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Moderational Inconsistency

Moderational Inconsistency


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Originally posted by royalchicken
Michelle, I agree that the thread should be reinstated, but perhaps we'd best be a bit careful of what we say until the full story is given us. As it stands, we don't know who alerted the mods.

Fair enough


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Originally posted by skeeter
Yes, reistate the thread and everyone will see that Cribs has hardly infractured the TOS, rather a skin thinned cry baby has taken exception, as is his habit and blubbed to the Mods. Lets cut to the chase on this, we all know who the problem is, with his double standards, so every time HE posts and its NOT for/against the posts arguement, let US bury the mods in "alerts" as is his style. See who gets 'banned then'? Hmmmm.

This is getting muddier and nastier as it progresses. Who is "HE"?

in peace

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Originally posted by royalchicken
Based on his post, I'd say Cribs did make a personal attack on Prad initially
hmmm ...
thanks for the cribs' reconstructed info above.
it fills in a gap to some extent, but certainly doesn't explain some of the things we were talking about on PM.

in friendship,

edit: we = you and i, rc - in case there is any misunderstanding as someone suggested there might be

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Originally posted by pradtf
i am happy to blindly defend the mods.
if i am unhappy with what they have done, i will contact them privately and ask very nicely what is going on. if they do not want to give me an answer i will either accept it, or contact russ. if russ doesn't want to give me an answer, then i will either accept it or leave the forums or the site.

if i feel that a di ...[text shortened]... , unless the mods wish to suppress it, in which case you can go to russ.

in friendship,
Why would you blindly defend the mods in public, but only criticise them in private?

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Originally posted by pradtf
hmmm ...
thanks for the cribs' reconstructed info above.
it fills in a gap to some extent, but certainly doesn't explain some of the things we were talking about on PM.

in friendship,
What is at issue is Cribs ban from the FORUMS. Nobody should be banned from the forums based on something they say over PM, so that, while it may shed light on everyone's motivations, is not part of the issue at hand.

I do believe you should make public your take on what happened in the forums though, for the sake of objectivity.

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Originally posted by imvegan
This is getting muddier and nastier as it progresses. Who is "HE"?

in peace
If the victim of a personal attack is not named, does it still constitute a personal attack?

What constitutes a personal attack?

There needs to be a thread on this subject.

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Originally posted by royalchicken
What is at issue is Cribs ban from the FORUMS. Nobody should be banned from the forums based on something they say over PM, so that, while it may shed light on everyone's motivations, is not part of the issue at hand.

I do believe you should make public your take on what happened in the forums though, for the sake of objectivity.
who was banned from the forums for what they said over PM?
what are we talking about? please clarify.

i am not suggesting we should criticise them in private - i gave a step by step process that i would follow in the other post.

by my take, do you mean what i PMed you just a while ago?

in friendship,

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Originally posted by pradtf
who was banned from the forums for what they said over PM?
what are we talking about? please clarify.

i am not suggesting we should criticise them in private - i gave a step by step process that i would follow in the other post.

by my take, do you mean what i PMed you just a while ago?

in friendship,
''it fills in a gap to some extent, but certainly doesn't explain some of the things we were talking about on PM.''

Even if Cribs sends a PM to every RHPer in which he calls us all [UNPRINTABLE] [DELETED]s, he should retain forum posting rights (provided he's not kicked off the site), because one's forum privileges, AFAIK, are related to one's conduct in the forums. Therefore, the PMs are not the issue--only the thread in question.

My other question to you was why one would only speak favorably of mods in public, and when one had a problem with moderator procedure, address it only privately? I agree that most quibbles with mods should take place privately, but one that does substantial damage to the community should result in public discussion.

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Cribs' one PM to pradtf, printed by Cribs' permission:

"You got my posting privilege revoked. Well done.
You won't have to hear from me any more in the
forums. You are now completely free to have only
your views heard. Enjoy your reign. You should
be ashamed.

Dr. Cribs"

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If anyone persistently sends abusive private messages to players here for absolutely no reason then, I would not only wish that their forum posting rights be revoked, I would be looking to see them swiftly depart from the site. Period. If people don't know how to conduct themselves and won't heed warnings then they must be shown the door.

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Originally posted by royalchicken
''it fills in a gap to some extent, but certainly doesn't explain some of the things we were talking about on PM.''

Even if Cribs sends a PM to every RHPer in which he calls us all [UNPRINTABLE] [DELETED]s, he should retain forum posting rights (provided he's not kicked off the site), because one's forum privileges, AFAIK, are related to one's conduct in the forums. Therefore, the PMs are not the issue--only the thread in question.

let's deal with this one first. there seems to be some real confusion between us.
where are you getting the idea that cribs was banned because of a PM?

in friendship,

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Originally posted by Exy
I'm sorry I have to take issue with that. If anyone persistently sends abusive private messages to players here for absolutely no reason them I would not only wish their forum posting rights were revoked, I would looking to see them swiftly depart from the site. Period. If people don't know how to conduct themselves and won't heed warnings then they most to shown the door.
I agree that abusive messages should get one kicked off the site. However, if I get kicked out of the forums, but not off the site, it should be for something I did in the forums, for the same reason one doesn't confiscate a kid's bicycle because he roller-skated too fast, unless he rollerskated fast enough to lose all wheel privileges.

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Originally posted by royalchicken
Cribs' one PM to pradtf, printed by Cribs' permission:

"You got my posting privilege revoked. Well done.
You won't have to hear from me any more in the
forums. You are now completely free to have only
your views heard. Enjoy your reign. You should
be ashamed.

Dr. Cribs"
this is quite correct. that is the PM he sent to me. i really have no idea why as i told you earlier via PM.

what is the point you are trying to make?

in friendship,

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Originally posted by pradtf
let's deal with this one first. there seems to be some real confusion between us.
where are you getting the idea that cribs was banned because of a PM?

in friendship,
I do not have that idea, Prad. I do have the idea that a discussion of Cribs' ban should not include a discussion of PMs. I posted his merely for the record, upon request. If the text of it had been objectionable, that would not matter.

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Originally posted by Exy
I would not only wish that their forum posting rights be revoked, I would be looking to see them swiftly depart from the site. Period. If people don't know how to conduct themselves and won't heed warnings then they must be shown the door.
in fact that is exactly what happened to robert1983 a little while ago.

i'm still trying to clear up what rc is talking about regarding cribs getting banned for a PM?
i don't know where that is coming from.

in friendship,

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