Originally posted by skeeterSkeeter, why the name calling???
Behaviour breeds behaviour. It's obviously good enough to hold your attention and elicit replies. So who are you calling boring faggot.
My kids behave themselves better, show more respect towards other people and understand more about being a good sport then you, XNZ and some other people on this site!
Could you all please grow up and act like adults instead of little children.
Originally posted by stockenI don't think anyone on the site would think like that, if someone does I suggest they have a glance at the (long) list of skeeter's tournament victories to settle that line of arguement.
How delightful. You didn't know? I just recently found out, myself. Arrakis? He's not a she.
See, arrakis is of the belief that men are superior to women (it would seem) and that would be the real reason he started a ladies only tournament. Because ladies wouldn't (in his apparent opinion, mind you) stand a chance in a mixed tournament.
{he he he... I'm so wicked it hurts... he he he}
Let the wordbashing commence... 😏
Originally posted by Loose ScrewThis from someone with a loose screw and has issues with losing? Jesus wept.
Skeeter, why the name calling???
My kids behave themselves better, show more respect towards other people and understand more about being a good sport then you, XNZ and some other people on this site!
Could you all please grow up and act like adults instead of little children.
I'm not going to answer all the little imbecilic things I've seen in this thread. I've said my piece.
However, I cannot refrain from saying one thing that has been on my mind lately.
Hey, Skeeter... isn't the reason for you stalking Xanthos and threatening him with the public release of info about him merely to get him to remove himself from this tourney? He has said that he will remove himself if you desist in your efforts to publicly humiliate him. So why not back off and see if he will do as he said he will? Sounds like a win-win situation to me, unless your real reason for all this has nothing at all to do with this tournament.
Now Arrakis... I believe Xanthos has a point. My opinion is that you should have Russ dissolve this tournament and then work out in a new thread (perhaps two, one in Tournaments and one here) who wants to play in a Ladies Only Tournament. Call it what you like, an Open, an Invitational, I don't care. But be clear that only entries from women will be accepted. Then, once you have an acceptable number of entries (which might take a while, since you should realize that a lesser percentage of women read (or post, at least) the forums than men), you take the entries you've tabulated and take that to Russ and say you want a tournament with these people in it. Simple as pie, and without all the bickering and immaturity.
At least think about it. As it stands, I am NOT re-entering this tournament. And the reason there weren't more women entered is because they saw all the males entered and said to themselves, "what's the point?" If you just took names and guaranteed no males in our tourney, more women would enter, I'm sure of it. Don't give up, just change your method... your vision can still become a reality. 🙂
Originally posted by stockenIt never ceases to amaze me how many people tell everyone else what someone thinks. If you are a mind reader, stocken, you aren't very good at it.
How delightful. You didn't know? I just recently found out, myself. Arrakis? He's not a she.
See, arrakis is of the belief that men are superior to women (it would seem) and that would be the real reason he started a ladies only tournament. Because ladies wouldn't (in his apparent opinion, mind you) stand a chance in a mixed tournament.
{he he he... I'm so wicked it hurts... he he he}
Let the wordbashing commence... 😏
Originally posted by SuzianneI have to disagree with you that Xanthos has a point. The tournament is called the 2006 Ladies Open. That means it's open to LADIES ONLY!
I'm not going to answer all the little imbecilic things I've seen in this thread. I've said my piece.
However, I cannot refrain from saying one thing that has been on my mind lately.
Hey, Skeeter... isn't the reason for you stalking Xanthos and threatening him with the public release of info about him merely to get him to remove himself from this tou ...[text shortened]... on't give up, just change your method... your vision can still become a reality. 🙂
The fact that Russ does not have a program to keep males out DOES NOT JUSTIFY MALE ENTRY.
Besides, the tournament has been open for a week and there are many girls looking forward to it starting up very soon.
Xanthos said he would drop out of the tournament. I'm going to see if he's a man of his word or a liar.
Originally posted by arrakisI would say the problem is that you cannot really organise a tournament and apply conditions strictly when it is over the internet. For example, you only know that males have joined because they have disclosed in the past that they are male (through forums, profiles etc.).
I have to disagree with you that Xanthos has a point. The tournament is called the 2006 Ladies Open. That means it's open to LADIES ONLY!
The fact that Russ does not have a program to keep males out DOES NOT JUSTIFY MALE ENTRY.
Besides, the tournament has been open for a week and there are many girls looking forward to it starting up very soon.
Xantho ...[text shortened]... id he would drop out of the tournament. I'm going to see if he's a man of his word or a liar.
If all of them remained anonymous in the past and happened to join a woman's tournament, you would be none the wiser and would have to assume them to be female.
I would say that what Xanthos suggested is a more reliable method to get just women to join, but you would just have to accept that it would never be 100% certain (unless you have met all of them joining personally, but even then you might not be sure they are female!
😵 ).
Originally posted by Starrmanactually he said in a previous post in the general forum he would drop out if russ asked him too...the only problem is i couldn't give too hoots whether he does or not anymore and i'm certainly not wasting my time pm'ing russ just so xanthos can stop having his big forum wobbler. At least you had the balls to admit you were just in it for a laugh and then pull out but xanthosina as usual just goes too far.
He said he'd drop out if skeeter resigned from her ridiculous crusade, not that he'd just drop out.
I certainly hope skeeter doesn't carry out her threat as i wouldn't want her to get into any trouble...but if she wants to pass over the info to someone who hasn't got anything to lose 😛.
Originally posted by wucky3I'll pm it to you, and for that matter to anyone else who would like to know, for whatever reason.
actually he said in a previous post in the general forum he would drop out if russ asked him too...the only problem is i couldn't give too hoots whether he does or not anymore and i'm certainly not wasting my time pm'ing russ just so xanthos can stop having his big forum wobbler. At least you had the balls to admit you were just in it for a laugh and then pul ...[text shortened]... wants to pass over the info to someone who hasn't got anything to lose 😛.
.....I hear those drums.....
Originally posted by arrakisFair enough. If you're not doing this because you consider us men to be better (or not as good as) women (it's the generalization as such), I can see only one reason for it. You're doing this to figure out where the females are. My first assumption is you're trying to expand your pimping business. Am I any closer?
It never ceases to amaze me how many people tell everyone else what someone thinks. If you are a mind reader, stocken, you aren't very good at it.