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What i hate about racist white trash

What i hate about racist white trash


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Originally posted by uzless
Ohhh, i get it. Moving American troops from America to Okinawa is NOT called an invasion. It is called a RESPONSE. And never leaving Okinawa is not called an occupation, it is called a constitutionally approved long stay.

Right, I wonder why the constitution was amended. Could it be because the Japanese lost the war and... well let's cut/paste someone ...[text shortened]... me crazy but I think i might be a bit pissed at the US military if I lived in Okinawa.
That's a hard-hitting perspective Uz.

A "helicopter" view of a situation, as most of us have, is all very well, but without on-the-ground scaling, it is still just a faraway snapshot, and a poor basis for reliable decision-making.

I can't speak for others, but I, for one, appreciate your post.


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Originally posted by Palynka
It must be tough being half-English.
I'm not half-English. 😕

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Originally posted by Crowley
Ride the short bus, did you?
No I don't, so your seat is safe.

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Originally posted by darvlay
Sorry, I would ahve to say that is not racism. Discrimination? Maybe.
But what is racism but souped up and modified discrimination, with a generous amount of irrational bias and childlike ignorance thrown in for good measure? The two are almost indistinguishable, to almost all mainstream american work/dumboholics.

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Originally posted by Zadadka
You said "So let's talk about racist white trash already." with a couple of smilies... I took that as an attitude change from you and I responded in kind.

Yes, you did say "almost", I apologise for the oversight.
I don't make things up eldragonfly, but I can make mistakes like anyone else, feel free to point any out...but if you're going to revert to the one more go :
...so how do you define who is not white trash amongst the whites then?
i put the smilies in because i think you are more or less "behind the curve" when it comes to critical thinking skillz. i have already defined my version/working definition of what white trash is, but not what it is not, you can make up your own definition if it suits you.

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Originally posted by Phlabibit
There surely is. Why not explain yourself at the risk of sounding like an idiot for something you are obviously missing in my statement.

You're not stating anything original, of course not, nor even intelligently confronting the issues here, so i will just choose to ignore your lopsided and specious ramblings from here on out. 😛

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Originally posted by Ice Cold
If you hate white trash, you are yourself a racist.
Good call. Let's keep that energy going.

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Originally posted by Red Night
So, your true colors come shing through.

Spoken like a member of the KKK.
Whatever reed blight. This can be covered in many topics, including Race, Crime, Prejudice, and Fear.
Let's start here:

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Originally posted by duecer
statistics don't lie, but niether do they tell the truth. Of the violent crimes commited by blacks in America, how many of them came from homes, or were raised in homes below the poverty level? Most of them.
The simple truth, is that poverty is the root cause of most crime, after that come crimes of passion, then sex, then greed, blacks have been convicted of the last 3 at the same rate as whites, or any other segment of the population.
Again, that's not the whole story. I will return to this.

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Originally posted by duecer
The simple truth, is that poverty is the root cause of most crime, after that come crimes of passion, then sex, then greed, blacks have been convicted of the last 3 at the same rate as whites, or any other segment of the population.
Oversimplification. You seem to be using poverty as a root cause, instead of child abuse, illiteracy and lack of and/or poor parenting skills. You also seem to be ignoring the "ganster motif" as protrayed relentlessly by the media, at your own peril.

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Originally posted by eldragonfly
i put the smilies in because i think you are more or less "behind the curve" when it comes to critical thinking skillz. i have already defined my version/working definition of what white trash is, but not what it is not, you can make up your own definition if it suits you.
Wrong again.
You have NEVER actually defined anything, that's why people get frustrated with you...you dance divinely, but your people skills suck.

But, fair enough, whatever....no-one can say I didn't try to be civil, or attempt to get you to be.

My earlier translation of your "contributions" was entirely accurate.

Whatever it is that is jammed up your butt needs removing before you can function properly ... seek help.
Unless you only act like this because of your anonymity here, in which case, you are simply another troll.

Ridicule my assessment by all means, and I have no doubt you will, but I won't be responding to you anymore....you have nothing valid to say, and you are simply are not worth further effort.

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i did define exactly what i meant by white trash, at least twice. Also it is important that there be some leeway and flexibility in the definition, that ones own intuitive definition should also apply. 😉 😛

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Originally posted by eldragonfly
i did define exactly what i meant by white trash, at least twice. Also it is important that there be some leeway and flexibility in the definition, that ones own intuitive definition should also apply. 😉 😛
As I recall, one of your definitions was "all white people"

I'm presuming that excludes trolls like you.

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Originally posted by eldragonfly
i did define exactly what i meant by white trash, at least twice. Also it is important that there be some leeway and flexibility in the definition, that ones own intuitive definition should also apply. 😉 😛
If I were a mod, I would ban you just for the fun of it, just because I could. You're a waste of server space.

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Originally posted by uzless
Ohhh, i get it. Moving American troops from America to Okinawa is NOT called an invasion. It is called a RESPONSE. And never leaving Okinawa is not called an occupation, it is called a constitutionally approved long stay.

Right, I wonder why the constitution was amended. Could it be because the Japanese lost the war and... well let's cut/paste someone ...[text shortened]... me crazy but I think i might be a bit pissed at the US military if I lived in Okinawa.
1) Okinawa was a free and independant state before being invaded by Japan.
2) we didn't start the war with Japan, but we did finish it, to the victor goes the spoils eh? In truth the Japanese government PAYS us to be there, we are a disposable army, which economically makes great sense for the Japanese.
3)To your own point, when military bases were set up on Okinawa, their was nothing but a bunch of pig farmers there.. Naha, the largest city in Okinawa, did not have a single building standing after the war, not so much as a shack. (the Japanese did most of that, not the US)
4) What I personally experienced was racism, not a resentment of military occupation. While in the military, I went only to those places friendly to the military, as is customary. After I got out, I lived and worked there in civilian jobs off base, going places, and meeting people as a civilian, that'sa where I encountered racism. The Japanese people have to much respect for authority to be so blatantly rude to a guest of their government.
5) My post's come from first hand experience, and not some cut and paste info which may or may not be accurate

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