Originally posted by chasparosAfter 2....,Qe4 3.g3 checkmate.
Darn.. I just cant let go once Ive started thinking about one of these....
1.Bd8+ g5
2.Ba5 (threatens mate at e1)
2. ... Qe4
3. Bc7 Qf4+
4. g3+ Qxg3+
5. Bxg3#
better is:
2. ... Qe2
3. Bc7 Qf2
4. Be5 Qe1
5. g3+ Qxg3+
6. Bxg3#
As with the last... I'm almost afraid of making this post...
After 4.Be5,g4! and the black king escapes because white can't check on f6,it's covered by black's queen.Therefore I think your line but with the improvement of 4.Bd6 is the correct answer.
Sir Lot.
Originally posted by SirLoseALotcorrect!
1.Bd8+,g5 2.Ba5,Qe2 3.Bc7,Qf2 4.Bd6! and black has no moves!
4...,g4? 5.Be7+,Qf6 6.Bxf6 checkmate
4....,Qf4+? 5.g3+,Qxg3,Bxg3 checkmate
any other move allows g3+ with mate to follow or Bg3 checkmate.
None of you addressed the other possibility for white: 1.Bd8+ g4 2.Ba5 Qf2 (instead of e2). But the zugzwang is still there after 3.Bc7.
edit: of course you understand that white still has to play a bit after 4. ... Qg1+ 5.Kxg1 g4 ...
Originally posted by SirLoseALotOK, let's cooperate. My first move is 1.c4. The variations leading to 7 moves in my attemps are 1. ... Qc6, 1.... Qe2+ or Qg2+. Whereas 1. ... Qe2+ leads to mate in 6.
I'm missing more.I can't keep black alive for longer than 5 moves π
In each of the above variations, white's second move is Kb3 (aiming at a4 where no check is possible because the queen covers d1).
Originally posted by Mephisto21.c4,Qe2+ 2.Kb3,Qf3+ 3.Ka4,Qc6+ 4.b5+,Qxb5+ 5.cxb5 checkmate is my line.
OK, let's cooperate. My first move is 1.c4. The variations leading to 7 moves in my attemps are 1. ... Qc6, 1.... Qe2+ or Qg2+. Whereas 1. ... Qe2+ leads to mate in 6.
In each of the above variations, white's second move is Kb3 (aiming at a4 where no check is possible because the queen covers d1).
I didn't think of 1...,Qc6,will examine that now.