I haven't heard anything from them in a couple of days. I had hoped we'd be underway by now. Maybe the holidays are affecting their scheduling. Maybe Darvlay was right, we should have waited until after the holidays. I've emailed them the past two days asking what their schedule is on this, but haven't heard back from them yet. So I have no new information to give anyone at this point.
Originally posted by rwingettOk thank you!
I haven't heard anything from them in a couple of days. I had hoped we'd be underway by now. Maybe the holidays are affecting their scheduling. Maybe Darvlay was right, we should have waited until after the holidays. I've emailed them the past two days asking what their schedule is on this, but haven't heard back from them yet. So I have no new information to give anyone at this point.
It appears (I guess) that the folks at agegames were indeed on vacation. I finally got this laconic response from them today:
Thank you for your email, which has been
received successfully. You should receive
a response in 1-3 days, thanks for your
patience in the meantime.
Mr G.M.
Hopefully they'll get us underway before too much longer. There has been one more change, with UmbrageOfSnow replacing Zebano. I'll let you know if I hear anything else.