Only Chess
24 Jan 05
Originally posted by the jitty slitterIt's all about the timing: 21. ... Rd8 22. Qd3 c5 23. Qe1 Ra6 24. d4xc5 looks a lot better for white.
I agree with this to a point, but c5 seems stronger with rd8 already played and rd8 prevents Qc3 (rxe5 next move), giving white extra problems
An immediate c5 seems to lead to a roughly level position according to the triple thread analysis above from I.
Which we play i guess depends on what white plays in response to rd8?
how is that defended or made irrelevant?
While both moves (c5 and d8) look playable, I'd plump for c5 immediately, and not later, on the grounds that:
1. It's a forcing move and white has to react.
2. It contests for space and the centre.
There's a subtle difference between the two possible moves, but Rd8 is too passive for my liking. You've fought hard to wrestle away the initiative, so why hand it back? With c5, white is forced to be reactive. I'd rather play the more aggressive move than give him some breathing space.
Originally posted by AponeActually, this is an interesting option for white which I initially discounted: if 21. ... c5 22. dxc5 rxc5 23. Qa3 Qc7 24. Nd3 (attacks the rook) Rd8 (pins the knight) 25. Qxa7 Rxh5 makes for an interesting position with both sides having pawn majorities on either flank. The sequence looks pretty much forced.
2) If he does capture dxc5 we allow him to open d file with him being there ahead of us.
Bug'rit - on general principle, I still go for c5.
Originally posted by buffalobillIt might be... Actually it was schakuhr's original suggestion. It does seem more flexible 😉
Better I think is: 23. ... Ra6 which brings the rook more into play. Followed by 24. dxe6 Rxe6 and the knight has to move.
What about White ignoring the pawn exchange and playing 24. Rf3 (?)
Originally posted by buffalobillIt's all about the timing: 21. ... Rd8 22. Qd3 c5 23. Qe1 Ra6 24. d4xc5 looks a lot better for white.
It's all about the timing: 21. ... Rd8 22. Qd3 c5 23. Qe1 Ra6 24. d4xc5 looks a lot better for white.
While both moves (c5 and d8) look playable, I'd plump for c5 immediately, and not later, on the grounds that:
1. It's a forcing m ...[text shortened]... play the more aggressive move than give him some breathing space.
21. ..Rd8 22. Qd3? Rxe5 -+
I think you meant Qe3.
If it's Qe3, then this line looks good for black:
24. dxc5 Rxd1+ 25. Qxd1 Qxc5 and we don't have any trouble, the white knight is pinned and white will have to work to defend it.
Originally posted by schakuhrSorry. You're right about 22. Qe3
[b]It's all about the timing: 21. ... Rd8 22. Qd3 c5 23. Qe1 Ra6 24. d4xc5 looks a lot better for white.
21. ..Rd8 22. Qd3? Rxe5 -+
I think you meant Qe3.
If it's Qe3, then this line looks good for black:
24. dxc5 Rxd1+ 25. Qxd1 Qxc5 and we don't have any trouble, the white knight is pinned and white will have to work to defend it.
In your analysis, 26. Qe2 covers all the bases and then you've got the f7 pawn to worry about.
This stuff makes my head hurt...
Originally posted by ilywrinIn 3), what if instead of 25.d5 white plays 25.b4 ?
Game 868388
Okay, let's summarize (so that others don't have to read to everything before).
[b]After 21...c5
1)22.dxc5? Qxc5 is attacking the Knight at e5. If 23.Nd3 Qxh5 seems good for Black. So here Black seems OK;
2)22.d5 exd5 23.Qc3! Ra6 24.cxd5 Rd8 /but not 24...N ...[text shortened]... and Black seem ok.
3)22.Qc3! Qc7!?23.d5 exd5 24.cxd Rd8 and further as in 2)
25.b4 cxb4 26.Qxb4 looks dangerous