Originally posted by typenFrom my post on page 1:
Wow, I didn't even know there was a prize other than expanding one's chess knowlege! A nice suprise! 🙂
Alright I added some more people to the list and I'm just waiting to hear back from 7 more players and we can continue.
Puzzle 1
Kevin Mcfarland
Falco Lombardi
Shinidoki 1
Loki74 1
MoneyMaker 1
typen 1
HandyAndy 1
ckon1965 1
prenshaw84 1
omulcusobolani 1
vipiu 1
I'm giving particpation points Just like kindergarden hey? Then the winners will get some sort of a prize. So far I got the following ideas:
online Lecture, opening analysis (like an opening tree), 20 puzzles from my lamaza training.
I got a few right answers so far. Some were wrong and other were to detailed and wrong but I don't care as long as you tried.
Originally posted by RahimKHey where's my point, i replied :'(
From my post on page 1:
Alright I added some more people to the list and I'm just waiting to hear back from 7 more players and we can continue.
Puzzle 1
Kevin Mcfarland
Falco Lombardi
Shinidoki 1
Loki74 1
MoneyMaker 1
typen 1
HandyAndy 1
ckon1965 1
prenshaw84 1
omulcu . Some were wrong and other were to detailed and wrong but I don't care as long as you tried.
i just resent it
Originally posted by RahimKwhere is my point I replied? Did u recive it?
From my post on page 1:
Alright I added some more people to the list and I'm just waiting to hear back from 7 more players and we can continue.
Puzzle 1
Kevin Mcfarland
Falco Lombardi
Shinidoki 1
Loki74 1
MoneyMaker 1
typen 1
HandyAndy 1
ckon1965 1
prenshaw84 1
omulcu ...[text shortened]... . Some were wrong and other were to detailed and wrong but I don't care as long as you tried.
Originally posted by RahimKOpenings...for that level...you'll have a hell of a time teaching that. Everyone plays different openings and there's no way you know most of them very well at all. You COULD give them lines - but that won't be doing them much good when 90% of their opponents seem to think book moves aren't good moves.
From my post on page 1:
Alright I added some more people to the list and I'm just waiting to hear back from 7 more players and we can continue.
Puzzle 1
Kevin Mcfarland
Falco Lombardi
Shinidoki 1
Loki74 1
MoneyMaker 1
typen 1
HandyAndy 1
ckon1965 1
prenshaw84 1
omulcu ...[text shortened]... . Some were wrong and other were to detailed and wrong but I don't care as long as you tried.
Originally posted by RahimKSorry, but what is PM?
From my other thread, it looks like a lot of people are interested so I will give this another try. I will go over a master game explaining the moves as best I can and I will post some puzzles inbetween for you guys to solve. Note that I don't like discussing the opening and variations to much. Once all of you try it and send my your answers, I will post the ...[text shortened]... don't use physical boards or chess engines. They will be easy puzzles.
And now the game:
Alright here are the comments I got about the position, PUZZLE 1, incase you guys are interested in them. I removed the names of the players and put 2 lines between the post for different players:
d5 - seems to open up some fertile attack options. How much time are we meant to think about these things for?
Alright maybe my notation will improve as well
13. w In the spirit of attacking with tempo I say Ne5
13. b Black's queen has only 2 safe squares to run to, c8 and d8, let us say d8 because it gives black more mobility with his queen while moving it out of immediate danger and still threatening whites d4 pawn
14. w Bb5+ This seemed strange at first, but with the knight on its currant square white can develop a plan
14. b c6 Very logical. Relieve the preasure on blacks king with tempo.
15. w Nxc6 Now the knight that is on e5 takes c6. (what?!?!)
15. b bxc6 Black's pawn simply captures the knight.
16. w Bxc6+ Now white takes the pawn and checks blacks king and with the queen where it is it won't be able to capture back and after the king moves out of danger (no more castle is the whole reason of this long chain) white takes black's rook and the queen recaptures.
Material lost:
W = 1 knight, 1 bishop = 6 pawns
B = 1 pawn, 1 rook = 6 pawns
The differance is now blacks position is terribly unorganised while no material was lost or won. I hope I got the answer right!
Well, on second thought, that Ne5 move is not good after all. The d pawn is going to go sooner or later. Might as well make full use of it. 13. d5! The queen can't take it, because of the knight. The bishop also can't take it. If the bishop moves, then there is that possible check along the e file. I think this would be a good way to handle the position as white.
I know I wasn't on the list but this looks like fun and I hope you won't be bothered if I'll try and send solutions as well. I think the correct move is 13.d5, black either looses the bishop or gets mated if he tries to hang on to it, I'll try and give some variations 13.d5 Bxd5 14.Nxd5 Qxd5 15 Re1+ Kd8 16Be4 (and black looses his queen or gets mated), i think the best defense for black is 13d5 Bxd5 14.Nxd5 0-0-0 but after Nxb6 axb6 Be2 black is up a piece for 2pawns, I hope i got this right but it wasn't as easy as you made it sound.Oh and congratulations on your nice thread.
As I said in my forum post I only joined up to redhotpawn last night so I didn't have time to sign up for lessons. Having said that, just to brag about actually being able to work out a chess problem for once, the answer is 13. d5, Black can't take that pawn or it leads to bad things for him. 13..Bg4 is his best move but after 14..Re1, he is forced to move his king, hence denying him the ability to castle and keeps his King in the center.
Ok...I must confess I cheated on this one....
With no cheating (no analysis board) I thought:
d5 Bxd5 Nxd5 Qxd5 Re1+ Kd8 Qe1
But with the analysis board:
d5 Bxd5 Nxd5 Qxd5 Re1+ Kd8 Bf5! c6 Re5...
Bb5 pinning the queen.
I would go for 13. d5 ( Bxd5 14. Nxd5 Qxd5 I did not think too much about this position, but I like it a lot for white=>for sure there is some sharp shot soon, maybe even Re1+ now, maybe something else... )
Instead of my previous Re1+ I prefer first Bb5+, because if Q takes B Re1+ follows killing(Re1+ Ne7 Rxe7+ Kf8 Qd7 and it is +-...
So maybe after 13 d5 black should not take...maybe it should go for 13 ...Bg4, and after that I would go with Bb5 or Re1+ for white
Anyway, I like 13. d5
My first impulse is Qa4 to dislodge the black queen from its protective square. Could follow with Bb5 to maintain pressure and delay black from castling. Incidentally, isn't black's 4th move ...Bxb4? or am I missing something? --HandyAndy
13 Ne5.
attack the queen and stop a queenside castle.
My suggestion is 13. d5. After 13. d5 Bxd5 14. Nxd5 Qxd5 15. Re1+, white has a good attack, an open file leading to the king, and 15...Ne7 to block the check loses a piece. Black must forfeit the right to castle.
I think I would push the d pawn to d5 forcing the e file back open and getting it some protection from the knight.
knight e5 sorry I have had little time to look @ it this time Thanks for taking the time to teach
I saw another sequence that seems plausible.
13. w Bb5
13. b c6
14. w Ne5
14. b ??? then I'm not sure which move black would choose.
I'm not changing my answer. I stick by the first answer I sent you. I just find it exhilarating searching for the answers to problems, and for some reason the answer does not immediately reveal itself in this problem.
I'm glad that you changed your mind about leaving and I'd like to jump in on this thread if you have no objection, just promise not to call me ungrateful ;-). For the current position I'm thinking the following:
13 d5 Bxd5 14 Nxd5 Qxd5 15 Re1+
This line traps Black's King in the center and gives white 2 Bishops vs. Knight and Bishop in an open position.
Hello RahimK. If it is possible I would like to join the Chess Puzzle Group you currently are running.
My answer would be Re1.
Puzzle 1
Kevin Mcfarland 1
Falco Lombardi 1
Shinidoki 1
Loki74 1
MoneyMaker 1
typen 1
huckleberryhound 1
HandyAndy 1
ckon1965 1
prenshaw84 1
omulcusobolani 1
vipiu 1
skyking 1
BLReid 1
khan 1
Hm...the formating it messy. I'll see if it works better on my blog. I'm following this thread on there also.
Answers I got:
13.Ne5, 13.Qa4, 13.Bb5, 13.Re1 13.d5
13.Ne5 Qxd4 loosing the pawn and now white has to protect the e5 knight and black can castle 0-0-0.
13.Qa4 Qxa4 then 14… 0-0-0 or 13…0-0-0 right away.
13.Bb5 c6 14.d5 cxd5 15.Ne5 It’s just to messy and complicated.
13.Re1 Nf6 or 0-0-0. This move is to slow and allows black’s king to get away.
The key is to stop black from castling and attacking his king. White needs to attack fast and prevent black from castling. Thus d5 is right. The pawn is in the way and can be used as a can opener. Pawns are great to pry open files and are dispensable especially in beginning and middlegame. Development is more important in the early stages of the game. If black castles, then he loses his bishop. If he doesn’t castle then he gets roasted on the open file.
Originally posted by RahimKTo be really straightforward, Rahim, do you honestly think this way of training is going to get these guys over 1400? The NEED to be practicing many tactics everyday, especially tactics that challenge them. And endgames are also EXTREMELY important and need to be studied often. Add into this time management, and planning - which I think are about the only two things covered in the puzzles you're giving.
Yes I'm just getting ready to post the end of the game. First puzzle was easy right? The rest will be the same. Not very detailed and simple, the concept is important.