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What i hate about racist white trash

What i hate about racist white trash


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Originally posted by eldragonfly
Oversimplification. You seem to be using poverty as a root cause, instead of child abuse, illiteracy and lack of and/or poor parenting skills. You also seem to be ignoring the "ganster motif" as protrayed relentlessly by the media, at your own peril.
It is not an oversimplification, the other things you mentioned; illiteracy, poor parenting, child abuse, all can be traced to poverty, I defy you to prove me wrong.

As far the "gangster motif", that was a problem with Americas early Irish immigrants, as well as Italians, and a number of other groups that were (listen for it... here it comes...) in dire straits (extremely POOR) when they arrived in this country, and a tough guy persona or culture developes as a coping mechanism.

Ignore it all you want, poverty is the root of most crime, not just my opinion by the way. Read a book for God's sake.

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Originally posted by Red Night
As I recall, one of your definitions was "all white people"

I'm presuming that excludes trolls like you.
Feel free to define what white trash is however you see fit. Or you can just sit there and play deff and dubb, your call.

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Originally posted by PocketKings
If I were a mod, I would ban you just for the fun of it, just because I could. You're a waste of server space.
Irrelevant red herring PocketKings, i'm sure you can do better. And stop promoting this attitude that it's just plain dandy to go through life with having both eyes closed is a requisite ingredient.

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Originally posted by duecer
1) Okinawa was a free and independant state before being invaded by Japan.
2) we didn't start the war with Japan, but we did finish it, to the victor goes the spoils eh? In truth the Japanese government PAYS us to be there, we are a disposable army, which economically makes great sense for the Japanese.
3)To your own point, when military bases were set up o ...[text shortened]... from first hand experience, and not some cut and paste info which may or may not be accurate
Your tedious and spoonfed american ww2 propaganda isn't even worthy of a response. You should be ashamed. 😛

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Originally posted by duecer
It is not an oversimplification, the other things you mentioned; illiteracy, poor parenting, child abuse, all can be traced to poverty, I defy you to prove me wrong.
You can live an easy middle/upper middle class lifestyle and be functionally illiterate, be a poor parent, and child abuse is also an equal opportunity offender. You must be insane.

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Originally posted by duecer
It is not an oversimplification, the other things you mentioned;

Ignore it all you want, poverty is the root of most crime, not just my opinion by the way. Read a book for god's sake.
Well you could either :

1) provide some realworld proof, or
2) provide some realworld crime statitistics, or
3) define what crime is and what criminal behavior is.

That you choose to ignore the spectre of white collar crime and pc behavior seems rather questionable, that you choose to roll out this stereotypical blanket assertion that poverty is at the root of all crime idea is just a convenient and over-worked over-generalization.

Still you fail to define even what your strawman of poverty driven crime is , and of course what it is not.

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Originally posted by eldragonfly
Nothing. They are a joke, only there for entertainment.
How about racist black trash? Are they a joke also?

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Originally posted by slimjim
How about racist black trash? Are they a joke also?
God I wanted to say that too, but was afraid.

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Originally posted by slimjim
How about racist black trash? Are they a joke also?
Depends on your point of view, seems you are afraid to confront the issues.

Originally posted by eldragonfly
Depends on your point of view, seems you are afraid to confront the issues.
Afraid to confront the issues? What are you smoking?

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Originally posted by slimjim
How about racist black trash? Are they a joke also?
This seems like a very weak obfuscation tactic to me, you don't seem able to take the ideas presented here seriously.

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Originally posted by eldragonfly
This seems like a very weak obfuscation tactic to me, you don't seem able to take the ideas presented here seriously.
What that there are Black racists also? Get a life.

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Originally posted by slimjim
What that there are Black racists also? Get a life.
Slim, Slim, Slim, don't you know that according to The, ah, Rev-er-end, ah, JaJaJaJackson-ah, blacks cannot be racist because, ah, blacks have no political or other, ah, Power over White People. Makes sense to me, but then i'm a freakin moron.


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Originally posted by slimjim
What that there are Black racists also? Get a life.
Define your black racist, after all you look rather silly.

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Originally posted by smw6869
Makes sense to me, but then i'm a freakin moron.
You won't get any argument from me.

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