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IronMan31 V Rest of RHP

IronMan31 V Rest of RHP

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Originally posted by schakuhr
I say Nd7, to provoke Nxf7.

Edit: the point was: 21. ...Nd7 22. Nxf7 Rf5! 23. Rxf5 exf5 24. Nd5 Nxd5 25. exd5 Qxd5.

It doesn't look good though, because 22. Qc3! Ra4/a6 23. Nxd7 Qxd7 24. d5! rips our position apart.
Your notation is off I think.


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Originally posted by Ragnorak
Your notation is off I think.

I meant 24. Ne5 Nxe5 25. dxe5 Qxe5 in the first line.

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Originally posted by schakuhr
I say Nd7, to provoke Nxf7.

Edit: the point was: 21. ...Nd7 22. Nxf7 Rf5! 23. Rxf5 exf5 24. Nd5 Nxd5 25. exd5 Qxd5.

It doesn't look good though, because 22. Qc3! Ra4/a6 23. Nxd7 Qxd7 24. d5! rips our position apart.
I dunno, I think we might need a sac to try to get some counterplay, so how about?

21...Nd7 22. Qc3 Nxe5 23. Qxa5 Nxc4 24. Qxa7 Qb4 25. b3 Na3+ should get us at least a draw?

Am I missing something?


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Originally posted by Ragnorak
I dunno, I think we might need a sac to try to get some counterplay, so how about?

21...Nd7 22. Qc3 Nxe5 23. Qxa5 Nxc4 24. Qxa7 Qb4 25. b3 Na3+ should get us at least a draw?

Am I missing something?

what if he refuses the sacrifice with 23. dxe5!? ?
Or if he plays 24. Qc5.

21...Nd7 22. Qc3 Nxe5 23. Qxa5 Nxc4 24. Qxa7 Qb4 25. b3 Na3+ 26. Kb2 Nc4+ 27. Kc2 and then? 27. ...Na3+ 28. Kd3 and the attack is over. dont know if we can get something out of it.

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Originally posted by schakuhr
what if he refuses the sacrifice with 23. dxe5!? ?
Or if he plays 24. Qc5.

21...Nd7 22. Qc3 Nxe5 23. Qxa5 Nxc4 24. Qxa7 Qb4 25. b3 Na3+ 26. Kb2 Nc4+ 27. Kc2 and then? 27. ...Na3+ 28. Kd3 and the attack is over. dont know if we can get something out of it.
Refusing with 23. dxe5 is no problem. I think we have a bit of a problem on the f-file at the moment, as he can bring forward his g pawn, and we have no way of further reinforcing out pieces, so the way I see it, we're going to lose a pawn there eventually as things stand. If he refuses the sac, then we have gotten rid of that problem and are at parity with him.

24. Qc5 is a big problem. I missed that.


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If ...c5

then white advancing the d-pawn to to d5 seems bad for us straight away without looking further. Does any one agree on that?

Losing control over d5 is disasterous for us. So looks like we would in fact need to prep for c5 with Rd8

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what do we play against 21. ...c5 22. dxc5 ?
and 22. Qc3.

Edit: as pointed out by the jitty slitter, 22. d5 doesn't seem nice too.

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Originally posted by schakuhr
what do we play against 21. ...c5 22. dxc5 ?
and 22. Qc3.

Edit: as pointed out by the jitty slitter, 22. d5 doesn't seem nice too.
Well let me give some thoughts:
After 22.dxc5? Qxc5 is attacking the Knight at e5. If 23.Nd3 Qxh5 seems good for Black. So here Black is OK;
22.Qc3!? Qc7 23.d5! Nxh5 24.d6! Qb6 25.d7+ Kb8 26.Rxf7 + - and the pawn will be promoted. Huge material loss on Black's part, variation is almost forced;
and lastly:
22.d5! exf5 again puts pressure on the knight at e5 23.Qc3! and things look grim after 23...Qc7 24.cxd5 and the "d"-pawn is going to cause a lot of trouble. Stable positional advantage and clear domination of White's pieces .
So it seems 21...c5 is an adventourous move that ruins Black's position and is based only upon the blundering 22.dxc5? on White's part.

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Originally posted by ilywrin
Well let me give some thoughts:
After 22.dxc5? Qxc5 is attacking the Knight at e5. If 23.Nd3 Qxh5 seems good for Black. So here Black is OK;
22.Qc3!? Qc7 23.d5! Nxh5 24.d6! Qb6 25.d7+ Kb8 26.Rxf7 + - and the pawn will be promoted. Huge material loss on Black's part, variation is almost forced;
and lastly:
22.d5! exf5 again puts pressure on the knight at ...[text shortened]... that ruins Black's position and is based only upon the blundering 22.dxc5? on White's part.
Well let me give some thoughts:
After 22.dxc5? Qxc5 is attacking the Knight at e5. If 23.Nd3 Qxh5 seems good for Black. So here Black is OK;
22.Qc3!? Qc7 23.d5! Nxh5 24.d6! Qb6 25.d7+ Kb8 26.Rxf7 + - and the pawn will be promoted. Huge material loss on Black's part, variation is almost forced;

What about 23. ...Ra6 ? (in both variations)

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Originally posted by schakuhr

What about 23. ...Ra6 ? (in both variations)
I presume you mean after 23.Qc3!? and after 23.d5!?
Okay, to start with the first.
23.Qc3!? Ra6 24.dxc5 Qxc5 25.Rfd4! and White has full control over the "d"- file; the knight is invincible:25...Qxe5 26.Rd8+ Rxd8 27.Rxd8+ Kxd8 28.Qxe5 +- and Black's position is too uncomfortable.

Next comes
23.d5 exd5 24.Qc3! Ra6 25.cxd5 Rd8 /25...Nxh5? 26.Qh3+/ 26.Rc4 Rxd5 27.Rxd5 Nxd5 28.Rxc5+ Nc7 with an unclear position;
Have to look at that more closely... It does not seem that bad now.

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I meant after 21. ...c5 22. Qc3!? Qc7 23. d5!
and after 21. ...c5 22. d5! exd5 23. Qc3.

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Originally posted by schakuhr
I meant after 21. ...c5 22. Qc3!? Qc7 23. d5!
and after 21. ...c5 22. d5! exd5 23. Qc3.
I have given the line for the second in my previous post /staring with "Next comes..."/(just messed up the notation/ or was it altered move order?). Seems to leave Black in the game.
As for the first, I seem to like it even better. White has to take care of the
"h"-pawn, which would give Black the much needed tempo for Rd8.
Hehehe,serves me well I quess, I should learn to look at all possibilities before jumping to conclusions.

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I think we can count c5 out unless we can prevent d5 by white

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Originally posted by schakuhr

after 21. ...c5 22. d5! exd5 23. Qc3.[/b]
23.. Ra6
24. cd

with the threat of 25 rc4 to follow?

24... Qd6 may hold it together

edit: no it doesn't - rd8 as above

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22.d5 exd5 23.Qc3! Ra6 24.cxd5 Rd8 /24...Nxh5? 25.Qh3+/ 25.Rc4 Rxd5 26.Rxd5 Nxd5 27.Rxc5+ Nc7 and Black seem ok.

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