it hard to believe that you would lambast me for fighting against Evil. What do you think we should do, StarValley, stick our head in the sand and hope that Evil-doers will overlook us, the most powerful nation in the world. We are the torch-bearers, bringing the light of freedom and democracy to the backward masses. We must constantly fight against those who would harm us, even if they haven't harmed us yet; even if they haven't the capacity to harm us but merely the desire.

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Originally posted by StarValleyWy
Piss on the resolution. My daughters dog pissed all over my bed and I just got back from an industrial strength laundry... cleaning all the bedding. I'm in no mood for listening to people who want Mr. Hussein back in power. Which is exactly what you say when you say you oppose Bush. Not?
Ah, so we can see that it is extenuating circumstances that have put you into such a cheerful mood.

No, I don't want Hussein back in power. But the important point to remember is that the ends do not justify the means. Hussein is out of power, which is good. But does that, in itself, justify the war?

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Originally posted by rwingett
.... It's those darn Floridians that have unleashed this torrent of evil upon the earth.
😀 Even though I cant vote yet, I'm proud of this state and its decisions...

But i dont see how you can blam the people of this good ol state for the torrent evil of So Dam Insane, and hey we helped rid the world of one less dictator, al gore prolby would be sitting back and and getten a blow job or somthing like his former boss... what a great pres that would be eh?

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Originally posted by bbarr
Of course I don't accept Evil, I fight against it tooth and nail as all good patriots should. I find it hard to believe that you would lambast me for fighting against Evil. What do you think we should do, StarValley, stick our head in the sand and hope that Evil-doers will overlook us, the most powerful nation in the world. We are the torch-bearers, bringi ...[text shortened]... y haven't harmed us yet; even if they haven't the capacity to harm us but merely the desire.
Cute. But dumb. You know I meant that you don't accept any definition... nor implementation of... 'evil' into human nature. Geez! The whole world is full of comics.

As for lambasting you. You ain't seen nothin' yet. Want a piece?

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Originally posted by rwingett
Ah, so we can see that it is extenuating circumstances that have put you into such a cheerful mood.

No, I don't want Hussein back in power. But the important point to remember is that the ends do not justify the means. Hussein is out of power, which is good. But does that, in itself, justify the war?

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Originally posted by UncleAdam
😀 Even though I cant vote yet, I'm proud of this state and its decisions...

But i dont see how you can blam the people of this good ol state for the torrent evil of So Dam Insane, and hey we helped rid the world of one less dictator, al gore prolby would be sitting back and and getten a blow job or somthing like his former boss... what a great pres that would be eh?
Well, let's see...that's one dictator we've removed. How many more have we installed or aided throughout the world? I really don't think the ledger book is in our favor in that regard.

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Originally posted by UncleAdam
😀 Even though I cant vote yet, I'm proud of this state and its decisions...

But i dont see how you can blam the people of this good ol state for the torrent evil of So Dam Insane, and hey we helped rid the world of one less dictator, al gore prolby would be sitting back and and getten a blow job or somthing like his former boss... what a great pres that would be eh?
Adam... Never be proud of the 'State'... It offers nothing in general. Be proud only of your ability to do 'justice' to yourself and your fellow beings. 'State' is just another word for 'really, really big gang'. Don't forget that. Be for people you know and love. Not for a big old harry something that is so deceiptful that it will have talks with killers, just to get re-elected.

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Originally posted by rwingett
Well, let's see...that's one dictator we've removed. How many more have we installed or aided throughout the world? I really don't think the ledger book is in our favor in that regard.

You are right. See my post to Adam. We need to fight them (dictators) all or fight none. I vote for all. A matter of principle. It is either time to let everyone vote or it is not. As for ledger books. Piss on em'. Kill the bloody bastards who indulge in mass murder and let the chips fall where they may.

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Originally posted by rwingett
Well, let's see...that's one dictator we've removed. How many more have we installed or aided throughout the world? I really don't think the ledger book is in our favor in that regard.

Well I dont know, would you happen to have a few names? i doubt it but I'd still like to see a few.

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Originally posted by StarValleyWy
Cute. But dumb. You know I meant that you don't accept any definition... nor implementation of... 'evil' into human nature. Geez! The whole world is full of comics.

As for lambasting you. You ain't seen nothin' yet. Want a piece?
I think moral wrongs exist. I think people can be wanton, shallow, insensitive to the suffering of others, etc. Why is this not enough? What more is there to evil than this? The problem I have with using the term 'evil' is that when people hear it, they stop thinking critically. The presence of evil supposedly justifies dropping cluster bombs that kill more civilians than military targets. The presence of evil justifies Texas executions of the severely mentally retarded.

And no, I'm not asking for you to unleash your razor wit upon me. I originally posted just to wish you well.

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Originally posted by StarValleyWy
You are right. See my post to Adam. We need to fight them (dictators) all or fight none. I vote for all.
I vote for takin em all out also

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Originally posted by bbarr
What did I do, I haven't even posted in this thread? 😕

Anyway, I keep missing you when you make your brief appearances, but I hope you're doing well.

Well, for starters you just got back from Europe, the land of appeasing socialists. What have you got to say for yourself about that? Huh?!

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